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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Yes, I agree with ShaneK. What was originally asked for is not a "Dutch Gable" - it is a roof return along the gable wall. The method to build each is entirely different - as explained in the above posts.
  2. Do you have the CAD...Boxes...Regular Polygon tool? If so, use that to draw the cad polygon and then snap walls to the polygon.
  3. Chop, Yeah, why not. Post the plan.
  4. Draw your 3 stair sections all separate from each other, but at the correct angles. Don't worry about the overall heights, just get the goings and risers for each section correct. Use point to point move to join them up. You can then use the Landing tool to click between the stairs and the landing will auto build to join the 2 stair sections. You can then edit the stairs and landings as needed for fine tuning.
  5. Try: Build...Wall...Polygon Shaped Room. You will find various options there to build the room with one click.
  6. Perry, Does re-boot mean that you kick the computer again for a second time?
  7. Barry, Yes, I experienced this quirky behavior just yesterday. I had created a block made up of some 3D primitive shapes (polysolids). When I tried to copy and paste the block it was jumping about and changing shape. I had to explode the block, copy and paste the primitives and then re-block.
  8. Chop, There is a difference between Advanced Splines and normal Splines. I am suggesting you try both and see if there is any difference.
  9. Are you using Advanced Spines? I have no idea if it would make any difference if you use Advanced Splines or ordinary splines - but may be worth a try. I would also try converting the Spline Molding Polyline to a plain Molding Polyline (Convert Spline to Polyline) and see if that makes a difference.
  10. The problem is that you are using a "panel" for the rail. A panel is designed to fit between the newels.
  11. Do you really want a double pitch roof over the porch (3:12 and 6:12)? All the other roofs are 8:12. Because that is part of the problem.
  12. You can overcome this behaviour by turning on Auto Refresh Dimensions. With this setting toggled on, you don't even have to do an Auto Exterior Dimension command to start with. As soon as you draw an enclosed room, the plan will auto dimension. Then if you make any edits, the dimensions are auto updated as you work. I work with this as my default behaviour (saved as a default in my template plan - along with auto roofs which means the roof auto builds along with auto dimensions as I work on the plan). It's at Default Settings...Dimension...Auto Exterior Dimensions...General panel...Auto Refresh Dimensions.
  13. Scott, You are correct, it is too simple! Open the dbx. Front/Sides/Back panel. In the preview pane select the door by it's hinged or right hand side, NOT the handle side. You can't select the door by selecting the handle or left side. Make sure "2 Door - Auto Right" is selected. Change Item Type to "Door - Auto Left".
  14. Probably easier to use the auto roof tool. You could build that Softplan roof with one click of a button. Also a lot quicker if there are any changes to the plan.
  15. You can turn on Auto Rebuild Roofs and the roofs will auto build and auto update whenever you change the model.
  16. Mark, Are they on an invisible layer?
  17. Perhaps a 3D dimensioned sketch might help?
  18. Not 100% sure of what you want to end up with, but there are a couplr of ways that might give you what you want: 1. You can generate individual Roof Baseline Polylines automatically by defining the areas as different Roof Groups on the General panel of the Room Specification dbx. And then generate the RBP's. 2. You can set different ceiling heights for the rooms and then generate the RBP's which will give you a separate RBP for each ceiling height area. 3. Once you have a RBP, you can edit and copy it just like a normal polyline as well as being able to change the settings in the dbx. It would be good to be able to draw a RBP directly or convert a polyline to a RBP rather than just be able to only generate them automatically.
  19. I don't think you are looking hard enough. There ARE roofing defaults (including roofing material) which are accessed through the roof default settings. They are in the Materials panel of the default Build Roof dbx This is also in the roof defaults dbx...Materials panel.
  20. I would do that with a molding polyline with a molding added for each section. That way, they will all stay together as one assembly which you can move around and stretch to suit various width openings.
  21. The default roofing material is in the same place in the Roof Defaults dbx.
  22. Coralie, The easiest way to get to the current dimension default is to double click the Manual Dimension toolbar icon (as long as Edit Active Default on Double Click is toggled on). You can also display both imperial and metric dimensions at the same time by checking Include Second Format on the Secondary Format panel and selecting a metric unit. If you want to work in metric you should really use a metric template. Aren't you in Australia?
  23. You can switch the Primary Dimension Format Units to metric and your existing and new dimensions will change from metric to imperial. But this doesn't change the database units, only the dimension units. ie, all the dbx's and other sizes will remain imperial. You can copy and paste between a metric and an imperial plan, but the correct scaling will be lost.
  24. Scott, Although we are way ahead of you guys, Graeme is ahead of us by a couple of hours in NZ.