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Everything posted by Michael_Gia

  1. Do yourself a favour and seek out some coaching from guys on this forum. You’d be surprised at how much you can learn in just a one hour session, especially if you’re focussing on something like rendering tips.
  2. He’s appealing to French language users in his region, obviously. Why would you even respond if you don’t speak French? You Americans are too funny.
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed that. I hope to see more. Great channel, by the way.
  4. Why isn’t this Q&A the de facto feature request? We don’t have that many posts per day. Whoever’s job it is at Chief to look at the “feature request” should just simply come here. Alternatively I could name 5 guys on this forum that could streamline the feature request and give you the greatest insight as to the program’s deficiencies. They’re good guys and willing to help. Just give them SSA for free or something? Unless the feature request at Chief is just a big waste of time and there just so we can vent our frustrations and simple give the illusion that Chief is actually considering any of the requests?
  5. Below is a screen shot of a plan I'm working on that has a lot of 45 degree angle sections. I can rotate the plan view by 45 degrees so now It's more comfortable to look at an orthogonal drawing but my selection (yellow rectangle) is still at the original angle of 0 degrees. (the room labels are in the default plan orientation, that's why they appear at 45 degree angles to my rotated plan view) Does this tool still not work as intended? I mean, I would think that if I rotate a plan view I might also want to drawn and select objects in that new orientation, wouldn't I?
  6. I thought the 3060 did not support real-time ray tracing? Don’t you need at least the 3070? Apple guy, so I’m confused. I’ve been a lurker though, ever since rtrt came out in X13 and TwinMotion.
  7. Not a software engineer, but I assume the relationship between a Layout File and a Publishing Set would be a two-way street, where the layout file sends the most current and up to date sheet to the publishing set and the publishing set sends back info as to what page those sheets are on. end loop?…haha. There, I just wrote the sub program.
  8. Yes that was a great post, to which I gave an upvote to as well as all your other posts on this topic… Another solution could be a “temporarily hide/show layer” button. This option would not change the layer set. This is what I was always hoping the little “Object Layer Properties” on the bottom toolbar button would morph into.
  9. Actually, there should be a separate “Publishing Set” in the project browser. You would drag the pages you want to print into a Publishing Set, give it a name like “Engineers Copy” and print that set. This way you can have multiple sets going out to different people that all pull from you Layout Set and be updated live as you make changes. Then you could batch print different sets at the same time. Example, Engineer Sets, Client Set, City Set. (I stole this from another software which I will not mention because it annoys people]
  10. This is my point, the 3 options of “prompt to save, always save, never save” are not adding much to our workflow. There’s really only 2 options in effect. If you turn off windows, for example, in any one of these modes the result is the same. You close the SPV and reopen it with no warning and your windows are turned off. What is the point of these 3 modes with regard to layer sets? By the way, I pretty much have the same workflow as you described, that is, different layer sets per SPV that go to the layout. That’s from when Anno Sets ruled the roost.
  11. I use %numpages% this gives number of printed pages. example: %page% of %numpages% (but check “use as page template” in the Layout Page Specification DBX for whatever pages you don’t want to print. Not sure if it’s the best way but it works. As for Layout Page Table just check or uncheck that option for the page in question while you’re in the same Layout Page Specification DBX.
  12. Thanks Mark. That’s a great approach. Up until now I only ever used SPV’s for foundation, electrical and site plan, all of which have their own specific defaults and layer sets but I would never alter those and only send them to layout. (As you mentioned) Since I’ve been getting used to using SPV’s more and more I’ve gotten careless and never realized I wasn’t getting a warning for changes to layer sets. I think I would at prefer a dedicated “save button” in the layer set DBX. That way temporary/on the fly, changes don’t affect any other Views that shares the same layer set unless I specifically select a “save” layer set button. I hope that was clear. What do you think? Necessary?…or have you just developed the discipline not to mess with Layer Sets unless you really need to? (not sure if my adhd can handle that) Thanks again.
  13. I have the DBX set to "Prompt to Save" Example: If I am working on a Saved Plan View and I turn off the Stairs Layer to temporarily hide them, I don't get the prompt when closing the Saved Plan View. Shouldn't I be getting a prompt? I thought I always did in the past when affecting visibility of layers? (now I think I remember why I always hated Saved Plan Views, I'm trying to make them work though)
  14. I don't know if I switched something in a preference but I don't get the prompt, "The saved plan view "xxx" has been modified since if was last saved. Would you like to save the current settings?", when I hide a particular layer in its layer set. Or is this normal behaviour? I could've sworn it used to give this warning when anything at all was modified in a Saved Plan View. Modifying the visibility of something in a layer set is pretty major and should come with a warning when closing the Saved Plan View, no? If it is the case then this needs to be fixed, I think.
  15. Probably an accurate and realistic take by Larry, but why can't Chief do both? What does a live link cost in money and allocated resources? I wish someone from Chief could comment on this. By providing a live link to other rendering software you are opening up Chief to that audience as well. Does Chief not see the potential exposure that this would provide?
  16. “The disadvantage Chief has that it is not making any headway to be connected easily to these tools.” I think this is OP’s point. Chief shouldn’t be trying to reinvent what’s already out there and available via direct link capabilities that Revit, Archicad, and VectorWorks have; all programs that are not as efficient as Chief for residential stickframe construction.
  17. No, they haven’t been fixed. Reduced but not fixed.
  18. How hard would it be for Chief to offer a direct link to TwinMotion or Lumion? Wouldn't it be easier on the resources for them than their present route of real-time ray tracing etc?… This way they can focus on the meat and potatoes of what Chief provides us vis-à-vis drafting, 3D model and construction documents? I don’t understand their philosophy. I’ve really leaned heavily on Twin Motion lately and the biggest frustration is that there’s no live link. I can’t go back into Chief and make a modification and simply re link the model. More of you should get off your asses and invest a small amount of time with TwinMotion. It’s not that difficult. It will actually save you time.
  19. Do you use a second monitor or just the iMac? Because I’m on a Macbook and experience the same but only when a 2nd monitor is connected to the MacBook. My theory is that because the resolution of the 2 monitors are not identical, Chief gets confused when redrawing toolbars, especially when you do something like open the Layer Display Options window and then close it. There are countless posts about this. I’ve called Chief ad nauseam over this and there’s no solution.
  20. Here is what the reference display approach, the sales rep was probably referring to… (not sure this is enough for what you’re looking for, though)
  21. Delete that dimension string and redo one using the manual dimension tool with the locate settings of your preference? It’s not that long to do.
  22. Traitor! Kidding. Thanks as I’m sure this is always in the back of the mind of all of us Mac prisoners.
  23. You could use a moulding polyline. You can have as many of them stacked, each with their own material and all in one molding polyline.
  24. Maybe post the plan? I didn’t realize that was 2 images at first. I was so confused. Cantilevers can produce some unwanted results. Post the plan and separate your images and I’m sure someone will solve your issues.