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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Here is a quick image that might help explain.
  2. In real life the only way I've been able to get those railing transitions to work (as shown in the pics so far) is by treating them as "separate" sections. This has always been a challenge area. There are design changes you can make to the landing that allows a continuous railing, but it ends up having an additional transition (making the landing longer in one direction) so the rail can run "level" for a few inches or so, and then the additional transition. If you want complete symmetry, then you can run the landing and equal length so the "level" rail area makes the 90 degree turn before it transitions down (or up) again. Not sure if this explains what I mean, but its the way to make this work.
  3. Its the little things that matter - good catch.
  4. Hey Guys - I just upgraded to X8, and in X7 I spent some time setting thing up the way I wanted (previous versions I used default settings mostly). I dont see a way (or I am missing it completely) to import/export my "preferences" file, so is this something I need to redo fully in X8?
  5. What you are mentioning here is often the disconnect when a client who takes the project out of the hands of the designer/architect following the initial design/permit phase and ends up getting a snow-job from the lowest bidding contractor that decides he/she will place their specifications overlay to the plans/design. Yep, happens a lot - but not to smart clients.
  6. Very nice Jintu. Can I ask, <a> are those lighting fixtures in the CA library - or did you import?...<b> is that the new Lumion HD render engine?
  7. Thanks for the info - I just sent them an email.
  8. I used Mac exclusively from 1998-2011, but switched due to critical 3D apps not being supported yet. The Mac hardware is nice, but I really don't notice much difference in productivity. Apps I find critical to my business still aren't available on my office is 90% PC now. Lumion 3D is the most important tool I have currently - I hit "home runs" in my presentations each time.
  9. Im going to get the SSA special today. If I do, does that give me X8 in beta in my locker - or do I need to apply to be part of the beta team?
  10. Hey Glenn - just as a matter of exercise I did this and the roof overhang still built at 18" (default) and ignored my manual overhang I made input on the "wall" diagram. Perhaps I have something wrong....
  11. Yes, it does appear that the wall settings for roof overhang is ignored, but your example wouldn't work well for "automation" regardless since geometry would require the baseline to be set inward from the wall by the same distance as the common overhang. Another option might be to then segment out a "room" the distance of the overhang, and choose "no roof" over that room which will automate a baseline that will keep the fascia heights aligned. This may get you the automation you seem to be after.
  12. your welcome - but so you know the video was from Scott Hall who deserves the credit... take care.
  13. Id say overall, wall snaps need to be changed in CA - as not only is this a problem, but so is moving windows and doors close to a corner or edge. It would be great if there was a way to disable the automation when you want to - or lock walls.
  14. Actually, I just noticed you don't have a exterior wall made up of multiple sections (not 1 wall profile), but you are running a secondary wall manually partially around the perimeter. I dont have a fix for you at this point other than to say you'd probably solve part of your issue making a wall profile that contains all the layers you need/want...and not have multiple wall lines running together and parallel. (added) in fact, I just deleted the secondary wall and it turned on balloon frame (see Joe's comment) and it fixed the issue. Your main issue I think is that other wall line you are running parallel with the exterior walls. CA is trying to place a wall platform under that wall.
  15. You've set a neg ceiling height for the room which is messing that up. You need to just correct your default heights....
  16. You best bet is probably to use a molding poly - but someone may have a better solution.
  17. I wish everything was metric.
  18. The extra amount I think you are confusing (or I am wrong somehow) is the "continuation" price vs the "re-start" price. They give you a discount if you continue your SSA. Which brings up an interesting point that doesn't relate to me - but curious nonetheless. What if you naturally had SSA coming due now?...that means you don't get any additional discount? I think this is a good deal to get back in SSA and that way can get beta X8 - ill spring for this deal.
  19. Never mind - I see that if you upgrade to X8 it includes SSA so that is really what I wanted to know.
  20. I noticed there are a lot of sales for CA. Does SSA ever go on sale?
  21. Actually they recently had a video on this - I think you are on right track, but perhaps too bright in your example (but very good overall). If you want better lighting you might be better to use a full render app.
  22. Under default settings, dimensions, and then automatic exterior -