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Everything posted by johnny

  1. johnny

    Chief X5

    Not sure if this would work for you, but if you had a sign or something you could set any image (including a text image) as a material and paint it to a 3D object (like a face). Again, you may need something diff but thought I would suggest this as well.
  2. In fact, here is basicly Lumion without lumion - using just the engine. All most the programs that do this type of work are interfaces and pre-packaged objects in the Cryengine. My point is if you wanted to freely download cry, and manually create the files you dont have to buy Lumion. That route will take a LOT more learning. Unreal engine is fairly good too. Again, not nearly as easy as Lumion (no matter how easy this video looks). Although Unreal is now free too ...that is a change. Wow that that its free that is very cool. Unreal might be your best bet.
  3. I dont think you are on the right path with intericad - what Alaska is saying is there are apps that can take a Chief file and produce much better walk-thrus (ie Lumion and a few others). Those apps are just for presentations. I use Lumion and love it - but its not cheap. I do believe they have a "rent" to own program as well though if you need. As a side point (perhaps worthy of its own thread) is the fact these types of apps seem to be springing up. I believe they are using the CryEngine....which CA could fairly easily implement into their app if they so wanted. In the future I see BIM apps having this element built-in.
  4. Can we label lines? Id love to be able to be able to label a line (such as setback line or other). I see line styles that have text in them, but is there a way just to label a line on the fly?
  5. johnny

    What the ?

    lol.... wow - I think since the file I had didn't even have floors in that file it wasn't even in my mind. Thank you.
  6. johnny

    What the ?

    I just looked for backups of that file and ALL the site files for this project are like this all-of-a-sudden. Too odd. I'm curious if its my system. I installed the brand new nvidia driver - perhaps that is my issue. Although, other files ive done recently work fine.
  7. (no need to read further - i was just a moron is all - i could make myself feel better and say its late) I have a plan i've been working on today, and all of a sudden nothing is showing in 2D plan view...but everything shows fine in 3D. I've quadruple-checked my layers being on etc, and I am stumped. Love the fact this happens to me when I promise a deadline on something. Any help is appreciated. Perhaps its just an issue with this file on my system...all my other files open fine. There is actually other layers not displaying even past the terrain etc. lot13.plan
  8. I guess im not following on running parallels. So you aren't running a native version of Chief Architect for Mac? If you are not, then that is your problem and you should get a specific Mac version. Perhaps I dont understand what you're saying about this.
  9. Can you do a search on your local HD and copy the font over under the system folder "font directory"? That is so odd - i used Mac a few years ago and the process was virtually the same as Windows then.
  10. I've done daylight basements that are on am I doing it wrong? Now you have me curious.
  11. Yep - it should work the same since fonts are installed in similar ways. The only difference with Mac is that I think you can install specific fonts for each "user" of that computer.
  12. I dont think this is the case - you might want to check the system specs of both computers.
  13. The problem is most likely in your roof design in relation to what dormer you want to see. I can fit a auto-dormer in, but you have to enter parameters that work....although, the roof space is a bit tight in that area to make it work.
  14. Why not just use a "floating dormer"? If it doesn't need to connect to anything inside that probably would work.
  15. I'm having a noobish issue (perhaps) where I can't get my fonts in an imported survey file to change based upon the layer I assign. I've created a new layer, assigned a default text style, and am trying to change text by re-assigning the layer properties. This seems like it should be working, but im sure its probably something obvious that i'm doing wrong. lot13.plan
  16. Part of me thinks this is Home Designer...or another DIY app.
  17. johnny


    You may have better luck using the framing tools and then doing manual edits from there. I say that since you need to set the correct widths etc for the framing to even work. If you post your plan with an explanation you will have a better chance getting a quick answer.
  18. johnny

    Final View

    ....or your PC is so good that you have everything turned on in final view all the time. How I know this is I bought a 27" tablet for portable presentations, and even though it has an nvidia card its not the quality of our main office systems (although I am the only one in the office that uses CA). For my 27" tablet going between final view with shadows and not is a big difference. If you know your computer isn't very good then its probably unable to display better.
  19. I haven't yet but would be very easy in CA since, at this present time, Chief only uses a texture image for siding (well, you can add a bump map). So - just go download a tile-able pic (or make very quickly) of what you see on the internet and you'll have it.
  20. I know many like to find ways to get CA to frame automatically, but I have yet to see many examples where it does so (a.) correctly*, and (b.)faster than using Chief's framing tools and just manually modeling it. It is pretty cool you can use all those tools in CA to frame things correctly - and if you want to mix with auto-frame sections just lock your hand-framed sections. *I say its worse to show something framed incorrectly than simply not showing it.
  21. I know its wishful thinking, but CA should look at providing some sort of reporting for a project that could be used for designing lateral and vertical resistance. Most all the data extract is math that exists already in the walls/doors/windows/roof.
  22. Yeah, sorry I was down to the issue about the batt issue - if you look at the image above the shadow isn't working correctly for the batts. Although, did you say the file was fine on your system? it must be an issue on my end.
  23. Get rid of the casings - set the frame to the width and depth you need. Obviously no sash either. The big problem with Chief right now and duplicating this is that you cannot size the frame differently on each side. Since you are placing 2+ windows side-by-side to mimic the combined visual, it leaves either the center frame too wide or the side too narrow. Alternatively, you can size the overall window and place poly solids to replicate the middle frame sections. However, in commercial work you need to be ultra-accurate in frame/door sizing. That is why getting the actual manufacture details and using correct sizes are important.