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Everything posted by KenL-sdd

  1. Easy. Go to to thefix.plan atiic level and turn on attic walls. Pull the house walls out to edge of porch.
  2. @Allen43 Please update your signature so we know what equipment you are running. I could not replicate your issues. As was said before your backdrop was turned off. All cameras worked fine. I would contact support for help.
  3. @DRAWZILLAThanks! I will reword and post to suggestions.
  4. You will need to use a section camera. The wall elevation and back clipped cross sections are going to give you to the drywall.
  5. @DBCooper I only want to remove a portion of the fascia, not the entire roof. I think we need a menu to turn off on selected edge like gutters. Thanks for your input.
  6. I guess this should really be under suggestions.
  7. Please Ignore this thread as it belongs and has been moved to suggestions. If you want this feature please look at the new post and give your comments. I have been fighting this for years and having to just use a polyline box with no line and solid fill to hide the fascia. The truss will hang to a beam or a girder truss. I have the beam pulled back so everyone can see the fascia. I can't turn it off on a line like the freeze. What am I missing, Any suggestions?
  8. @rlackoreThanks for the mini split and the website resource.
  9. Hello All, I know many of you have been using Rene's tools and free symbols. For those of you that haven't, you should take a look at them. The Kitchen tools were my 1st purchase and my favorite! They save me so much time and impress the heck out of my clients when we can interactively bang out a kitchen design quickly. The Shower and quick bath were next in line. Just these two items helped to speed up my design time. I ended up being so impressed that I bought the "Rabbitt Design System." Wow, what a difference in putting construction documents together. He has so many details and goodies I can't even begin to explain it all. That system has all of his quick tools and he continually puts out updates to keep improving the system. It has already paid for itself in the time saved. I have been putting my details together for years. I wish that I had his full system and support from day one. It would have saved me so many hours of making my details. Plus his details look so much better. All items can be purchased from the SHOP.
  10. @MollyNDGRene's Cabinet tools are Great! Take a look at his site
  11. @MarylandGirlX15 is running SOLID! No issues. I moved to it with the last release. Rene has added many features in X15. I would never move backwards to X14.
  12. @DBCooperYou are correct again! Good on you for helping users! I gave you another upvote!
  13. I don't down vote anyone asking for help. There are so many items in Chief that are rarely used. We can't remember or even know about everything. I believe the forum is to help users. Glad you found your answer.
  14. @325302054302543 Said they were sending plans to layout. My choices are also grayed out and X14 was the same. Only when sending vector images can you change to plot lines. @DBCooperyou are 100% correct.
  15. If you are sending floor plans to layout this is normal in x15 from what my system is doing. Turn the colors off in the layout
  16. @plannedRITE Ethan, what is your center monitor model? I might change out my center monitor.
  17. That looks nice. @Alaskan_Son is very talented.
  18. I have had an Epson ET- 16500 for many years. I rarely have to buy ink for the super tank, and it's inexpensive. I have my computer run a batch file once a week to do a color print to keep the heads from clogging. I do the same with my wide-format printer. The Epson may be more expensive upfront, but you don't have to by the expensive cartridges. The person that said it has crap output likely doesn't keep it clean by having the system run a color print every week. Anyway, I see you bought the Brother. That should do fine as well. I would still have my computer run a batch file once a week to do a color print to keep the heads from clogging. Happy printing
  19. I use Toggl to track time for each job and it's FREE unless you are a large company. For me it's much easier than Chiefs time tracker. There are other time trackers out there as well. My opinion is to use a third party program. Best of luck and have a GREAT weekend!
  20. After a quick test everything seems snappy. I will let everyone know if I see a problem area.
  21. This was an in person event. However, now that it is out of beta I will start testing.
  22. I appreciate everyone's input. I will test on my laptop with the old version and desktop with the new release in the next few days. If anyone has noticed a speed difference between the last Beta and the last update please let me know.