Callout's And Elevation


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You can change the text style used by the cameras through your layers.  By default, your cameras will be on the layer called "Cameras" using the "Default Text Style".  Change your camera layer to use a different text style and the camera callouts will update accordingly.

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Okay, with a little playing around, I was able to have it change...


I think this is perhaps one of the biggest mistakes we as Chief users make (actually probably true with life in general).  That is...getting something to work but not quite knowing why.  I find that when I take the time to understand why something is doing what it is, or how exactly to achieve the desired result, that time is extremely well spent.  I'm able to work with confidence from that point forward not worried about crossing my eyes and fingers hoping the stars align and things all fall into place for me. 


I would strongly suggest that when you reach these points where you need to figure out how to do something that (as much as reasonably possible) you take the time to FULLY grasp what is going on.  You'll be all the better for it and happy you did so. 

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