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Everything posted by KenL-sdd

  1. I use a 17" asus ROG. Mine did not come with a solid state drive. I was very disappointed until I put one in. Great machine now. Be sure to get an ssd.
  2. I posted a video and x6 file at the link below. I posted under the beta by mistake.
  3. Joey, If you are talking about the ikons then when the final non-beta is released the ikons will change looks.
  4. Justin, By chance do you have that drawing in X6?
  5. Great! Sorry I did not give full instructions. That is the process.
  6. Justin, Copy the wall up one level and delete the original should work.
  7. Justin, Thanks! That was a good part of what I needed.
  8. These are much better than the pdf I had. How were you able to get it so high quality? This will work great if I do not find cad details. Ken
  9. Yes Please. I sent you a message. Thanks Ken
  10. Yea. Still searching. Thought that one of the pro's in this arena may be my best option. Ken
  11. The original PDFs are not a great quality.
  12. Checking to see if anyone has created cad details for IRC braced wall panel. figure r602.10.6.4 Figure r602.10.8 etc. Trying not to reinvent the wheel. I had been using pdfs. Thanks in advance. Ken
  13. All lights on with Sun. 3:50 . Sun with 81 & 82 = 16 seconds Old dual Xeons 5690, Ken
  14. Alan, The depth of field (advanced) makes it a little fuzzy from my renderings. I noticed a big change when I stopped using it. For exterior I do not use "compute caustics" Ken
  15. Perry, You are SO CORRECT on the video card! I called Chief Support today, They confirmed cross section elevation camera when zooming or panning is the video card. Happy New year All Ken
  16. Scott, The gforce GTX nvidia is the best. This is the card of choice of all brands from what I have read. Ken
  17. It looks like you can not import .skp files. See Not sure about dae file import. Maybe some one with a mac can tell you how to bring in the textures.
  18. I notice on the cross section / elevation (front elevation front) camera the cpu seems to be running like it is calculating the lines. The 3d Perspective overview the processor is not running at all.
  19. Here is an example of a work in progress. 2:52 minutes. 10 passes. The settings can change the time greatly. Old xeon dual x5690. Stock no overclocking. Just old
  20. Yeah, Already running a raid ssd. Best upgrade ever!
  21. Shawn, If you post your plan here I will ray trace it. Let me know what camera you are using so that I will have the same settings. I usually stop at 10 passes. The do not get a great deal better. For me 10 passes takes about 2:30 - 3:00 minutes.
  22. Perry, Thanks, That is about what I thought. I work some very large detailed plans and checking to see if a step up in the video cards would help speed up some areas. Mine is not a slouch GTX 580. The new gtx 970 or 980 may be in my future. Ken
  23. Checking to see if cpu or video card is used when. 1. Using the cross section elevation camera when zooming or panning. 2. Working in floor plan when zooming or panning. 3. Working in layouts when zooming or panning. I am guessing video card for all. Thanks Ken