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Everything posted by MPDesign

  1. That sounds like an interesting building, show some pics when you get it sorted.
  2. Look at the architectural core catalog, Lighting-Tube Lighting-Surface Mounted-Medium & Wide Then change the object material in the Covering category - from standard glass to Milk-White glass. If you need a frame around it make with a polyline molding tool, and group them together to make a block to copy as needed.
  3. I would suggest that you use an invisible exterior wall to define the floor space. Then place your roof plane.
  4. Have you created the floor framing? Your 3rd picture shows that they don't exist yet. No red plus in the used column.
  5. Camatt, As Eric just replied, it should have been selected after you hit ok. Just tested to verify. Make sure the "molding" layer is turned on. It is hard to see the oob color. Make the layer a color that you like, to be able to see it on the exterior of the building. Select it, then follow the rest of the procedure as described. hth
  6. Since it is auto dormer you need to select it in plan view and in the edit tools explode it. Then extend the roof to where you want it and also the roof hole to the side walls.
  7. The height of the walls is determined by the ceiling height. Turn off auto roof build, set the ceiling heights. I like to place cad lines dimensioned where I want to break a wall to have a different wall type. Break it and change the wall types, lower and upper to your needs. Set the pony wall type to the height off floor desired. Post the plan if you need more help.
  8. Hi Garrett, Probably because the roof framing is set to rafters instead of trusses. The ceiling joist would sit beside the rafter if hand framed.
  9. Hi Terry, I would suggest making the section a pony wall. Stucco wall type bottom and cable railing top. 1st bring the stucco wall around the corner from right to left to the meeting point of the railing. Then I like to place a cad line in plan view that is dimensioned to the exact place I want to make a wall cut. Use the wall cut tool and then reverse the wall section so it stays put and doesn't snap back. Make the height of lower stucco 36" aff. and overall height at the 42" cable railing height. Hope that makes sense.
  10. Hi Caitlin, A couple thoughts. Are you using the print to Chief pdf in the print dialog? Have you deleted and resent the view? Have to tried to send it to layout as a picture, not live view?
  11. I seem to remember this being a rich text problem. I think it occurred when opening the plan on another machine with a different monitor resolution.
  12. You can place the marker in the corner and then start to move it left and hit the tab key. enter your desired 10" distance, then enter again. no box required. Also you can set up the marker with text and macros, then save to your library for future use.
  13. Hi Rob, I found a catalog available in library downloads called "Exterior Sail Shades"
  14. I believe if you use plot line views instead of live views they will not update until you use the update view icon. This shows in your edit menu when you select the view in the layout.
  15. Hi Westvale, Try looking at your "Dimensions, Plan" layer text style. Probably set to 1/4" text style. If you change to 1" text style while you need it and then change back to 1/4" text style.
  16. I have seen this in the past, I delete and resend the view. That usually fixed it.
  17. Look at the drawing sheet setup and see what the line weight setting is.
  18. I would consider using the landing tool, you can set the height, thickness, shape it, railing on/off individual sides as needed. hth
  19. Hi Garreth, I think you can change the text style for the schedules by the layer (look in Active Layer Display Options) under schedules and change to 1/4" or 1/2" text style) or the individual schedules to use a custom size under the main title on the left of the dbx.
  20. The picture on close inspection is a cable railing with 2x4's set inside of the cables. I would suggest using the cable railing panels in the library and make the 2x4's in a cross section out of 3d solids as you first mention. Then block them and move into position in plan view.
  21. In your default wall type. I like to add a 0" thick layer inside the drywall, set to the paint color of your choice. I think it should report as square feet in a material list. and other ways I'm sure
  22. Well it took a while to find the problem. The model took 5+ minutes to render on my tower also. With only 360,000 surfaces once it generated the view. I started with looking for big symbols from imported objects. Then deleted all furniture, cabinets, fixtures, material regions. etc. I think I found the culprit, the layers in the picture have cad blocks and hidden pdf files in the plan. I marquee select the items on each floor and deleted. Once I deleted these items the 3d camera works as it should. It also reduced the plan file size by 30meg.
  23. see if your elevation camera is set to clip to sides.
  24. Is this happening on all x15 plans? a new x16 plan? how large is your plan file? send a pm if you want more help with trouble shooting.