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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Select and open the symbol's Symbol Dialog, go to the 2D block tab and look for where you can alter the fill of the 2D block. DJP
  2. Each building should be individually exported as a 3D file and then converted to a symbol and imported into your development plan. Before exporting each individual house model, you make a save-as copy and gut that copy before exportation (to reduce the overall 3D face count of the resulting symbol), Then, as symbols each house can easily be moved-located in the x, y and z axis independantly as you require for the entire development. DJP
  3. I have observed the same thing, I think a "suggestion" is in order for that, time and click wasting which could be solved by better symbol adminestration by Chief Inc. As to the "four seconds" you spoke of, I have not experienced this at all (it may be due to the differences in our hardware perhaps). I do fully agree that using the same 2D block for many symbols is lazy and stupid, especially when you can place a symbol and then regenerate that symbol to have a new 2D symbol manually, one wonders why this step was skipped before shipping the library (perhaps too little staff and too little time but I recommend that the time be taken and the libraries reissued). DJP
  4. I did not know you are a "Man of the Cloth"! What a pleasant photo of you! DJP
  5. I cannot read what the error message says (too small for my eyes). If you have not already posted a ticket to Tech Support, you should do so. I have never had this occur (whatever it says) nor have I heard of others having this, thus my suggestion for Tech Support that you already pay for. DJP
  6. Sam, recently made this one and shared it on the other forum: DJP
  7. I think you at least need to post some screen captures or sketches to better illustrate your question and post a copy of your plan. DJP
  8. Tried to duplicate your results and failed (my p-line was there in plan and camera views afterwards). Perhaps I do not fuly understand what you mean by "in space", I created one in a blank plan with nothing in the plan other than the p-line solid. DJP
  9. No, at least I have not found the setting. What I do is to place camera icons on a custom layer giving me the control of where and when they show in plan view. I completely agree that should be added to the dialog per instance as a choice. DJP
  10. I think it would be easier to just create a poly-line solid to emulate that object rather than to export that symbol and then import it into sketch up etc, alter it and then reimport. If there is a separate material input for just the cables you might set them to "opening, no material" which would exclude them in render views, editing out the lines using the "Edit Layout Tool" in terms of Vector Views on a layout, it is your choice to make. DJP
  11. I commonly draw them with railing walls set to "Post to Beam - no rails" but you are right in that there is more than one way to emulate them, just pick one and go for it is my advice. When printed no one will know or care "how" you did it. DJP
  12. Chief Architect Help! Chief Architect Inc ( Home Designer and Chief Architect) tutoring, trouble shooting, out-sourcing and training! Instant Chief Architect Software Help. Don't even leave your home or office. Your broad band Internet connection is all you need. We will work on them together using reliable, secure, easy to use internet desktop sharing technology. Nothing must be permanently installed. Nothing to set up or change, just communicate and get answers, solutions and HELP now. Call or email me today for a session appointment. Reasonable hourly rates for service when you need it. Austin, Texas is next door via the internet!! I have been teaching seminars in Texas and New Mexico in 2004-2005 and have been tutoring over the internet since 1999 CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS! I have Chief Versions 7 - X6 as well as all Home Designer versions 7-2014 consumer products on my PC to serve your needs. DJP
  13. I agree with Scott in that you need to post at least a screen capture if not a copy of your plan, to not do so makes us have to guess and there are LOTS of wrong guesses based on sparse data from you. (Just like you, we like to be right for you and ourselves) Welcome to the Forum! Important post/thread you should read: How to get good answers when you ask questions and Forum Guidelines I would open the space's Room Specification Dialog - Structure Tab and make sure that the "Floor Finish" is not set to "Zero inches" in thickness ( a common cause of "no floor", Zero inches thickness = no visible floor) When anything is a miss, the first thing you should get interested in is Dialog Box Settings, find out what they are for by way of study and practice; this software runs or fails to run based upon Default Settings and dialog box settings. There are countless numbers of them to find out about....Start! DJP