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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Thanks you sir, yes the UNDO does reset that grey condition.
  2. Thanks Haven't had a chance to install X8 yet.
  3. OK Insert a PDF into a plan. Select it & it turns grey. Use the scale command. Un-select the PDF but it remains grey as if it was still selected.
  4. The PDF has a white background. I did find that if you draw a wall & then use UNDO that will reset the PDF from grey to white. Must be some sort of bug that leaves the PDF grey when you insert it & then scale it. If it never happen to you it may be something in my computer that is not playing well with CA.
  5. In a plan, can't load it at this time, I insert a PDF & scale it. While selected it displays as faded & shaded grey. But when un-selected it remains grey. I have to close X7 & reopen for it to turn white. Is there a way to un-select so I don't have to shut X7 down? You can see the new walls I added but the PDF grey's out all
  6. I export the entire plan, then open in CAD & change the layer colors to ByLayer & all white color because I use a black background. Chief uses darker colors & don;t display well on Black. If a 2 or 3 story & change all layer name so the floor is in front of the name. from Walls_ Normal-3 to 3-Walls_ Normal easier to sort & group in autocad. I use a LISP routine to do all this.
  7. On my system it seems to print OK but a real PITA when working on the plan.
  8. See picture of CAD file. I show the Rebar on both Foundation & Framing (& standard plan view 1st floor). Go-Bolt only shown on Framing & Standard 2nd floor view. In CAD I place all objects on separate layers similar to CA. Although the block comes in on the layer that it was created with. (That is controllable) In CAD my block has a corner insertion point & I wrote a LISP routine (Ruby like) that allows me to pick the insert point & then rotate on 90 deg increments. So user has a two click process to insert & rotate into position. As you can see the Window in yellow (Zoomed in picture) is the place I want the rebar blocks. I pick lower left move cursor right & click to finish. Lower rebar I click the upper right intended position, move cursor left & click to finish. Thus rotating the last inert 180 deg. With CA I can drop the block close enough when zoomed in on the wall but I must be able to see the block. The Copy & Paste method does not show the block where as the paste from library does show the block. I then have to select using Similar block name & change the layer to "Foundation Rebar". Then I copy all the blocks on the 1st floor plan & paste then in the foundation level plan. That's my current practice.
  9. Michael, That is how I usually paste it. BUT the paste from copy does not show an image of the block. These two blocks are visually placed as the grip is in the center of the block & I want the alignment with the edge of the rebar block. The Go-Bolt block is also visually placed in the center of the wall at my digression. So I rely on the visual clue as to where to drop it. Something so minor can be very aggravating to me. It seems so easy in ACAD. I'll add this to the suggestion list. The block should have a setting that allows it to 1) retain block layer or 2) use current CAD layer Is there a down side to using Actual Symbols or Architectural Blocks as Joe suggested?
  10. Wow, Chief knows how to turn a simple procedure into something requiring extra keystrokes & set up. I'll look at your second solution after dinner. Thanks Joe.
  11. So if I'm using Framing Annoset & want Dowel Blocks to be placed on "Foundation Rebar" layer & Go-Bolt Blocks to be placed on "Go-Bolt" layer I can do that?
  12. So there is no setting that will allow you to save blocks on a preferred layer & re-insert them on that layer?
  13. I do NOT unBlock the symbol. But I did change the original items but no joy. As I said the block does not save on the layer it is on in the plan.
  14. Well it appears that Chief is not listening. 14 months later and nothing. I think Chief does not support the professional users.
  15. Creating a Rebar Dowel symbol using a rectangle & circle I then block it & rename. Then change the layer to "Foundation Rebar" and add the block to the library. When I re-insert the block it is on layer "CAD, Default" What am I doing wrong?
  16. More ADA CAD that I found long ago.
  17. I use Skype, they do not need a camera or microphone, just a skype account & internet on their computer. No camera or mic on my end, just use the phone & share your screen. Works great.
  18. Good question but I think the window meets the min width so the door does not need to.
  19. Egress for the bedroom is the window. I think as long as the double door does not have a "Fixed Leaf" they consider the full door.
  20. Joe Sent you an email about signing up but no reply. Did you not get it? Used the link you provided. If you are still taking new members & would like to pay you for past offerings so I may catch up to the group. Thanks
  21. I like the 8' header heights & door. If the windows at fireplace are on the west wall I would eliminate them. If the East wall I might eliminate them if no trees. I sometimes use fixed glass clerestory windows at 8'-8" header 16" high window & no sill. You see sky & not the neighbor.
  22. Thanks for the detective work Michael.
  23. Well so far all i needed is the mirrored elevations (front & back) If the ask for mirrored floor plans, that will be the method I use. Thanks again