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Everything posted by glennw

  1. The Fireplace tool is still available.
  2. Ed, I have been playing around a bit and can duplicate the toolbar problem - but only occasionally. I will keep trying. This is just a bit of a rave as things come up. Do we need to move this subject to a different thread or is it OK to continue here? At one stage I thought the problem maybe related to having an imperial plan opened at the same time as my metric plans - but nothing repeatable. One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that the wonky toolbar definitions are saved and remain wonky so that you cannot just change back to the original definition. One thing that I have noticed is that the toolbars can move around when you have 2 plans open, which use different layer set names, different default dimension names or different default set names. I especially run into this when I open some one else's plan that may have longer names for these items in the dropdown box. A long name can push all the tools along to the right (sometimes off the screen) as you switch from one plan to the other. Another thing I noticed after Reseting Toolbars was this tool bar titled Time Tracker. It contains a couple of Plan View tools that don't work, along with some other tools that look like they don't belong there. There are duplicate Plan View tools in their own toolbar that do work. Any ideas?
  3. You can do this auto with Build Roof>Options>Eaves>Length. Increase this value so that it is longer than the roof. It will only take the same material as the fascia though.
  4. Ed, Primary monitor is the built in retina 5K, 27" display running unscaled and using default for display at 5120x2880. Second monitor is an Acer KA242Y running scaled at 1600x900. Radeon Pro 575 4GB. I don't think I have changed (90% sure) these since the problems started - I definitely haven't changed the retina display. My Edit toolbar is docked at the top under my other toolbars. I float the library, project browser and preferences. I quite often drag those 3 windows and/or the main Chief window onto the second monitor. I am pretty sure it isn't associated with sending views to layout, but I will keep that in mind and look out for it. It seems to a novice that once moving the main Chief window to the second monitor and then back to the higher dpi main monitor, the toolbars run out of room horizontally and they continue horizontally off the screen - as well as other anomalies. I will try and recreate the problem while things are slow and forward any info to you. It may take a little while as I will have to start from scratch by creating some new toolbars and go through all the permutations.
  5. Use the Boxed Eave option. Or, if you want the soffit to end in line with the gable wall, use the Flush Eave option as well as Boxed Eave.
  6. Ed, I haven't sent in a detailed bug report on this issue as the few times I have sat down and tried to reproduce it, I haven't been able to. It's gets complicated quickly with all the variables and Ii just run out of time. I have 2 monitors running at different resolutions. No laptop, no docking station. I float my library browser, library and project browser. I dock my Edit toolbar at the top under my other toolbars. Apart from that, I believe my system is standard. I am happy to spend some time on this if you can give me some further guidance as to what to try. Unfortunately I have deleted my custom toolbars and have reverted to using Reset Toolbars, as this has been the easiest way for me to continue without the hassle of dealing with corrupted toolbars.
  7. You can save Ray Trace Configurations and name them appropriately for later recall and reuse. This information is not saved with the image, but is available in the configuration and can be related to the image and reused or edited for another image.
  8. Yes, I have a mac and see this problem with the toolbars. I run 2 monitors at different resolutions and as a wild guess, it wouldn't surprise me if that is the cause of the problem.
  9. On floor 2, all your rooms are defined as Exclude from Total Living Area Calculation. Change them to Include in Total Living Area Calculation. Do a Plan Check to display the Living Area. Living Area uses the Living Area property, not the Conditioned Room property.
  10. Yes, I can duplicate this by turning off auto rebuild roof framing, auto roofs on, editing the plan, and then selecting a roof and then Build framing for Selected Objects.
  11. I think Chief does what you want OOB. Post a plan so we can see what you are doing.
  12. Chief has a couple of tools that may also help. Display On Floor Above Display On Floor Below These tools do not move the actual roof plane to another floor - they just display the selected roof planes on another floor.
  13. If it doesn't have a frame, you can do it without creating a material by using Build>Image>Create Billboard Image.
  14. I can confirm that even with all snaps turned off, Command does not stop the tape measure from locating objects. It appears as though it is not snapping because you don't see the snap indicators. But have a close look and you will see the dimension extension line appear when it is locating an object. When the tape measure is not locating an object, the end of the dimension is a cross, then, when it locates an object, the end of the dimension displays as an extension line identified as extension 2. Even so, there still seem to be some random locations that the tape measure wants to locate.
  15. This is my first thought. Just be aware that in recording the movie you don't get to see the pop up box that asks if you want to delete the original polyline. This will display once the intersection operation has completed. Say yes to delete the original. I will have to check and see if I can get that window to appear while recording. Any ideas Chopsaw - OBS? 25-12-20 Corners.mp4
  16. Dermot, I definitely did it in X12 while I was playing around - I used 300 so that things would be easy to track! And it wasn't 300 before I started mucking around.
  17. That is the hard way Graeme. I have 2 layers I use. One called "Walls, Normal Interior" and "Walls, Normal Exterior". I then set my wall type and default layers for internal and external walls in the wall defaults to the appropriate layer - there are seperate defaults for internal and external walls. When I draw internal and external walls, they go to the appropriate layer - I don't have to think about it. I can then display internal and external walls independently.
  18. Dermot, I have been mucking around with this on and off and lost my way because of interruptions. Can you explain how I got the 300 in the Edge Line defaults. I did not change it in the dbx - that is how it came into layout. I remember changing it somewhere else before sending the view to layout - but I lost track of where I changed it. Must be time for a nap! PS. After doing a Save As with the .plan and .layout, I checked the .ini file and it was set to 300, but I certainly didn't change the .ini file: Does that sound right?
  19. I am not in front of Chief at the moment, so I am just winging it with this... No, those values are not hard coded, The Edge Line defaults and Pattern Line Defaults in the Layout Box Specification dbx populate from....somewhere in Chief - I can't remember off hand...I will have a look when I can open Chief. But, when you send the view to Layout, you need to have checked Use Edge Line Defaults BEFORE sending to layout
  20. No. You need to change the Upper Pitch setting in the porch wall, not the house wall.
  21. Yes, a waste of time in IMHO. Instead of having same height fascia/plates, same overhangs, etc, you will have to make compromises as some will be different and therefore making it more difficult to build - apart from the above, you will end up with bastard valleys and/or hips. Apart from all that, the roof as a whole will look better with the same pitch and different ridge heights. The only exceptions I would make would be to increase the pitch on a gable roof where it is a feature like over an entry way, patio, deck, cathedral ceiling, etc., but not to make the ridges the same height.
  22. Another variation of the above is to start with a Box and reshape it in 3D - this is a lot easier to do than it looks. No boolean operations needed. If you want more than 1 material, you can explode it, change any colors and then Make Architectural Block (or Convert Selected To Symbol) to get it back to a single unit.
  23. I agree with Chopsaw - there is way too much elevation data, and don't use Linear. I would trace over the survey contour lines (maybe leave some out) using Elevation Splines and using far less line sections.
  24. I think I would rather keep things in the one plan to ensure consistency. You could create a Cad Detail From View of just the floor joists displaying (either single or double lines), copy into plan, turn off the framing display and then just use Cad detail to display one or both of the joist display types. You would probably only need 1 cad detail of the joists as an alternative to the dynamic display type (single or double lines - whichever one you prefer), controlled by layer display/saved plan view.