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Everything posted by Rich_Winsor

  1. The Help files seem to be out of date. Many moons ago Chief increased the button sizes from 20 x 20 pixels to 128 x 128 pixels. At 20 x 20 you only had 400 pixels to create a button image compared to 16.384 pixels at the new 128 x 128 size. You can use any image editing software to create a 128 x 128 pixel PNG image. Be aware that Chief will overwrite any edited buttons you may have created with every software update or new version release so it's a good idea to save any buttons you have made into a separate folder so you can reinstall them after updating. Here are a few before and after samples of buttons I have edited to suit my tastes. New ones on top, original ones underneath.
  2. I believe the "recommended" practice is to draw walls in a clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere and in a counterclockwise direction in the southern hemisphere.
  3. Select a roof plane and the "Place Roof Plane Intersection Point" tool will become available for you.
  4. Interesting observation. I have the exact opposite problem with Windows. I spend too much time trying to keep it from wanting it to update itself whether or not I want to update. Go figure.
  5. Don't know how I missed this one. Thanks JT. Flattery will get you everywhere with me.
  6. If you're a glutton for punishment you can accomplish a lot with material regions. For example I made all of the seams in the front of this local auditorium using material regions set to cut the finish layers.
  7. That's only because they haven't spilled the soup yet.
  8. Holy Cow, look at all the red ink. I hope I'm not putting myself in peril if I suggest this discussion might be best served if it were to be resumed in the thread that had to do with discord.
  9. Besides someone could get impaled on the tail fins of that pink caddy .
  10. The car may be worth more than the structure.
  11. Will using a Molding Polyline give you the effect you are after?
  12. You know Larry I was always of this opinion also but I have to admit that I was astounded, nay dare I say flabbergasted, to see that a topic that has been on the board for 17 days has had 14,600 views. To put that in perspective the instructional thread for the Q&A forum which has been at the top of this forum for going on 9 years now has only been viewed 8,100 times. 14,600 views divided by 17 days = 858.8 views per day 8,100 divided by 3285 (365 x 9) days = 2.5 views per day
  13. You know, I created this image on a lark but ever since we have been having a spirited debate as to just what exactly it is. Is this an example of 2D 3D? Or is it 3D 2D? Is it a 2D rendering or a 3D rendering. Sorry, somehow this seemed germane to this topic.
  14. Now I'm getting confused. So are we talking about a Spanish home done in the Italian manner?
  15. My philosophy has always been that the inside of my computer is no place for liquids. I had the unfortunate situation of spilling lemonade onto my workstation once and it was not a pretty sight, but I digress. I have always used spacious cases and very robust power supplies and have never had an over heating issue. It's the same reason that I run Avid mechanical disk brakes on my road bike. Who want's to mess around with a hydraulic system and the potential for seal failures and fluid leaks?
  16. What the heck, you guys are practically next door neighbors. Why don't you just hook up at the local pub?
  17. Interesting design... Didn't David use one of those to bring down Goliath?
  18. Hey Chop, hope you didn't invest too much time in engraving the plates to print those up. You might want to take another look at those before you try to pass any. Nonetheless that is a unique way to devalue the C-note.
  19. So I added a couple of stacks of C-notes to my plan and by the time I took a camera view they had turned into singles.
  20. To what would you attribute the glowing areas behind the headboard and pillow? It seems that from the sun direction those areas would be in shadow like the bookshelf... no?
  21. Very impressive and it's not everyday that one sees the horseshoe crab as wall art.
  22. Aye matey, there's the rub. has thousands but they tend to have high surface counts. They also have some free samples so you might want to give some a try and see how they perform for you. Here is a quick PBRT comparison between a Chief 3D tree and a Xfrog tree. These were both Ash trees and seem to be striking eerily similar poses.