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Everything posted by CAmichael240114

  1. Thanks I'll give that a go, but a lot of time to change every thing
  2. I have about 40 layer sets set-up for different plans and scales etc. I have one plan layer set set-up how I would like all the other layer sets to be. I want to update all layer sets to have the same item name, line weights, line style and fill colour. Checking "modify all layer sets" in the LDO DBX only modifies the other layer sets if you add a new line item or change something, it does not change other line item in the other layer sets. Without having to go thru all the layer sets to make the changes, is there a way to make the changes?
  3. Always live views for everything so they auto update. Floor plans in colour so that different wall types are colour coded. Exterior elevations colour, Cross sections black and white for better detail. Layouts printed as PDF for digital emailing and printing. Cost of colour printing is not a consideration, small cost compared to the cost of the project
  4. The roof metal is the surface layer. The structure layer is all other material layers below the roof surface and above the ceiling structure and ceiling finish (battens and the gypsum board underneath). Draw separate roof plans with reduced rafter height for the different soffit depth
  5. As Kiwideziner states we have been submitting building consent applications (building permits) in NZ electronically for years now. All plan requirements and application information should be included and correct at time of submission. The key is to get your "own application system" setup correctly, this makes the process efficient, time saving and cost effective. I wouldn't want to go back to the old paper way.
  6. Also a layer ("A" for example) can not be deleted if an item, symbol or CAD block is added to the library on that layer ("A"). You have to find that item in the library, change it on to another layer, then you can delete the layer. It is hard find if the layer is blocked within a CAD block.
  7. Take a 3D overview with camera, rotate/tilt/zoom to desired view required, Ray Trace about 9 to 10 passes, menu file/export as jpg to desktop Double click and open jpg in windows viewer, edit/crop view and size to suit, save it. Move the saved jpg into a desired folder in the project you are working on. Import into CA, I usually import into a plain CAD detail sheet and then send to layout, resize to suit on layout Check save in plan. jpg file should not be moved once saved to plan otherwise it will loose the link and will not display in the plan.
  8. If you get an alert or message from another program it stays on top until you close the message or DBX, also from memory if you hit the F1 or help button while in CA it stays on top until the message or DBX of help file is closed
  9. Taskbar - check small taskbar and auto hide it, my settings in Windows 10, no problem with cA in full screen
  10. Or put another way you could say 1 Electric foot equals 1000 Electric inches Therefore in theory:1 Metric metre does equals 1000 metric millimeters
  11. Maybe this is what you are looking for; To dimension interior room dimensions to the room side of the drywall layer In the wall specification DBX, wall types, define, wall settings, dimension to exterior of layer: - change to "drywall"
  12. Or this, there are other things that need cleaning up also 1411 Plan Roof Fix .zip
  13. Sign your signature on a white blank sheet of paper, scan it to your computer, save as jpeg. Copy/paste on to required sheet or use insert picture, select jpeg.
  14. Thanks for clarifying Steve and Glenn, so the coloured pencils, colour wheel etc are MAC interfaces.
  15. Great video again Steve, always good to learn. Just curious, while watching the video I noticed that in your colour chooser the colours are displayed as pencils with a better selection of colour shades. Is there a setting in Chief fo this or how do you set this function up?
  16. Had the same problem a few times before in different plans. For example in one plan set consisting of a floor plan with CAD details/notes/arrows, roof framing plan with CAD details/notes/arrows, plumbing plan with CAD details/notes/arrows. In a roof plan added CAD/notes with arrows to different items, in a plumbing plan of the same plan set added CAD/notes and moved items around. Go back to roof plan or floor plan and the arrows in that plan have been moved around, the arrows have followed the CAD items around on the other layer set in the same plan set. The only way I found to stop this happening is to block the arrows
  17. Without changing the whole roof set-out, the only thing that can be done in this situation is to bring the roof planes forward over the garage door
  18. There is also a big issue getting the heights and casings right when you try to block/mulled door and window units together
  19. Turn gutters on in plan or 3D view, click on gutters, change gutter size
  20. Turn cross section lines off, select all lines and put all on CAD default layer
  21. I have had this happen about four times, I always backup (export) the user library after I have added new items to it then delete the doubled up one and import the backup I have contacted Tech support but they didn't know what was wrong or how it happened
  22. Had a sililar problem. If you use PDF Cute writer it puts a masrks over things sometimes
  23. Bi-Folding Doors Make up the bi-fold door set using windows and block them, put them on their own layer, turn the layer off for plan view, on for 3D view. Make a CAD detail of the doors in the opening in the open position with the revels and architraves/casings, put them on their own layer, turn them on in plan view. Bi-Folding Doors.calibz