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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Probably public demand but I am guessing. DJP
  2. Gene, I think you should show an example of this "failure", in terms of my own experience I can do this in X8 and was also able to do it in X7, X6, X5 and X4, please be more specific and show an example. DJP
  3. Background images are only usable from the original focal point that they were taken from. As you alter the camera viewpoint the focal point changes and the image becomes less useful. When I create custom backdrops, I calculate the point from which I take a photo and duplicate that viewpoint in the 3D model and along the same vector as it was taken, doing that will ensure the greatest amount of "reality". A backdrop or photo is a 2D image and as such is only valid from the same or similar viewpoint from which it was created. DJP
  4. There is a specific 3D symbol for outlets on islands "Electrical - Outlets - Cabinet Mounted", these do not attach to a "wall" and must be manually placed and located. DJP
  5. Call Chief Architect Inc for help, their offices hours are based upon Pacific Time. DJP
  6. I have had nothing major occur but I also just do projects in either X7 or X8 without mixing them, mainly due to the lack of a "Client Viewer" which is now no longer a problem. Projects I am doing for X7 users, I of course would not mix up due to compatibility issues. Generally I would agree that X8 is very smooth if a little slow compared to X7 (I may need a computer upgrade, though I am not sure). The visualization of the LIbrary Browser seems the slowest (very annoying). DJP
  7. X1 is an antique program designed to run within Windows XP x32. It runs in other operating systems but not as well as the one it was designed for. DJP
  8. I runX1 in Windows 10 but of course not very often, it does seem to run smoother in XP (I also have it installed on my XP hard drive, along with Version 7, 9 and 10 DJP
  9. Not exactly sure what you mean by "Clean Up" but if you requires "perfection" then sometimes 2D CAD overlays are your only solution. Chief does a lot of things well but perfect it is not. If you see perfection will that is more likely due to the end user as opposed to the software itself. DJP
  10. The camera was not really programmed for spelunking but you can alter "height and Field of View" in Edit - Default Settings - Camera - Camera Defaults General Tab". Try that and see if it helps. DJP
  11. Posts should automatically appear provided you have created a terrain plane first provided you named the deck room "Deck", if you name the deck room "Balcony" then the posts will have to be manually created. DJP
  12. You can share as AutoCAD.dwg or dxf files or as PDF files or printed to paper but Cheih Architect Premier plan or layout files have never been able to share with older versions ever, it is just he way it is. DJP
  13. Is this an existing home or a home you intend to build? The dormer object ceiling is determined by way of its dialog box and in the case of a barn roof like you have, you may have to "explode" the dormers you have and manually edit them, especially if they need to encroach into the upper roof pitch (something that dormer objects are not automatically capable of. Please clarify your intentions. DJP
  14. You might save some time by looking in your local phone book yellow pages. There are those of us who do projects using the internet. Such a one will need a copy of your current Site Plan (those are usually attached to your deed package from your title company), Some idea about your lots topography, your wishes as to Architectural style and amenities desired. Then the plan (virtual model) can then be created and discussed-viewed on line using Skype or Go to Meeting and developed into precisely what you need and want. DJP
  15. You can manually change Window and Door labels to display whatever you like, one at a time by way of the objects "Label Tab" DJP
  16. I have observed that certain User Libraries, especially those brought forward from earlier versions like V9, V10, X1 etc often loose their association with their texture files. Repairing such library files just takes too long and I have ended up just deleting them form the Library Browser (a material library that contains no texture files is completely useless and too time consuming to reassociate texture files, one at a time). It is a weak point in terms of moving forward, version to version. DJP
  17. My experience is if I hate my client or I hate myself I use auto-interior-dimensions tool. You get too many unnecessary duplicate dimensions and so creates a lot of work culling them. When I want interior dimensions, I manually create them because the auto tool for interior is a disaster or at a minimum a lot of Make-Work to fix. It would be a God send if they could be moderated so that their output is useful with a minimum of after-creation-editing. DJP
  18. I number my pages like Perry and so have had zero problems. That is not to say that what you are doing should be abandoned but perhaps you should abandon something that obviously does not work as opposed to a method that does work, There is no reason to just place a "#" without a letter and that should work reliably. Why one would disorder one's pages from the default is beyond me when you can reorder the material, page to page as it is. DJP
  19. I would not recommend, during Beta phase to do what you plan to do. I have completed several projects using x8 but if I were you, I would wait until the final release to spend a lot of time converting plans. I know of no necessary settings or actions than need be made. I mean if you open an existing X7 plan in X8, the things about which you are concerned should be preserved without any other action. But once a plan is saved to X8, it will not be openable in X7. You will need to set up your new "Profile.plan" in X8 for future plans. DJP
  20. PS: I checked and I have 991 Mbs of manufacturer and user libraries that are formatted for X1. If you would like to have a copy of my Library for X1 please contact me directly and I will make arrangements to share the files with you via Dropbox for a nominal fee. DJP
  21. There are at least two ways to go, 1. as has been suggested, learn what specifications mean and then compare those one machine to the next and then decide or 2. learn how to build a PC and then select the components you want and put them together. For the last several years number two is what I have chosen to do. I have saved thousands of dollars and if something goes wrong, I know what to do and save the money of hiring someone else or depending upon Tech Support or Warranties. It is your choice to make. My current system is beginning to get long in the tooth but still serves me reliably well. My next upgrades will mainly be in a new video card and faster RAM which is way less than an entire new computer. DJP PS: Whatever you do, you should get specification words defined so you understand what you are reading. The best judgment one can have is their own based upon thorough understanding
  22. Current SSA and Library Catalogs will not function, will not install in Version 10 or 11. Current Library Catalogs are for X5, X6, X7 and X8. If you were to pay for an license upgrade to X7 or X8 then of course currently extant Library Catalogs will certainly be useful to you. Your intentions are not exactly clear from reading your post. DJP
  23. First floor, build your Foundation Second floor just keep going and the software will fill it in for you. If they do not fill them selves then read some of these Knowledge Base Help Articles posted by subject on the Chief Architect Website: http://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?q=floor+gaps DJP
  24. Ray Tracing successfully is an acquired skill, your ability advances along with your successes and failures (both are good learning tools). There are some basic video tutorials on that subject for SSA members and some good tutorials resident at Chief Tutor.com. One of the most consistently successful ray tracers around is Jintu Montego. He created the attached PDF file as general advice for people wanting to increase their skill. DJP Raytrace Settings-Forum Notes.pdf