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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Great, Thanks And the .to_ft does the division for you! begin wlength = owner.length.to_ft.round(2) wlength.to_s rescue "Error" end
  2. OK, thanks for the clarification. I was able to add this: begin wlength = (owner.length / 12.0).round(2) wlength.to_s rescue "Error" end But it displays as "10.2 in" and needs to be feet. What causes the "in" to display at all?
  3. That's too bad. I did not see a way to insert custom fields in that schedule so a macro would not be possible?
  4. My units are in inches for the plan work but the Wall Schedule also displays in inches for the lengths. I changed the DBX using the NUMBER STYLE button in the DBX bit that length did not update to Feet & inches. So do users have any control of the number format in the schedules?
  5. That is one reason to mirror the house some distance away from the original position. Front & rear are easy, you just draw a vertical line and mirror the objects and move them into position. Left & right will require you to select the text & dims make into a block, then cut & paste into the opposite elevation view. That's what I do.
  7. In my experience, I would not use the reverse plan tool. I draw a line off to one side of the plan to use the mirror tool. I turn on all layers the unlock all layers. Use the "Edit Area" tool with "All floors" & mirror about the line. The problems I had were mostly electrical connections if you mirror within the existing plan. Like when you draw a line down the middle of the plan to mirror about. Seem a lot of automatic thinks get confused unless you mirror to an unusedd area of the plan. Make sure you create back plan before you start.
  8. If you have Revit or know someone this should work.
  9. So you need the cold climate version? That is the stem extension into the wall?
  10. I have a 4 story complex house and with the layout file open, in plan file it takes 8 seconds to switch from floor plan to framing plan. When I close the Layout file it takes one second. So why is Chief so slow when the layout is not displayed at all? Nothing is happening in the layout. Another slow down is with lots of notes. The plan slows way down. Wish we could turn Notes interaction with the schedule when panning and zooming.
  11. Thanks guys. I think your suggestion, Michael, will work for me!
  12. OK, so you can select a room & hit the room molding button again to produce a 2nd room molding polyline. But I want to have a setback for each door opening or do I need to manually move the molding back for each door? See attached, the A is the auto side & the M is where I moved the molding end point?
  13. OK I found that the room def holds the molding default for that room type. So I'll change the Hall default room. I noticed you must add back the base molding when you do this but that complicates the offset needed on the handrails. I guess you need 2 molding polylines for each molding?
  14. I have to add room moldings to several hallways How / where is the molding default set? Or how do I use the Object Eyedropper to copy a room molding? How do you get the molding to be wider than the door opening + casing?
  15. I get it, you just have to live with the rectangle around the room number. A bit clunky but I can live with that for now. Thanks so much for the education. And Joe, I appreciate your input too.
  16. Micheal No reason except I have not figured out how to do it & display the room number in the room. I'm messing around with it now.
  17. Joe, Are you able to start the room number with 100 and not 101? I did use a Note Schedule.
  18. It appears that strings are OK but as soon as you turn the room number into an interger it breaks. schedule_number.to_i
  19. I'm not understanding this behavior. This works, it updates the schedule begin room_num = owner.schedule_number rescue "X" end But this does not work, it shows 99 in the schedule field begin room_num = schedule_number.to_i + (floor_number*100) -1 rescue "X" end
  20. That's how I learn, from my mistakes. Updated code but still no joy in the schedule. # Macro by ACADuser # Return Room Schedule Note Number plus 99 for Room Numbers starting at 100 on floor 1 # returns 200 on floor 2 etc. begin obj = owner room_num = obj.schedule_number rm_num = (room_num.to_i + (floor_number*100)) rm_num.to_s rescue "X" end
  21. I was working yesterday but this is playtime for me. Although this code-breaking is very frustrating because I know nothing about Ruby. Off to the dog park for some real playtime with my best friend. Later
  22. As I try variations of the code I get 0 or 99 or 100 in the schedule. The Note in the room displays the correct result. The correct room code string appears in the Result Box in the Macro Edit dialog. There must be something I'm getting wrong in the ruby code.
  23. Attached is my test plan. I can not get your code to work in the schedule. It works in the NOTE. # Macro by ACADuser # Return Room Schedule Note Number pluss 99 for Romm Numbers starting at 100 on floor 1 # returns 200 on floor 2 etc. referenced ? obj=referenced : obj = owner begin room_num = obj.schedule_number rm_num = (room_num.to_i + (floor_number*100)) $Name = rm_num.to_s rescue "X" end Rm
  24. Michael Thanks for that info. I had not thought through all the possibilities. I only have 82 rooms in this building & only one floor. But will use one of your algorithms. I am using a NOTE Schedule with a custom field but currently, the schedule displays 99 for all the room numbers. I thought I had it working at one point.