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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I can confirm that it happens almost randomly. Glenn was trying to help me with this on a project and he submitted a bug ticket.
  2. OK thanks - I guess I have to load them somehow....ill read up on it.
  3. I am very surprised there isn't a gravel hatch included in CA. Can CA use other app's hatches/patterns? There are several "standard" hatches/pasterns that seem to be missing.
  4. Wall material regions would be PERFECT if they could be used around the corner. I requested CA add this ability but I guess we'll see. What i've done to get around this is to use the material region for the wall panels and then use the same thickness and material corner boards. I turn off the line for the corner-board to vector it looks seamless. It works but really want CA to fix this for wall material regions since its not even like you can put 2 material regions together on a corner - they end up automatically being cut at edge.
  5. Basically, your lower windows dont show on the floor plan, but do on the elevations and your upper windows dont show on the elevations but do on the floor plan. As Micheal said you have some very odd things going on in that plan. If you dont know how to follow Michael suggestion I would look at trying to setup a new file and copy/paste over to it with the new info. I did that and had to re-inset some of the windows but the file was stabilized.
  6. Glenn or Micheal may have better fix, but if you explode the dormer and set a pony wall - with the lower being the limestone and upper whatever you want you can manually set the distance.
  7. Sounds good - I just didn't know if there was a way to add the circle through a script or something. I have 2 options then - use the schedule (as in plant for schedule) or add circle around the label.
  8. If you think about this business from the standpoint of owning "software" and "making money with this software" then you've already failed (just being honest). The software is only a tool. Its like me buying a bunch of shop tools and calling myself a cabinet maker. I think you either need to school or go work for a good design/arch firm and then plan to branch out once you know the ropes. Pretenders get found out quick in this industry and the mistakes you can make can be catastrophic both financially and physically.
  9. Is there a macro that could go before the text that indicates to place border around the next?
  10. Yep, here is an example. I guess you could say I just want a circle around the label text, since I could use "3.1" for the label text.
  11. Is there a way to turn an object's label into a call-out? I use mostly footnotes in my plan, would love to use a call-out over an all text label.
  12. Yeah, its all good just curious. Unless all layers have some ability we dont fully understand or they hard-coded a single layer (though maybe others?) to act this way.
  13. Yep worked perfect - thanks. For my own understanding, I would love to know how turning "on" a layer seemed to have an effect of turning other aspects "off". That seemed interesting.
  14. Thanks for the ideas guys. I tried doing that (turning off layers) and using the hatch wall command that I actually really like - all but the walls show from outside siding to outside drywall - which isn't ideal, since framers and dimensions typically go to face of rough framing. Since you guys seem to all recommend that perhaps its me doing something wrong.
  15. I am trying to control the wall appearance in CDs - I dont like seeing all the wall layers. However, in my design process I think its good to see all the layers. Should I be trying to control the visual with layers and settings, or should I have wall types setup the way I want visually and change them all later?
  16. You want to select the walls on the non-gable ends (if its a traditional gull wing) and set upper and lower pitches to what you need and auto-build roof will make the roof to spec. If you are trying to build a modern gull wing roof then you really need to use roof planes manually.
  17. Someone is going to ask you post the plan.
  18. I promise I am not posting this to troll, and what Joe/Michael said was very true - but I was just watching this video the other day on pre-made arch sections that look similar to what Yusuf has - albeit its not merely a bent 2x. 99.9% of archways are framed with plywood or osb - but...
  19. Thanks for the response. I got there by making a Rich Text and started pasting my text in from Vectorworks. That worked fine, but what I started to realize is that there was no way to have multiple columns of text (that i saw), and then secondary issue when I thought about breaking up the rich text boxes and manually numbering - but that wouldn't work in CA. Each text box needed to take over from where the last one left off - text box 1 would have A-E, text box 2 F-H (so on and so forth). Without letting CA number for you I couldn't see how to manually change the order of each text box to start at "F" and keep going. I changed to a plain text, table formatted system but that effort to do simple text editing is 20x harder this method. I was just surprised CA didn't seem to have basic text tools we've come to expect in current applications. All that said, I could be doing something wrong - but i've read the manual and help sections on this and couldn't find an answer.
  20. Trusses build to whatever shape you have set between your ceiling and roof plane (underside). As Bernie mentioned, make a ceiling plane parallel to the roof plane but up (z) 3'-6" if your picture is correct for the depth of the truss. You can also custom edit a truss - and there is a video on that.
  21. It appears there is no way to have continuous multi-columned text or dynamically size a table created in CA. This would seem to be very odd if that is the case, and I am hope im missing something.
  22. I've been using an archaic method of getting my notes into CA for past plans, and I am just wanting to have everything natively available in layout. In that quest, i'm not fully understanding how to control text - specifically Rich Text that I want to format in line with other auto-numbering (lettering in this case). How can I get a rich text specification to indent like it has the upper sections so the 2nd line is directly under the first? Most the text box works fine.
  23. One thing cool about using Cabinets is how easy it is to make partial wall/flanking columns - I can turn off the side panels and they bump nicely into the wall/trim etc. I'm actually very exited to find this works the way I needed.
  24. Thanks Dermot - you nailed it.