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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. So true but he likes sketch up. True that is a subscription. I found someone with Chief skills to step in if needed
  2. I'm going on a 15 day vacation and the Architect I produce plans for is concerned that a plan issue may come up while I'm away. I have uploaded all the relevant folders to my DropBox & given him access. But all he can do is modify pdf & he works in Sketch-up. So I thought he may start a trial version for $200 if he actually needed to modify the files. I don't have a lap top so that is not an option. If the trial version is X16 he could download the plan & layout file to do modifications don't you think? What do you think?
  3. Those are STACKED washer & Dryer. The Combo W&D are somewhat new. You use the front load to wash & then it turns into a dryer.
  4. I didn't see one ether. $5.00 for this one
  5. I just had a plan rejected because it did not list all the codes. This is commercial but residential is almost as bad. No seismic here.
  6. This is a 26X30 shed with gable ends. So the wall & suspended floor that carry the roof load needs 3 perimeter beams. While the gable ends only need 2 floor beams. Can you use auto floor framing & still get 3 floor beams on 2 walls only?
  7. Mick, Not sure how much I want to invest too much in any upgrades as I may retire next year. (76 in May) Looking at the RTX 3060 & the RTX 4060 to run on my current machine. (yes the signature is current) Looking at reviews 4060 fared better.
  8. Thanks for the Heads-Up Yes mine says No on the Hardware Ray Trace. So I have to find out if the newer Video card will run on my motherboard & CPU
  9. This is a great technique. I'll have to try more of it after taking my wife to lunch. BTW my computer only takes about 12 seconds to update to the new background.
  10. This is PBR. But I'm so unskilled at setting it up. Plus I sloped the front yard & the concrete is 3D solids that don't slope.
  11. One fella I work for does the presentation house in SketchUp & then I create construction documents. I can't match the views. (My short comings)
  12. When I open Chief for the first time I see a window that says "Cashing Files" & I see many ZIP files from previous jobs flashing in the window. What is going on there?
  13. Its the wall type, needs main layer as shown here. 2403-EC.plan
  14. How would you make this pattern show up in vector & standard view. This is a sketchup model.
  15. Yes, 2 ea 12/12 pitch roofs & then filled the roof with skylights. Gable end walls with windows that match roof pitch. Pretty much followed the example in the link.
  16. Thanks for the tips fellas. I'll give both a try.