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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. Heck, it's even easier than I knew. A point for Joe.
  2. Start a new plan, insert the old symbol, re-size it, then Tools>Symbol>Convert to Symbol.
  3. Gene, why doesn't the method I demonstrated in the original thread work? 1. Set the size using the Object Specification dbx. 2. Save as symbol and set up the stretch planes. 3. Done.
  4. Use the Revision Cloud tool: ...and you get a fancy dbx with lots of options:
  5. To fix that Reset the size, then adjust the Object for the size you want (10" Depth and Width) with Maintain Aspect Ratio, then save as a Symbol and set it up the way you want during the import. Barn Pendant Resized with Z-Stretch.calibz
  6. First open the object (not the symbol) and RESET the size. Then proceed with the steps Joe and I outlined. If that doesn't work, try the attached symbol. Barnd Pendant reset with Z-Stretch.calibz
  7. The "Drag files here to attach" is confusing. I recently replied to a post, and I kept trying to drag 'n drop a PNG file into the typing space where I wanted it to insert in-line with my comments, not realizing that I had to specifically target the lower part of the window until I get the "blue dotted" rectangle, then proceed with the in-line insert just like on the old forum. It seems like this would have been a good opportunity to stream-line that whole procedure.
  8. Open the Symbol Specification dbx and change the Z-value in the Sizing>Height tab (I used Joe's -9" value). This will restrict the symbol to stretching only the pendant stem when you change the height in the Object Specification dbx (remember to turn off Maintain Aspect Ratio).
  9. Thanks Joe; but Scott may have an issue with you taking his point for teaching me how.
  10. Teach me how to give points and I'll give you two - one for solving this thread, and one for showing me how to give points.
  11. Why don't you post a picture or sketch of what you want. Creating a custom door yourself isn't very difficult - it may be worth learning.
  12. I should have tried inserting more than one Sun Angle. Thank you for the solution.
  13. No. You can either select a cabinet door that best fits your needs (from the default, bonus, or manufacturer catalogs), or create a custom cabinet door.
  14. Adjust Sunlight>Use Sun Angle has a drop-down box. It is never populated with any choice other than what the current Sun Angle is set to: Am I missing something? Is there a way to designate multiple Sun Angles so I can select which I want for a particular render/raytrace without having to use the Edit option?
  15. Glass door. Adjust Panel Frame Options>Bottom.
  16. Select all the walls on the floor, then Build Framing for Selected Objects.
  17. It's a very common issue. The only reliable method I've come up with is to change the material of my main wall layer to the same as my door jamb. Smarter people may have a better solution.
  18. "Camera Bumps Off Walls" doesn't work, period. It doesn't work with Dolly, Pan, or Orbit.
  19. It looks to me like a line weight issue. Open the Layout and toggle Line Weights on; and check the object and layer line weights also.
  20. As you noted, this setting doesn't appear to work.
  21. Okay, now I get what you're asking. I agree, there appears to be no automatic method for changing the pattern line color of a specific material in a Line Drawing render.
  22. 1. Start a new Plan and save it somewhere. 2. File>Import>Import Drawing (DWG, DXF...) 3. Step through the Import Drawing Assistant; when you get to the Select Layers tab uncheck everything except the title block layer. 4. Once the data is imported, Copy it to your clipboard. 5. Open a new Layout and save it in the same directory as the Plan file. 6. Paste the contents of the clipboard into Page 0 of the Layout. 7. Move/scale/tweak the data to finish setting up the title block on Page 0. 8. Save your work.
  23. Larry, I guess I don't understand what a plot line view is. Isn't it this? Do you mean a Line Drawing rendering technique?
  24. Changing the material def works for me: What doesn't work for me are the Edge Line Defaults and Pattern Line Defaults in the Layout Box dbx: The Reference Manual says these settings are recommended only for legacy files, but they've never worked, and I've been using Chief since X5.