Upgrading my graphics card


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At present I have a i7 3.4ghz processor , GeForce GT 420 graphics card. 16gb ram and find that my computer cannot cope with the software, it stutters and takes and age just to turn the 3D drawing around , even creating the 3D house takes an age. I'm thinking of changing my graphics card to a NVidia Quadro K4000 designed for 3D modelling.  I am also using Turbo CAD Pro, Would this card be good enough for the job?

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BTW, my desktop unit that I built from scratch has a GTX 480 (Second fastest at time of build), and it still is a SMOKIN' FAST machine with X6.  My laptop, which I had built by Sager, has a GTX 680M.  Both units have 2 SATA hard drives and a SSD for the operating system, so are fairly comparable.  However, my desktop unit still performs faster when recording walkthroughs with the older 480.  We're talking a frame rate of 0.14 to 0.16 seconds per frame recording time.  My laptop is about twice the time.  Even that though, is a HUGE improvement over a couple versions ago, where I was seeing 4-5 seconds per frame recording time.

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Look here: http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html


On paper the GTX780 is half the price and twice the performance of the K4000. The K4000 will probably perform OK and looks to be a significant step up, but you are paying a premium price for less than premium performance. I recently upgraded my old i7 desktop to a 780 and it works very well with Chief.

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You need to be sure of a couple of items when buying a card in addition to the chip vendor. The 780 is a dual slot full length card and depending on where your PCIe slot is you might not have the room to fit it in. Also, you really want to install it in a PCIe 3.0 16x slot for best perfromance. Finally, it requires a lot of power from th power supply so you need to be sure; 1 - that your PS is big enough to support it (most likely 600 + W PS) and that you have a connector from the PS for the card.

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