Countertop Seams


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Can anyone tell me why when after I drop several cabinets into a plan say along a wall then i go to resize them by either opening the cabinet and changing width in DBX or sliding them in elevation view there always seems to be one or two that have the countertop seam show.  And on an island it is usually most of the cabinets when I butt them back to back.  I never change the countertop over to flat back or side or the overhang. I have temporary changed them to flat just to experiment to see if it makes the seams go away but it never worked. The cabinets are all the same height and depth, there are no rounded corners and "use finished floor" is off on all.  Attached are renderings of issue and the plan file.  Thanks



Alexander Design



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I get this every now and again.   Sometimes I have to move the cabinet back and 're-connect' it.   I will copy, delete, and then paste 'hold position' and that sometimes works.  Sometimes it is persistent and I will go as far as deleting and using a new cabinet.  Does not always seem to make sense......  Make sure your cabinet width is not poking into the adjoining cabinet as well. 

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I haven't closely looked at the island yet but for the cabinets against the wall with the range, you have a very small amount of base cabinet overlap under the microwave.  If you clean those up, I believe those countertop lines will go away.  If I were doing that design, I would try to keep the cabinet sizes to standard widths.  You also have a small wall alignment problem behind the range wall where the 2x6 wall meets the 2x4 wall in the vicinity of the arched doorway to the right.  I did see that your icemaker may have had its width change ...???... if not, you've left a gap ... maybe you did that for fit?


You have two cabinets ... behind the DW and sink ... in the island that are a tad out of alignment.  I fixed those but the vector view lines in the island countertop still show.  I even zeroed the backsplash thickness thinking that might have something to do with it ... but that wasn't it.  I think I would contact tech support and see what they say.  The only other thing I can think of is that for some strange reason it has to do with your (and mine) video card.  If I do a floor overview in vector mode, in some positions I can see module lines on either side of the range but as I rotate they disappear.  I don't see this happening on the island however. 


You should remember to shift your kitchen sink faucet over so it's centered on the sink (or the large sink basin?).

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I played around with it for a minute.  Specifically the base 3 drawer cab to the left of stove (looking at the stove).


It is a connection issue.   In elevation view I resized smaller (dragging handle from left to right.  Brought it down to about 24".   Then I slid it left to separate it.    Slid it back right to connect it.  ( seam).   And then re-sized back to original width into corner.  No seam now. 

That is all I played with, but I am guessing that will fix a lot of your seams.



BTW...where did you get the Thermador appliances?.  They look nice.

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It is the settings in the Countertop section. 

Specifically the Flat Sides and Flat Back settings.

The countertop is overhanging the sides and back and in the case of the island bench, the countertop is set to overhang the front as well. 

These overhanging countertops are overhanging each other.


After you change the settings, you will need to drag the cabinets away from each other and then reconnect them.


Or, probably easier, a 3D...Rebuild 3D should update them all in one go (after you have changed the settings - so as to avoid dragging every cabinet to get them to mend.) 

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I think it's a connection issue.  Cabinets are only happy when each back and each side are only against one other cabinet.  When ever you have a back against two or more cabinets you get extra lines.  The counter tops are easy to fix with custom counters.  I don't know of a way to fix the extra lines on the sides.

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