Crown molding not showing on soffits


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Hello, I am not sure why this is happening. I placed soffits in three different spots which divide a large area into three areas. When I added crown this is what happened. I have tried invisible walls to force the room definitions (I have never had to do this before in the past when I placed a soffit CA knew to put the crown on the soffit) But still, the invisible wall idea did nothing. Also, if you notice the half walls behind the sink the invisible wall destroys that idea (it overrides the half wall) attached are two images of my issue.



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  On 3/22/2021 at 2:22 PM, ericepv said:

Instead of using a soffit, put an interior wall and in its place(you'll have to create a 12" wall) and then create the opening by placing a doorway.


Okay... and then remove jamb and casing if I want it drywall corners and edges?

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  On 3/22/2021 at 3:54 PM, robdyck said:


Darren, you simply needed to add the crown molding to the soffit. AFAIK, a soffit will not automatically pick up room moldings.

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Hmmm. It has for me in many situations in the past. As a matter of fact, it did automatically put the crown in one area on the soffit without my doing. CA seems to have a mind of its own. Anyway, If I use the partition wall will it allow me to add base molding? (not manually with 3d polyline hopefully:)

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  On 3/22/2021 at 4:07 PM, robdyck said:

A cabinet partition. It allows moldings. I did notice that there were at least 2 soffits occupying the same space...maybe that's what kept the molding from generating.


yep, I noticed that too earlier so I deleted one. helped a little

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the molding weren't generating because your soffit is running through and past walls. Use separate soffits that cleanly butt up to the drywall.

I was wrong about the auto-molding pickup on soffits. You can tell I don't use them often! Here's an image showing the soffits, all separate, all butting up to drywall.



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  On 3/22/2021 at 4:07 PM, robdyck said:

A cabinet partition. It allows moldings. I did notice that there were at least 2 soffits occupying the same space...maybe that's what kept the molding from generating.


As I am doing the partition wall it does the same thing as if I use a half wall. It removes the portion of the wall that I am using with my door opening to create the soffit look. It is like CA is refusing to allow me to put any version of a half-wall directly in line with, in a doorway, or under soffit to create this look. I had it perfect earlier only using soffits, but two soffits had crown only on one side. Then I started messing with it and now it is all screwed up I guess. 

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  On 3/22/2021 at 4:10 PM, robdyck said:


the molding weren't generating because your soffit is running through and past walls. Use separate soffits that cleanly butt up to the drywall.

I was wrong about the auto-molding pickup on soffits. You can tell I don't use them often! Here's an image showing the soffits, all separate, all butting up to drywall.




Perfect. This I what I'm trying to do but I did not use soffits I used doorways with no casing or jamb. The first time I used soffits. I will remove it all and redo the soffits. 

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@DH7777 - 

Well...I'd use walls and avoid using the soffit tool at all cost. It does not frame for one thing.


I'd create a new 12" thick wall type and use a doorway with no jamb or casing and size it to the opening you want. I'd also create a solid railing wall type with no room definition for the half wall under the bar top. 


I've attached your plan with my edits so you can see what I've done.

Also...the room with the tray ceiling. You can create that ceiling in a couple clicks using the tray ceiling tool...and you don't need any walls. I've done it in the attached plan.


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