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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. OK this is another situation where the porch beams (CC Lintels) need to tie into the exterior wall at a fixed location. See A & B The overhang & roof need to be at the edge of the beam as shown. Just because the soffit & fascias need to match. Columns need to center under the beam. This makes the floor not in the correct place for the column bases as shown in the picture. I guess you could drag the foundation out to make the floor larger, then the tile does not cover & the room size label is incorrect. How do you address these design situations? Also there is an issue with the soffit at A-C that I have not been able to fix. Use a 3D camera to look at the underside of the overhang. Thanks for your input.
  2. Is there a way to remove the molding on the bottom of the door?
  3. Maybe the usual way for some but I have seen a few houses without the extended beam.
  4. Yes Eric the attic wall when moved left the ceiling out over the floor. Just seems like such a kludge way to build these. So many houses have this design and Chief should have a way to build it without all the extra work. Mick, the Dead valley always gets a cricket or you have big problems down the road. The roofing in that area definitely needs a peal & stick underlayer. I never liked the cantilevered outer beams and the gable end beam is decorative in most cases. If you want the gable face out from the gable beam you have to hang it. My details are not clear. Framing below.
  5. So with auto attic walls off you can move the gable without screwing up the ceiling? I'll try that. Yes much nicer porch but the client wants the larger porch. I've been working on this house for months & they want another meeting to change the floor plan again. BTW I did not design that master bath either. They get advice from everyone except me.
  6. I can move the Attic Wall to push the gable end back into the porch but the ceiling builds out to the porch wall below. So the only way to build the porch out beyond the gable is to have more that one porch wall? Or to use a psolid to build the porch floor. Just seems like this is a common problem with porches and there should be an easy method. The idea is to have a porch with an accurate square footage number and size in the database for use in schedules & material list.
  7. How do you control the floor location when the gable end needs to build in another location? Also do you typically frame it like I show in the right side detail?
  8. See attached X10 plan. How would you address the gable end location relative to the porch floor edge? Note that the gable end truss needs support so I usually align it with the beam below which is set back from the porch edge. The porch edge is usually determined by the column footprint. If the gable end truss is beyond the beam, it will need perpendicular members to hold it up. In Chief, the gable end is positioned by the floor below. I can do a section view if you need clarification. Thanks
  9. I envy your talent & you could probably play the piano. But I'm a right dominate hand player and want the program to help me, not me help the program. So I want Chief to change not me.
  10. You may have Michael but I like to stir the pot. Also at 69 I forget a lot of what I was told yesterday. Just seems to me that such a common frequently repeated operation should not require finger gymnastics or two mice or any other such nonsense. Zooming & Panning during a command should be a no-brainer and help the workflow.
  11. Thanks Mark, seems to work, although crossing with the left hand is awkward. Wonder why Chief did not use + - It would be sooo nice if you had the option to pick - pick rather that Click - drag Then you could use the wheel to zoom & Pan. Realy a much better method.
  12. So in this example, I start the 2nd arrow & want to snap to the vertex of the existing arrow (2 segments). I start the command but realize the snap will not snap to the vertex unless I zoom in. How do I zoom while holding down the mouse button dragging the arrow? Happy New Year.
  13. I don't use sketchFab much except to share details with contractors. Looks like you did not get the materials loaded in the zip file you uploaded or exceeded the limit for free users.
  14. EXPORT TO DAE FILE TYPE. I Create a sub folder, 3D, then export while in the camera view. I then zip the dae file & folder Chief created. Sketchfab will upload the zip file. I post process the 3D settings for lighting & tome mapping.
  15. That turned out pretty good. I used grey glass to mimic the block wall but made it more transparent. Cranked up the contrast & sharpness to make clear clean lines. Thanks
  16. So draw a psolid over the CMU wall & make it glass? I'll give that a try.
  17. I do these for the contractor & framer But I would like to add a semi transparent wall in the form of a p-solid on the long wall that separated this unit from the others. How would you go about making it transparent like the 85% fill on plan view closed poly lines? I would like to create a psolid that occupied the same space as the CMU wall but on a layer that is visible in 3D Framing view. Thanks
  18. OK I figured it out and it does display properly in the Schedule. I'll have to see how they want the walls to terminate. Sometimes above the ceiling line which is a problem actual construction precess.
  19. And what is a shelf ceiling? For the wall finishes, they want all 4 walls listed (N S E W) or maybe 1 2 3 4 How would you do that in a Room Schedule?
  20. Nothing in the Schedule seems to pick up the ceiling plane for height. I did not want to build a separate floor at this time but looks like I may have too.
  21. The building has a 14' tall structural ceiling & metal framing at 8' in most rooms but not all. I used the ceiling plane to get the 8' ceiling in a room but the Room Schedule still shows the higher ceiling. What is the attribute I need to use for the drop ceiling in the Schedule? Or do I need to use a different procedure for room ceilings?
  22. What a shame. You Ruby guys are handcuffed by Chief's cooperate policies. Turns out the government has a room numbering policy that says a room opening to another room will be number 101A and not a new room number. So my 3 character idea will not work. You would need a delimiter to catch the room number in the string. Later
  23. I applaud your persistance Michael. What is the ruby code to return the first 3 characters of I'll live with the prefix in the schedule but I want a callout to have the prefix only.
  24. Joe, I added the 100- , 102-, 10n- to all room numbers manually. I want the call out to contain the room name but only the first 3 characters of the room name In other words a macro that uses and returns only the first 3 characters. This is a quick fix to the Schedule problems.
  25. Only one floor on this project. 24 rooms & 5 Hallways, not sure yet if the hallways will need numbers but I bet yes. Government building interior remodel & they are very picky. I have a preliminary plan due tomorrow so I added 101- as a prefix to the Room Name. But I will need Callouts and turn the Room Name off for other sheets. My wife is calling me for dinner so that's it for today. Thanks Michael I'll take that up in the AM.