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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. hey @Joe_Carrick Sorry I forgot to log back in and completely forgot about this here you go: LINK
  2. well while we're at it, do you need to make any colors brighter like the chief blue?
  3. Yes I have an automated process, just batch convert to jpeg. It will add a white background. I bet there is an online generator for it like So I would just have you send me every icon you need
  4. I could do that for you, shoot me an email with any specifics
  5. I do have a similar macro written for title because we currently have no way of organizing cad details in sub folders. So I have a macro that erases prefixes like “Detail” or “schedule” or it adds a floor number to “floor plan” whereas it does not add a floor number to “foundation plan” or “roof”
  6. Thanks for the mention, I would like to pose a different approach for you. simply have 4 layout boxes sent to your template layout with the labels written as you like in the “scale” then copy paste those layout boxes across your layout as needed and relink. Less moving parts. it’s what I do and is Lightning fast. it also brings you away from a very customized plan workflow which ends up being problematic in the long run from my experience
  7. CBCP isn't going to be applicable here, accept for maybe comparing two light offerings. It really comes down to lumens vs degree. If you are trying to match this in lighting(which will never be 100% accurate) You would use 2 light sources. One at a higher lumen value with say 150 degree cut off angle and a 2 drop off, the second you would pick your lights cut-off angle , in this case S, N, or F....Let's say we chose F at 50 degrees, that would be your second lights cutoff angle. The narrower the cut-off angle the greater the drop off rate. So for the F I would say drop off at 50, or for S drop off at 300. Change your two lights colors so you can clearly see the effect. To try and fake the CBCP you would turn down the narrow angles lumens. Keep in mind more light sources slows down sample times
  8. Have you tried dragging the folder into your windowed open program ? I have a tutorial series on my Youtube channel as a playlist if you wanna dive in. I use 3ds to keep component assemblies together though it has a vertex export limit. I use DAE for landscaping
  9. no not possible for a fill, you can always convert a vew to CAD and then change the individual cad line styles by layer and block them to add to your library.
  10. You can just click in your librar to add a material and drop that image in the texture panel with size set to stretch to fit, then click on it in library and spray on a solid
  11. What are you looking for, what do you mean? it seems like you just provided what you needed in the post. Are you refering to some sort of object, material, dwg?
  12. that is simply a pattern file and you are referring to the fill, you could make your own pattern file with hatching and import it through the file menu
  13. will always be a 1/4" min I believe but otherwise it worked fine for me...I think we are missing some info from you, maybe share a plan
  14. Ethan Ashby on my FB Group has been testing it out, havent asked him yet though. I have one pre-ordered, who knows when that is
  15. POST 84 Check this Downspout Architectural Block, exploded it and you can reconfigure the components or stretch them as needed to make custom downspouts in a number of different configurations Get it from the or Direct at LINK Follow this link for the Rabbitt Design FB Feed for additional content: CLICK ME TO GO BACK TO THE INDEX!!!
  16. I often just do a foreground replacement similarly to what you described, such as this: but my workflow in Twinmotion is so fast now this took 2 hours from a chief house
  17. I should’ve put a question mark, I had no way of testing
  18. Ive had instance grass available for chief for years, but its not worth the time investment to get a fully realized landscape playing because of the poly count and processing times. Twinmotion to the rescue
  19. Chief Architect x11 If his signature is correct, old version issue
  20. We aren't quite there yet. Combination of Lidar and photogrammetry can get 99% accuracy but only in optimal conditions(matterport just released such a device and intel has had one out for a while but is discontinued for lack of developer interest). Daylighting and overcast light from windows will always interupt a Lidar sensor and give a ton of artifacts and missing data. Even if you use pattern targeting and photogrammetry the stitiching of multiple point shots will always introduce error as well. Not to mention the amount of data that would be required for 100% accuracy..simply not attainable at this moment to have accurate scans...then again it depends on what you consider "accurate"
  21. Problem is likely either drivers for your gfx card need updating direct from nvidias site or you should try starting in a new template provided by chief, something may be corrupt in yours. A simple check, Edit area copy your plan to a new plan and export/import default settings and work in it and see if it crashes
  22. OOTB no longer has a layer 0 FYI usually used for CAD imports