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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Hummm, insertion point changes on ALL rebar blocks. I'll play with that. Why can't I snap to the edge of the window? Rebar.plan
  2. I insert Rebar blocks into the CMU wall, mostly with the distribute tool but sometimes I drop them at intersections & Window. The do not center automatically on the CMU wall so I would like to use the "Center Tool" but it will not align with existing rebar blocks in the wall. The Wall takes priority and you can not select the block to center on. Please don't tell me to turn the wall off & on. The wall main layer would be OK but the center tool only uses the entire wall to center on. Any tricks?
  3. Thanks Chris, I'm a member there. Not a good search facility but I did find some components. Looks like I will have to build it in pieces.
  4. Yes, no luck on the Mediterranean with pool, they have others.
  5. Anyone run across a 3D wall fountain? Prefer one with a small pool at the bottom.
  6. Rod, Support said the same thing: Hello, To do what you describe, for each 8” CMU wall on each of your floors, you can extend that wall through the floor platform by selecting that wall, then click Open Object, then on the Structure panel, put a check next to ‘Hang Floor Platform Above on Wall’ and then click OK. After doing this to each of the desired walls, your elevation view should show the walls extending through the floor platform. I hope this information is helpful, <sorry for the late reply>
  7. OK so I am drawing in the CAD detail @ 1=1 but the layout box when inserted into a layout sheet is 1"=10' So I set the CAD Detail scale at 1"=10' . Using Chief line styles with text, small version, they look correct. Text is 84" tall in cad detail MOL I revised my line definition to 1"/120" or 84"/120 = 0.7" tall. But when I revise the line in CAD detail to get my revised line definition from the catalog it does not change. Does that mean the original definition I set the line to is locked into the drawing?
  8. Thanks Mick, Preview mode is ON I guess I'm struggling with what controls the Line Style parts scale (dash, space, text multiplier) ?
  9. I set it to 1 to 1 scale in the CAD detail and (1=1/100mm) but I thought the Layout "Drawing Sheet Setup" controlled. Selecting the Layout Box of which is the CAD Detail the Scale is 1"=10' and Use Layout Linescale is checked. So what controls the final text size in a linestyle?
  10. In CAD detail I have imported my CAD survey. All linetypes are changed to solid or contentious. I want to restore some of them. One has a 60" dash & 20" space. How does one create this? Also made a fence linetype with WF text but want the text to display 15" height and 40" dash. The file is attached, rather large, with the layout included. PS I hate that zooming scaled text & dimensions! Guess I will have to keep "Display line weights" ON.
  11. Thanks, I'll give that a try.
  12. If you have a CAD program that supports LISP you can use this routine.
  13. Here in Florida the truss MFG will not release the engineering until they are under contract. That doesn't happen until after permitting in almost all cases.
  14. Site built windows" now that is a thing of the past here in Florida. But most commercial windows are as attached.
  15. They appeared to be the same but I'll check again in the morning.
  16. OK I see how to fix it. Thanks But why were some windows opaque & others not?
  17. See attached. In Ortho view some windows you can see through & some not. What is the difference between them?
  18. Well I swear I could not find 2 gang before so maybe it came with the X9 update. The reason I wanted it was it is tedious to add 2 switches in every bedroom. Maybe I'm too picky. Yes I know you can push them together.
  19. What a dummy! It is in the Catalog (2 GANG)
  20. Does anyone have a 2 gang switch they would share? I use them in almost every bedroom but my skills of making these symbols is quite inadequate. Thanks
  21. Nice start Curt. Google "flush skylight" for some good looking designs. I would prefer metal roofing on such a low pitch roof but if the client wants shingles you may be able to use a peal & stick underpayment & still use shingles. My 2¢
  22. Yes but I do not want them relative in this case. I want the leaders to be non-associative so I can move or resize the layout Box without the leaders moving.
  23. Turn leader association OFF? Using leaders in Layout to label camera views, I added the leaders & then resized the view to fit the layout & the leaders moved. Can you turn Leader Associate OFF?
  24. Plates come installed from the truss company. They are just to prevent contact of the wood truss & the cc bond beam. Strap connectors are installed by the CC guy as they pour the bond beam. They are installed at the layout marks put on the block wall by the framer or GC. We work in 4" increments for block wall heights. Two story block you install a ledger to support the 2nd floor so you have more flexibility on height. Working on a 4 story now. the front & back walls are block on the 1st floor & frame above that. The party wall is 4 story block.