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Everything posted by Renerabbitt

  1. A picture of the look you are trying to achieve would really help.
  2. Switch to GFX card based PBR raytracing. Rendered in under a minute:
  3. 230407-Compressed (2).mp4
  4. Your simply modifying your Roof Surface Layers according to your spec and turning off Soffits and Room Ceiling Finish. Then specify your Structure according to what you need
  5. Dont necessarily need skylights, just set your structure and soffits to the correct assembly according to your needs. This is done with only roof planes
  6. I get it, different methods, I rarely have two files from the same project open at the same time, it would probably bother me too
  7. I suppose I could've elaborated: OR But hey, do what works for you. I just know this system works well for scalability, multi-seat, collaborators, training, cloud stuff etc.
  8. I would do it for just one drawer and then split approach anyway. I agree that we should be able to multi-select drawers in the cabinet editor..make a suggestion?
  9. not at all. I never send a plan file, I send a dropbox link to the project folder Potential for error when collaborating is far greater when always relying on someone to link the correct file. This was in discovery in a multi-company collaboration built through M Moser Architects and Inside Source. User error is limited when we simply copy and rename a folder. The process is very straight forward. Copy folder, rename it, open it, then open the file within. Scalable, simple. Easier still when you consider reference files
  10. Simple solution: alternatively: I do it all the time. I also don't open files from Chief, I open them from the folder, just as quick and guarantees the correct file is open
  11. Always!! why not? the only downside to it is data storage. The upside is limiting liability and decreasing the potential for error. Easier to track changes, easier to revert back, easier to communicate.
  12. Let me clarify, I am suggesting that they give us a y offset in the edit menu within a cabinet face item.
  13. I never manually enter the name of assets after the folder is created, I always copy the folder name by selecting, hitting f2,ctrl+C. same date doesnt matter with my system as it includes design version and iteration in my naming convention yymmdd-Design Version-Iteration-Job Name-Drafter name such that 230405-DRVA-V2-Smith-RG is today's Version A that has a galley kitchen with the dishwasher on the left and was drafted by Ryan Gardner and 230405-DRVB-V1-Smith-RR was drafted by me and is a corner kitchen version of the same job drafted on the same day. Ryan and I also use this system if we are drafting on the same version at the same time for different scopes of work and then we can combine the two for overnight rush jobs
  14. I copy the previous folder, rename it according to my convention, and I do this for any significant changes, including just advancing the draft set. I archive old folders in a non-sync folder within the project folder and pull off the cloud after 3 years. So yes...only downside is data storage, and not using the "recent Files" feature in chief..I open direct from the correct folder
  15. Been using this system for years and it was adopted from an Architecture firm. Example Project file. Layout and plan names are NEVER renamed. No relinking is ever necessary. When you are searching, you are searching for folder names only. PDF printouts match the folder name, same with renderings. Want a previous version, search that previous versions print name to the folder that contains it. yymmdd-design version-iteration-project name-drafter
  16. They just built a system for modifying handles in place, adding a y modifier might be really simple to implement and I would like it personally.
  17. Poor choice of words on my part, the model and rendering together were done in chief in 30 minutes time from a blank template plan
  18. You can do as chopsaw says, but many of us use a 3rd party tool like Kuula to setup something like this as it has more functional tools for such a thing.
  19. Thank you, send me an email at can you please? I'd like to put you into my professional contacts list for people in my area.