Notes from User Catalog Library do not place correctly


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We have noticed a problem with X6 on three separate computers. The notes we import and place from our User Library do not  import correctly. 


I'll select a note for 8" concrete block, it previews correctly in the Library Browser, but when placed is imports a totally different not. I have deleted the library and reimported the notes from an older X5 version which worked correctly, but it still occurs.


Anyone else notice this?


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It's likely a problem with the scale settings of the drawing - as opposed to the Annoset defaults for text.  This is why I've adopted a set of Detail Plans (with the appropriate defaults and scale) where I put my details in CAD DETAILS

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In the past I've also had a problem with older lib items, text, getting shorter, not by me doing anything to it. Easy fix but I have a lot of lib items to fix, just open select text and check auto height and width and save to lib again. I wish each new version wouldn't do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Doug's right. The text is placing completely wrong. I'll select text for a 10" foundation wall and instead it will place a note for foundation rigid insulation board (just an example of many).


I spent 3 hours at home late last night copying all the notes to MSWord and then placing them individually back into the user library. When I went to export those new librarys so I could take them to the office for importing onto the office machines, the program crashed repeatedly. I had to try a few times. On some, I had to break the exports into 10 notes at a time.


We imported them onto the office computers this morning and they still are wrong and corrupted. I'm going to call Tech support on Wednesday afternoon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tech support said last week this is a known bug. The program searches for the text as a block. It compares it to other blocks and takes the first one that fits it's "size" criteria. It doesn't look at the text. They suggested I go through all my text blocks and make them appear larger or smaller for the program to see it correctly? That sounds like crap. That would mean my detail library would act the same way, but it's fine.


Anyone else use their User Library to store notes, and they aren't placing correctly? Normally I would reinstall CA, but this is happening on three computers now. AND IT WAS NOT an issue on X5, therefore it's not a known bug, but maybe a new bug to X6.

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Anyone else use their User Library to store notes, and they aren't placing correctly? Normally I would reinstall CA, but this is happening on three computers now. AND IT WAS NOT an issue on X5, therefore it's not a known bug, but maybe a new bug to X6.



Yes me, and each new version seems to have this same problem and I have to go into each lib-- detail/notes and, select the text and re-save to the lib. I have also told Chief about this many times over the years. 

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