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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. I want to be able to show exterior walls only in some plan & 3D views. Do I need the main wall layer only to be different or will there be other issues with all the other wall related layers?
  2. Thanks Steve, you have relieved a lot of stress on me.
  3. Bob, Thank you so much for the video. It was very helpful. I apologize for all the weird walls & settings but I was trying everything I could to fix things. It seems that I would fix one problem & then create another, so around and around I went. Thanks to some great suggestions from all of you Forum folks I'm getting closer. Yes, the solid above the inner rooms was not painted because I was not sure it would work in the final plan. And yes there are loose ends but I'm close enough to get to the next plan submission once I add the structural elements. Once I've met my deadline I will return & review your video again. I think there is hope now.
  4. Thank you both for your efforts. Not sure what walls were messed up on the wall outer layers but that should be all the same. Attached is my current attempt using walls in the attic & pony walls for the interior rooms. It is looking close in the 3D views but the pony walls in plan view make a mess of door openings. Also one window not cutting the wall. See below BTW I have about 16 hours in the Lobby alone. This has been a nightmare for me & the deadline for next submittals is approaching fast. It should not be this difficult. Note that the rooms (2) that have space in the lobby & in the outer space cannot be divided with invisible walls or it messes up the room area & labeling. They need to be one room (I think). Test_AB_060819.plan
  5. Mark Thanks for the help, I'll have some time in about 4 hours to look at it.
  6. Thanks My original version did not have a 2nd floor but I could not get that to work around the lobby. Most of the rooms will have a 9' drop ceiling with small attic, 24" slope bar joist with 10" insulation on top & TPO roofing. The Lobby has a 16' drop ceiling with same above it. The red wall pop outs have a separate roof with parapet walls. the rooms that protrude into the Lobby should have shelf ceilings. That is 9' drywall with 12 or 16" wood trusses. So remove the 2nd floor & put windows in attic walls if that will work.
  7. Thanks for the input. That fixed one problem but caused another. That is the thing I've been struggling with. The problem(s) has exceeded my abilities to solve it.
  8. Well the plan only is 14mb, thanks Here are the issues
  9. This one is driving me nuts. I started with one story & then tried to use a 2nd story that is open to below. But nothing wants to cooperate. Look at the front exterior. The red pop out at the front wall should look similar to the red pop out on the right side. If you place a camera in the lobby you will see the walls are not building correctly. I used a Landing to try to make the shelf ceilings for the rooms on the front wall area. Any suggestions would be appreciated. The zip file is 35MB
  10. Thanks Perry, I suppose you have issues with pale colors not wanting to print dark enough?
  11. That Preference setting to Grayscale is what I was missing. I see yellow in a gray shade now. And you don't have to turn color off in plan to send to layout, just turn color off in layout. Thanks Micheal.
  12. So you print in color with the color turned off?
  13. But don't you have to change all your line work to some shade of gray to make that work?
  14. OK figured it out. While the line weight is one, you can still set transparency to 90 with black grid & get the result I wanted.
  15. Thanks, Will but I want to print in B&W, While transparencies of 80-95% will print nicely for fills. line work will not accept transparencies. When printing in B&W ALL colors are changed to black including gray.
  16. Showing a steel rebar grid on the concrete floor using a ploy line hatched with grid & lightweight set to 1 & would like it faded. I do not want to change my plan to print in color. How do I do that?
  17. Thanks for the tip Joe, I'll give it a try.
  18. When using notes, labels & other non-room label schedules there seems to be a performance hit when panning & zooming with such a large number of schedule items. The Rich Text Labels with macros in them noticeably slow the program down. This is not evident with built-in room labels. Obviously, Chief did not plan on a 77 room house but using the program on commercial buildings is bring to light the programming shortfalls. We (I) need a way to stop the refresh of the Table & notes to speed things up. Window & door schedules are not as bad but I wait as late as I can to add them to the plan. So with visible schedules for room finishes, doors, notes, room numbers and windows the plan can be painfully slow for a 77 room plan. I often delay creating the window & door schedules to help.
  19. I have a Room Sch with room number & Room Name. Due to the size of the room label & the room itself, the room name is often shortened. Like Equip2 for Equipment 2. So in the Label needs the short one & the Schedule needs the long one. To complicate matters using custom room labels makes the plan too slow with 77 rooms on the 1st floor. I see extra columns in the room number schedule like "Code" & "Comment" but only see these referenced from the room in the material list associated with that room. Any solution to that issue?
  20. And if you have Autocad it is easy too.
  21. In a room, I have partition walls for workspaces. I set them to have No Room definition & Not in the schedule. The room has an exterior wall, 2 interior 4" walls & a room divider wall to define the room. In the Room finish schedule, the WALL MATERIAL column still has the finish of the partition walls on it. OK I fixed this by selecting all the interior walls & Ctrl-X. The schedule updated correctly. Then I paste in place, so far so good. This seems like odd behavior to me.
  22. egg
  23. The only drawback is that you can not Mull overlapping windows & doors. I've tried side frames at 1.25" but you can not control one side separately.