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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. This thread may shed some light: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/9359-some-callouts-cant-be-rotated/?hl=capsule
  2. Did you ever get a final answer? The same thing is happening to me:
  3. Yep. I use a railing wall for my toilet layouts: I also use railing walls for my office cubicle panels:
  4. Sometimes black metal mean you may have forgotten to turn photon mapping on.
  5. This should definitely be put in the Suggestion Forum. It's a PITA to develop ceiling grid layouts for commercial projects, especially when the room is divided up into different ceiling areas. Autodesk has a very good ceiling grid tool for their products - Chief should have the same (especially as it's being advertised for light commercial work).
  6. I did not know that. Even easier. Thank you.
  7. Isn't that easily taken care of by simply disconnecting the upper stair run from the landing? workspace.plan
  8. I disagree. My solution is not a work-around - it uses Chief's standard tools. But, again, maybe I don't understand what the OP is trying to achieve.
  9. Okay. Couldn't that be taken care of in plan view with a dashed CAD line, and in 3D by unchecking 'Open Underneath'?
  10. I'm confused why winders won't work. Maybe I don't understand exactly what you're trying to achieve, but here are the settings I would propose: Make the lower run winders: Then turn off the handrail at the wall:
  11. Have you played with making the stairs winders? https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/7408-notching-stairway-around-walls/?hl=winders#entry65869
  12. Yeah, I don't define the structure on a room by room basis. In my post #4 I was just making an observation, not complaining or making a feature request.
  13. I believe we must be thinking of two different situations. Imagine a rectangular foundation 20' long by 12' wide. I can span the 12' width with 1-3/4" x 9-1/2" I-joists. Maybe in once section, say below a bathroom suite, I need to beef things up to 2-3/4" I-joists. This condition doesn't require any "seam" or beam or bearing wall because it's a single span. If I divide the 12' width at some point to create two spans, one with 1-3/4" I-joists and the other with 2-3/4" I-joists, then of course I'd need a bearing beneath the transition. But that is not the condition I was thinking of when I responded to Johnny.
  14. Floor structure with different depths may require this, but not widths.
  15. Room Specification>Structure>Floor Structure allows us to assign a framing Material to a Floor Structure layer. When I set one room to use 1-1/2" lumber, and an adjacent room to use a 2-1/4" I-joist, then build the framing, the framing doesn't respect these different Material definitions. Why? Shouldn't it build 1-1/2" lumber joists beneath the first room, and 2-1/4" I-joists beneath the second room?
  16. The text issue can be fixed by opening the details in AutoCAD and exploding all the Mtext to Text. That will give you the correct text justification when imported into Chief. AFAIK the arrows will have to be fixed in Chief, but it's pretty easy to select them all and change the arrow head type back to "closed filled". The lineweights are being imported into Chief accurately - at least as far as they are defined within the AutoCAD drawing. I suggest opening in AutoCAD, select everything, and change the Lineweight to ByLayer, then during import map the the drawing file layers to "Chief Architect layers by name." This will give you control of Chief linestyles on a by-layer basis.
  17. Glen, I discovered the problem while working in CAD details. It never occurred to me to check the location relative to the origin. Thanks.
  18. Here is a Chief pattern, "Wood A", in X7: Here is the same pattern in X8: As you can see the X8 version is messed up. So far I've only found that this affects the custom wood patterns throughout the Chief custom pattern libraries. Can anyone confirm this behavior? If so, I'll send to tech support.
  19. Are you certain you're shooting a Full Overview? It appears there is no floor beneath the stairs, so it leads me to believe you're shooting a Floor Overview and the stairs are built on the floor below, so they won't be visible. And I'm sure you've checked to make sure the stair layer is turned on. Anyway, I don't have the same issue. With a Full Overview, and the roof/ceilings turned off, I can see the stairs on floors below.
  20. Maybe for the clients who could actually afford something better. But don't you think there is a need in this country, and elsewhere, to provide affordable living spaces (not necessarily "homes") for people in transition? I agree with Larry that the biggest challenges are in permitting and code compliance - and those hurdles can probably only be cleared by concerted action at a pretty high level - but I believe we absolutely need better alternatives to the cardboard boxes and park benches that some people are forced to consider "home."
  21. Sure you can do container homes in Chief. Here's a section through a Hi-C conex with furred walls, floor, and ceiling to add some insulation, etc: There's no reason you can't make the model as realistic as you want if you're concerned with properly showing the rails, posts, etc.
  22. I've been using Genetica for several years. It is extremely powerful, but the learning curve is very steep.
  23. I just experienced this issue, but instead of losing a floor, the entire plan file vanished from my job directory. I had to go grab an archived version. Just for kicks I tried the copy/paste again and the same result - the plan file is deleted from the directory. My plan files are stored on a network drive, so maybe that is relevant.
  24. Select the plumbing wall, make it a furred wall, then rebuild the framing.