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Everything posted by Michael_Gia

  1. iCloud works the same as Dropbox or any other cloud service. But if you want your user library to be available on other devices then it must be placed in your iCloud or Dropbox drive, which sits on your hard drive and is mirrored in the cloud. When I say that I move my user library to the cloud I mean I place it in the folder that is in my iCloud directory. I don't put it in the cloud myself obviously. That's an automatic feature of iCloud/Dropbox. I don't know why everyone keeps drawing attention to this distinction. The point is, if you move your user library to the cloud (the drive sitting on your local hard drive which represents the cloud drive you are suncing with - much longer to say) then you might have a problem on your hand with Chief not being able to locate your plan/layout files on that same cloud drive.
  2. Yes, you are correct. The cloud files are simply local files that have the added functionality of automatically beaming up to the cloud when your computer is idle. However, Chief as most programs add whatever line of code into each file so it can find the bloody file (I'm clearly not a programmer) but this file id tag becomes messed up when you play around with the location of your user library location setting in preferences at least when it comes to that location being in iCloud. Maybe the problem is only with iCloud, but the support guy said it was a problem or can be a problem with any cloud storage option.
  3. I moved my user library calibz file based on instructions from tech support. The way that I was told was to move your user library to the new location first. Then open Chief and change the "My Data Folder" to point to the new location. Then shut down Chief and re-open. It worked at this point and was able to work on a plan located on iCloud. The next morning I tried opening a different plan (on iCloud) and I got the error message "unable to locate said plan". I could still open any plan and work with Chief so long as that plan was not located on ICloud (where I keep all of my projects). So I could open old plans sitting on my local hard drive or even Dropbox but not any plans located on iCloud. I appparantly "broke" Chief's ability to find iCloud plan file paths. And it's irreparable apparently. Soooo... I changed my "My Data Folder" in preferences back to its original OOB setting to the local drive that Chief is installed on, moved all of my projects from ICloud to Dropbox and everything works except for my ability to ever use iCloud again to store plans. And I'm back to exporting and importing my user library back and forth between desktop and laptop. ...and I'm too chicken to try anything else such as deleting Chief and re-installing, or as Joe suggested, move my entire Chief X9 data folder to Dropbox. Which again is not advised by Chief. The program actually automatically creates or re-creates all of its pertinent sub-folders automatically in the new "location" for user library that you set in preferences, and not the other way around. That's why they tell you to close Chief right after you change this preference, and re-open. Of course I'm retracing my steps from memory of the instructions from tech support, so it's impossible to be sure 100% that a) I followed or understood the instructions correctly or b) I did everything right but can't remember exactly what the hell I did. That's why it says "Note: For Advanced Users Only" in the preferences dialogue box under the "Folders" tab. but I do know that it worked at first. I also know that when I called back tech support they told me they are aware of this issue and it happens on occasion which is why they recommend we don't move our user library to any cloud service for now. I spent some time with him on the phone trying a few different things with no avail. Hence my cautionary post. In short, if moving your user library to the cloud worked for you, you're lucky, otherwise don't try it, for now.
  4. Yes, that's what I mean as well. I place the files in the local Dropbox folder on my hard drive and Dropbox uploads as an automatic feature. It's the same thing.
  5. I'm probably not being clear but this isn't about me not placing files in the right place or not updating my preferences for Chief to save files to proper directory. I don't have a problem with any of that. What I am saying is that, if you move your user library into the cloud where you've already saved your plan files and where you've told Chief to look for your template plans/layouts etc, then Chief WILL lose its ability to locate or find those plan files on the future. This moving of your user library to the cloud will screw things up for you in the future. Go ahead, give it a try and see for yourself, but don't tell me I didn't tell you so. Perhaps as Joe has mentioned already the proper way is to move the entire Chief Data Folder to the cloud and not just the user library. I don't know, I haven't tried it. Also, this isn't a Mac vs PC thing. As the guy in technical support said, Chief doesn't have all the bugs worked out with Chief's ability to work over the "wire" as he put it. Maybe one day.
  6. I have no problem syncing. My problem is Chief losing its ability to locate plan/layout files after I move my user library to the cloud.
  7. That's great Joe, I'm glad to hear it does actually work for some. I'm assuming you just simply grabbed the entire Chief Data Folder and dragged over to the cloud. I would be to chicken to try that out at this point, myself. I guess that was my problem - I had moved folders over piecemeal. I never thought of boldly dumping the entire Chief Data Folder in one fell swoop. However, you are aware that Chief strongly advises against that practice, right?
  8. Just to reiterate. Putting the user library in the cloud, could cause problems for chief's path to plan and layout files in the future. The cloud works great for saving plan and layout files, but not for a location of your user library. I totally accept responsibility, and I was just making everyone aware of the possible and most likely pitfalls inherent for anyone else considering the same course of action. I apologize if my tone seemed like I was directing any criticism towards Chief. I knew better anyway and took a gamble at moving my user library. On the other hand, it is 2017 version X9, why is working in the cloud even an issue? For that I don't apologize and Chief must do better.
  9. iCloud does not have this feature as far as I know, regardless it would be a volatile solution since the minute you forget to turn off syncing you're toast. I was really surprised that there isn't a preference setting for choosing where Chief goes to locate the user library as it has for template and plan file locations. It seems all would be solved with this simple preference feature. Then again, I'm no software developer so "easy" is from my vantage point.
