as built masks


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For remodels (most of what I do) the set is more useful if the as built conditions are ghosted on the new plan.  Chief answers this with the as-built mask (tutorial 1600).  I have used it.  But now I cannot adjust the line color when creating a mask, so its full black like the new work - not too useful.  Is this because I upgraded to x7?

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Your mask should be a 'block' of CAD lines, set to the back group, and locked. You can't make any changes if the layer is locked (Riemie) but after you unlock it click on the block and in the CAD Block Specification dbx there's a selection under General to choose "By Block Layer" that allows you to change the line style of the block by its layer properties.



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Put it on it's own layer and just change the layer color and line-weight to what you want

Yeo,  and you do not need to block......  BTW,  if blocked,  there might be an issue with the line style and line weight....  but I assume you already know that.

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Minor point - if the as built mask is a block (even though it doesn't have to be), locked, on its own layer, and set to the back group, if you ever have to modify it, and I have had to a couple times when the as built had a problem, the block can be selected, moved or deleted as a block. Just sayin', having it as a block can be a benefit.

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Meant to say, oh wait I did, that it's not necessary to block, but it doesn't hurt anything either just makes a couple operations easier. What happens if you want change the as-built mask and it's not blocked? You'd have to go to the 'all off' Layer, turn on that layer and delete everything, if it's a block you can move the entire block if you want, or you can delete the entire block all at once - works great - anyway it's only a suggestion for those who still have an open mind and willing to try different techniques.

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I'm with Larry on this one. I do it this way on my remodels. I find it works much easier to put everything from the modified view-to-CAD window on the as-built mask layer and then block it. Sometimes I have to go back, move that block to the side, modify something ( who knows what it may be), and re-block it; then move it back and lock the mask layer. Takes less time than it took to type this usually. I just did this yesterday on a remodel.



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I'm with Larry on this one. I do it this way on my remodels. I find it works much easier to put everything from the modified view-to-CAD window on the as-built mask layer and then block it. Sometimes I have to go back, move that block to the side, modify something ( who knows what it may be), and re-block it; then move it back and lock the mask layer. Takes less time than it took to type this usually. I just did this yesterday on a remodel.



Had the same experience numerous time, probably due to bonehead status, but none the less not a bad technique. But remember it doesn't have to be blocked. :)

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