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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Using a solid wall with a doorway and separate base & crown molding lines for both rooms.
  2. You may already know this but I did not. You can Right-Click any catalog and select "Search Folder" to limit your search to that folder. I often only want to find items in the "User Catalog".
  3. Please let us know what the issue was. Thanks
  4. Make your terrain larger east/west Use house exterior room, make room polyline, offset 4" so you can see it. Convert to terrain elevation line, set to 20" Falt interior. Offset this line 4', change to no flat Offset the new line 6' change to 15" Turn on rebuild terrain for this exercise.
  5. Are you talking about a wall recess to push the frig back into? If so I use a Niche in the wall.
  6. Should the line types be purged & reset or do they always remain the same?
  7. Found it here too: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FTH\State That Chief X12 entry also had to be deleted. Working OK now.
  8. Thanks. I found this too: Just deleted the entry & will try again. Found this while poking around.
  9. While trying to import the attached SKP file from 3d warehouse X12 quit, no message. So after the third attempt, I get this message from Windows 10 when I start Chief. (See attached) Not sure it is a Chief problem or a windows problem. Anyone work through a similar issue? Floor Polisher.skp
  10. OK it's back. Turned display on & off Then restarted Chief & it's ok now.
  11. The toolbar shows up on the Toolbar dialog.
  12. I migrated my X11 to X12 but my "Custom Electrical Toolbar" did not make the trip. Can I manually copy the custom toolbar? My other toolbars did make the migration.
  13. Odd that this has not come up before. I hope I can remember this the next time I need to import paper space objects. As I said I do very little in Paper space.
  14. Sorry I missed this Michael. Re-reading this morning I see what you were talking about. The paper space block was imported into Chief & not inserted with the model space objects. This file has the paper space block as 1/36 scale so you always have to scale it up. I always had the "Purge Unused Blocks" checked. Thanks for the education, Michael.
  15. Wow Mick, Thanks I never realized anything in CAD paper space was imported.
  16. Darn, I meant to say moved text to Model Space. Nothing is in Paper Space in that DWG.
  17. That is up to the creator what techniques they use. Personally I don't like Paperspace Text. I do all my work in model space & I want to be able to read the text & position it in model space. Just saying some use Paperspace to annotate (Chief's Layout space if you are doing it in Chief)
  18. Often done that way when you use the model space objects in multiple layouts with different text. I did not see any reason to do it with the sampple provided.
  19. Opening in CAD some of the text is in paper Space & will not import. Attached is a CAD I modified with all the text moved to model space. In CAD use the command Chspace while in pape space & you can move it back o Model Space. water_heater_seismic_reinforcing Modelspace.dwg
  20. I often get calls for remodel plans in the Tampa & Brandon Florida area & I don't do that type of work anymore. Is there anyone in this area that would like the referrals?
  21. My take on the foundation. An engineer has the final word. 24 POUR.pdf
  22. Wow, this takes me back. In Florida, we had county wide codes until the late nineties. At that time I was a plumbing contractor and you were punished when you work's in a neighboring county. I called it the "Good Old Boy Network". It was such a relief when Florida adopted a State Code for all trades. You did have to pass a State test but it was worth the effort. It leveled the playing field. Good luck in your quest.
  23. Thanks Gene, I've been doing it manually bit figured someone may have figured out a way to do more with the roof framing tool.
  24. I have a plan with trusses & want to build Deadwood at top of truss & ledgers at the bottom of the truss. See attached I can not use "Hang Floor Platform" on the wall at this time. So do I need to add the framing member that attaches to the CMU wall by hand or is there a way to auto-generate? Below is what is generated when I use "Build Roof Framing". I suppose I could drag the rafters down to the ledger position. BTW I can not post the plan at this time. Thanks
  25. Mick, I sent you the plan file so you can see what is going on inside the building as well. Don't feel obligated to spend your time on this. Just an FYI.