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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. I have been adding my window & door schedules to CAD Details then sending to layouts. The problem I have is when the table grows due to added doors & windows the added items can be missing from view. Also when the table width changes. When you send to layout it creates a minimum size opening for the table & you must remember to expand that when you alter the schedule. Any thoughts on how to better manage this situation. At 68 I'm not learning as fast as I once did. So remembering to check that table height in Layout gets overlooked.
  2. Oh I already kissed the wife.
  3. Here too, If the door swings out over the stair a landing is required.
  4. Thanks Scott but I will have to wait another 2 hours before I can feed the dog. I'll get back to you then.
  5. See post #9 for the working file. That one has a room
  6. OK this is what I got from Tec Support <Quote>I am not sure exactly WHY it is happening in this plan but I can only get it to align if I adjust the 4th floor walls to stucco-4. Then Align with wall below. Then I turn them back to Stucco-6 and don't touch them again. They are aligned on the outside edge in 3d and in the reference view.</Quote> I'm not sure ether but I can get other plans to align properly.
  7. I don't think he was the one asking the question.
  8. Looking at this again. The line exist as a target, a fixed property line. I was hoping to align the core (main layer) of the wall to that line. Appears there is no method to do so unless the wall type is symmetrical. I'm still having issues with that railing wall so I sent it to Tech Support. Let's see what they have to say. Thanks for your time & expertise.
  9. Eric, Thanks for looking. Attached is the working plan. Try to align the railing wall in this plan. It has a room. MacDill RH-Unit
  10. I can't see why this wall will not align with the wall below.
  11. Attached is a sample taken from the building I am working on. The center line is a property line that the foundation block centers on. All wall types above that need to center the CMU portion on that line. Or put another way, the main layers of the wall need to align on there edge. Is there a tool to center the main layer on a line when the wall is not symmetrical? The other item I was talking about is on the wall jog where one wall type is on one floor & the other type is above it. I expected the wall align tool to align the edge of the main layers. WALL TYPES.plan
  12. With all you time in Chief I thought it would be an obvious answer. I'll post a plan when I return. Should have been gone already. Oh well late to another meeting.
  13. Having some issues with Aligning Exterior Wall type on floors. I have the following wall definitions in my plan: 8" CMU Wall : Wall settings "Build to exterior layer" are set to the main layer Foundation Wall 7.625 CMU <--- Main Layer Stucco Only Wall - Exposed on both sides 1 0.125 Stucco <--- Ext. Layer 2 7.625 CMU <--- Main Layer 3 0.125 Stucco <--- Int. Layer Stucco Wall - Interior is living area 1 0.125 Stucco <--- Ext. Layer 2 7.625 CMU <--- Main Layer 3 0.75 Insulation <--- Int. Layer 4 0.5 Drywall <--- Int. Layer Frame Wall : Wall settings "Build to exterior layer" are set to the main layer 4" Frame Wall 1 0.5 Drywall <--- Ext. Layer 2 3.5 Frame <--- Main Layer 3 0.5 Drywall <--- Int. Layer 4" Stucco Wall 1 0.5 Drywall <--- Ext. Layer 2 0" Housewrap <--- Ext. Layer 3 0.5 OSB <--- Main Layer 4 3.5 Frame <--- Main Layer 5 0.5 Drywall <--- Int. Layer 1) When I stack these block wall types & 4" Stucco Wall on different floors I can press the "Align with wall below or above" and they do not use the "Build to exterior layer" for alignment. 2) When I create a "Center Line" (LINE) used for alignment purposes. Like center of wall. I use the Center on Object tool & it does not align using the "CORE" or Main Layer of the wall to center on. Perhaps I'm not using the correct method? I'll be away for several hours, I'll check back.
  14. Incredible, beige boxed. Wow! Curt 82.5" no mater what ceiling height? Block wall or frame, all the same?
  15. Today we have ceiling heights at 8' (not so much). 9'-4", 10', and more. So what do you use as Top of Window Height? In block homes I use a Block module height (divisible by 8") 8' wall get 6' 8" 9'-4" wall get 7'-4" or 8' 10' wall get 8' or (8'-8" rarely) I usually stop at 8' for headers unless using a transom window or a staked combination of windows. In frame walls you can do what you want but I usually stay with the above dimensions. What do you use and why?
  16. Thanks all. The insulation hatch was just something I used to be different. And I should have looked at the new plan I dropped the wall into. I was actually working on a large plan & did not want to upload it. Wall layers were on in that plan. Thanks for looking though. Two problems caused me to fail at displaying the hatch in the Wall. One was the and the other? I did not select a color that would display.
  17. Tried the eye dropper but it did not change the hatch. Sending a support request.
  18. Also it seems that you can not change the default Wall Hatch pattern. You need to update each one you create. Maybe I'm missing something. Thanks Michael
  19. Yea I tried that too with nothing showing in the Hatch window. Thanks for trying.
  20. Wasn't aware of the Wall Hatch Tool but would prefer a plan wide solution ILO wall by wall hatch. maybe I want too much Thanks All
  21. I see, so I tried to find that plan view fill property but could not.
  22. I have a Railing/Fence Wall that I want a different hatch. The Insulation Fill will not show in plans view. Railing Fill.plan
  23. This is my idea I guess. Is anything original anymore. I personally don't need to see the exterior walls but when sharing with the GC or framer I like to see the walls for reference, especially on a complicated house. I often use the Ortho FLOOR overview with the 3D Framing layer set to view floors for show & tell. I would sometimes would like glass stairs too for effect. I'll try the glass ILO Drywall. Lot's of my 1st floor walls are Block with stucco on outside & Drywall interior. Thanks for the replies. BTW I like sketchfab a little better than Chief for sharing because I can post process the model.
  24. Thanks Joe. Maybe I'll try a psolid at same location as wall with a glass material on a separate layer. Might be too much trouble though.