Trying to delete a template page


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Hello all,


I had hired a fellow user to help with a set of Construction documents.


A long story short, he created three template pages. I only want one. Page zero. This way all of the numbers in the set will correspond to the page numbers on the layout.

This has been slightly frustrating, as the template pages can not be deleted. Is there a trick to this? The draftsman I hired said that he did not know how.


Now I have to manually add the page numbers as the set grows. If you insert a new page, every number in the set bumps up to the next sheet. And back to the manual page numbering system.


Thanks. - Val

Can not delete template pages.JPG

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Thanks very much for having a look! 


The template pages can be opened via the dialogue box, but they won't delete.  It's really strange.  If you uncheck

the tab for a page to revert back to a regular sheet, it won't budge. 


Wiill give this a try in the morning and let you know how it goes.  ...why the darn page won't just vanish after checking the box in the screen capture has been a mystery.  


No wonder they call you the solver!  Thanks very much.  







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Thanks to you both for the quick replies.

Solver, you are absolutely correct...the template page can be deleted once you find and destroy anything associated with it.

I managed to kill off page two by locating some cad details tied into. ....Could not do this for the third template page unfortunately. The solution was to simply send it to the back of the set.


Still don't understand why anyone would make more than one template sheet. It creates quite a mess unless I am missing something. Thanks again.


problem solved!.JPG

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The only advantage I know of for having more than one Template Sheet is if you want to include something on a specific set of pages.  As an example, you might want an Electrical Legend on all Electrical Floor Plans - or a Nailing Schedule on all Framing Plans - or a North Arrow on all Plan Sheets - or ????? on all Elevations, etc.


These things would then be visible on any page that uses those particular Template Sheet.


If you don't want any special Template Sheets, just make sure all pages use the "Default Page Template"


Layout Porject Browser.JPG

Layout Sheet Index.JPG

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This makes perfect sense. I have a unique system which is similar...As each Non-Architectural Plan becomes part of the set... I keep the page numbers associated with the layout numbers, but then we throw in the S1, S2, S3, or E1, E2, E3 alongside the sheet numbers.


That way we can just say to the builder... look at page 30 for example, and there they find the structurals or electricals. The double template page is definitely quite organized, but the set gets all wonky (for me anyway). I got frustrated when I couldn't print ages 1 through 15 in the print dialogue box because this sheets were not in sync with the layout.  By way of example, having three template pages made page one actually page three, It was just weird, and change can be hard to get used to when someone else has their own way to skin the cat.


Keep it simple has been my method, and old dogs sometimes get set in their ways. Thank you for explaining though. I do see the benefit.


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I set each page with the Label as:

  • G-#
  • A-#
  • S-#
  • etc

and the enter the Contents in the "Title".


To get this to work you just right click on a Sheet in the Project Browser and proceed to make those entries.


The macro %layout.label% on sheet "0" provides the automatic numbering.  I don't use the %page% macro.

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This is really helpful Joe!  Never knew that this feature ever existed. I can immediately see the benefit. Brilliant.


...I'm almost glad that my woes about template sheets started this thread! I've never once read that manual, and still have no idea what a ruby is. But I can draw with the best of them. Lol


Thank you. ...I am going to try out the numbering system as well, The way you guys set up your layout sheets makes total sense.

page label macro.JPG

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Thanks for the tip Jared. By far this has to be the best way to use a template page without undoing the numerical ordering system.


Since template sheets  will "associate" with any given page inside the set... it makes total sense to keep them at the very end.

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  On 10/14/2017 at 6:48 PM, VHampton said:

This makes perfect sense. I have a unique system which is similar...As each Non-Architectural Plan becomes part of the set... I keep the page numbers associated with the layout numbers, but then we throw in the S1, S2, S3, or E1, E2, E3 alongside the sheet numbers.


That way we can just say to the builder... look at page 30 for example, and there they find the structurals or electricals. The double template page is definitely quite organized, but the set gets all wonky (for me anyway). I got frustrated when I couldn't print ages 1 through 15 in the print dialogue box because this sheets were not in sync with the layout.  By way of example, having three template pages made page one actually page three, It was just weird, and change can be hard to get used to when someone else has their own way to skin the cat.


Keep it simple has been my method, and old dogs sometimes get set in their ways. Thank you for explaining though. I do see the benefit.



Try to put your page templates at the last pages location and it won't mess up your page numbers. Just drag them there.


PS, sorry didn't see Jared's post.

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