  10. This is a warning. If you're like me and use either Dropbox or iCloud or any other cloud storage solution then this is for you. As you know Chief actually works well for keeping your plans/layouts in ICloud or Dropbox folders. Great for road warriors, and I've never had a problem. The only downside is that your user library should NOT be relocated to the cloud. Although this would be great as it would eliminate the added step of continually exporting and importing your user library back and forth between your desktop and laptop. Well,... yesterday I decided to give it a try. I called Chief technical support first and they told me that they don't recommend it. They also said that if I've been using iCloud with success for some time then I could give it a try and the gentleman gave me the how-to. So I took the plunge and ported my user library with success to my iCloud folder. It worked for the first plan I opened up. The next plan I tried was a disaster. From that point on Chief was not able to "find" or "locate" any of my plans in iCloud. I apparently broke Chief's path to iCloud. I called support and they then said, yeah, we are aware of this problem, but don't have a fix yet. My first point is that Chief should have told me DON'T move your user library to the cloud - period!, - and not the nonchalant, give it a try.... I can still open plan/layout files that are stored on my hard disk locally or even on Dropbox but iCloud is broken for chief now, aparantly forever. My solution was to move all my files from iCloud to Dropbox so it's not the end of the world but it was a pretty bad experience. Wanted to share in case anyone had plans to do the same. Yes, I even tried using time machine to go back before the point where I had moved my user library, no luck. At this point I would also say that it's about time Chief offers its own Cloud storage solution and plan sharing capabilities for sharing and collaborating on projects. I would not mind paying the same amount I already fork out to Dropbox and iCloud, to a new ChiefCloud bundled with SSA.
  11. I agree for massive backups, such as yourselves and possibly the Smithonian, Carbonite and the like are necessary, but it doesn't give you the kind of seemlwss portability of a cloud service like Dropbox or ICloud. Using both would be ideal. Each has its strength.
  12. You don't need carbonite if you understand how to use iCloud. I guess a Dropbox solution for PC would be equivalent. You have everything always up to date and backed up across all your devices. I also back up a mirror of my computers on an external hard drive as well - extra level of security. However assuming you purchase all of your software legitimately then this is also not necessary if you properly use iCloud/Dropbox. It's easy to understand. iCloud/Dropbox is simply another local drive on your hard disk but with the added fucntionaliy of also mirroring an identical copy of itself on severs at Aplle/Dropbox, i.e. "in the cloud". When you save a document to your iCloud folder on your hard drive, changes are updated to the cloud whenever your computer is idle. It all happens as you work and behind the scenes so you never have to worry about it. Work on one computer, pick up and continue on another. Send a customer a PDF of his plans and you instantly have that PDF on your iPhone or iPad as well, for when he calls you with a question at 10pm while your at a babptism....
  13. I use a Mac specifically because I like the way it seamlessly integrates all my devices through iCloud, not because it's better than a PC. I work in the office on an IMac and all my plan files are saved to my iCloud folder. When I go see a client, I grab my MacBook and don't even have to think twice, I know that when I get to my client's place the file I was working on is right there on my laptop. When I get back to the office and open my Imac the changes I made while at the client's are right there as well. I have a late 2011 IMac and a 2013 MacBook and never experience any sort of lag or crashing. 16g of ram in both and only 512 megs of video ram. Not exactly a screaming beast but it doesn't have to be spec'd to the gills as in the PC world. However, this lack of muscle power also means that if I want to Raytrace an image that requires 100 passes I'm definitely at a disadvantage as the system wil take eons to raytrace compared to some of the beasts guys on this forum have. My raytraces are usually only 10 pass and take about 1 minute to produce. It's good enough to give my clients a good perspective on their home to be.
  14. That's exactly what I'm looking for. A shame there's nothing for the iPhone. Thanks for the reply, - Michael
  15. Anyone know of an iPhone app where I could simply measure my Chief plans that are in PDF format on my phone? I've searched but haven't found any. There are desktop apps that allow for measuring directly off of a PDF but not for mobile. would be handy
  16. Actually, your advice is comforting knowing that it's normal and the approach is, as you say, work with what I have. I don't mind, so long as I'm not missing something obvious like some hidden checkbox I forgot to check or uncheck.
  17. I often import anno sets from a previous file into one that I am working on. The problem I have is that it seems that the anno sets never import as identical copies from that previous plan. I always have to go through and adjust, either layers that are on but should be off or even a text size, etc... Has anyone else experienced this? That is, the need to tinker with imported anno sets? Shouldn't an imported anno set be identical to the plan is was imported from? I even check, replace duplicate layers and defaults. I realize this would be solved in a perfect world if I used templates or a strict SAM approach, but I'm often starting or going back to plans that I've worked on in the past only to go back to them and realize my anno sets have evolved and hence the need to import a more current annotate set group.
  18. I need help concerning my SAM method approach. The problem I have is with the error "One or more files referenced by this view could not be found" The Layout File is able to reference all of my section views, plan views etc... The problem is my elevation cameras. (Kitchen, bath cabinets) When I double click on a kitchen elevation view in layout I get the above mentioned error message. There doesn't seem to be a way to change or access the view's file path. Or is there? Of course I relink the file, but is there a way to link a specific view on a one by one basis? Up until now I simply delete all of my cabinet wall elevations and resend them. I guess it's not the end of the world, but why does re-linking a file work so well with everything else except these views? thanks in advance...