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Everything posted by para-CAD

  1. jpeg will include the rectangular white background included with the signature. photoshop will create an alpha channel (clear) so that the white area can be masked out (non-destructive) or deleted (destructive). Then export to "PNG" and maintain transparency. jpeg will include the rectangular white background included with the signature. photoshop will create an alpha channel (clear) so that the white area can be masked out (non-destructive) or deleted (destructive). Then export to "PNG" and maintain transparency.
  2. I collaborate with a guy who uses join dot me. it works well. I currently use Cisco WebX Screen sharing really cuts down the turn around time when I can have a builder see the model and make decisions "live".
  3. My 34" works great but I like your "bigger in Texas" attitude. I might be trying a second curved 34". The dell software makes a single monitor act like a multi-monitor with ZERO bezels. See attached screen capture.
  4. I can't go there with you JCLDraft. I can do things in AutoCAD that CA seems either to not do or requires some secret society "work around" to accomplish. I wish you every success, though!
  5. Update: i got new glasses designed for focus at arms length. And, a new more curved Dell 34” it! Dell has some software that makes different screen windows so I can have different windows tiled in a snap.
  6. I'm running X11. Chief is so clunky that I will probably never go 100% with it. I do some production work that I don't think many apps are built to handle. I drew this in AutoCAD and then import to CA. Total final CA exported PDF size is 54MB with all the details and other PDFs. It's not a problem so far. My level of experience with manipulating imported DWGs in CA is pretty low. It seems less capable than working natively in AutoCAD. What I lose in CA BIM I make up for in complete control over placement, alignments, text, precision, etc. Some things in CA are just plain frustrating. Much in autoCAD is intuitive and when I can't do the same in CA quickly or pains me. Thanks for your thoughts & input.
  7. My county rep responded. The plan is to adopt 2018 codes in July 2020.
  8. I have evolved to a way easier method. - Draw whatever it is in AutoCAD - In paper space, Print to PDF at whatever scale you choose and match paper size for CA layout (ARCH D or whatever) - Import the PDF to CA layout and position on the layout page where you want the PDF (check "Save in plan") in the imported PDF properties. ** Some of the line weights may be a bit light and need adjusting. Attached is an example that I zoomed to 75% & 100% and then took screen shots. Way easier than the crazy method I was trying before and everything remains to scale (which was my goal in the first place).
  9. I called the local planning department to see when they would be requiring 2018 IRC references in new plans for permit. Its unknown ATT. Last time the 2015 code was adopted on 1 JULY 2016. Just wondering if anyone has migrated to 2018 code yet.
  10. Sounds like a great feature that should be included in the s/w so custom macros don't have to be the "work around".
  11. I wonder why CA doesn't make these things as included features in their software?
  12. I use AutoCAD quite a bit side-by-side with chief. It looks like he has drawn all of his project layout pages in model space. If an AutoCAD drawing is just the structure/building in model space and then paper space is used to manage how the pages will appear, then the DWG file will only have the model space information when imported to chief. If I was given that plan, I would attempt to copy the relevant parts to a new blank chief plan so that I could reference the information that I needed. Since I have never run into that particular condition I don’t know if my advice will help you.
  13. para-CAD


    wow. Great post Jorge. I started with AutoCad R11 at Texas A&M (E.E.) so AutoCad has always been my default setting. I used SolidBuilder in a whole-house panelizing (and hand-cut roof) endeavor in TN for a while. We used MiTek WalPlus for wall panelizing as well. Then SoftPlan for a bit and finally CA. I don't frame any more so I am 85% CA and 15% AutoCad LT. I had difficulty with Softplan because I always tried to get it to work like AutoCad. Solidbuilder was awesome for framer-like accuracy. It even created accurate roof framing members, printed on cut sheets. But it is a bear if you need it to be a marketring tool. For shop drawings and production, it's great. Chief is well thought out but I still jump to AutoCad when I want granular control of details and roof cut sheets.
  14. 1. I operate my business files/folders inside Dropbox (integrated folder in Windows explorer and macOS Finder) 2. On windows I run Acronis to do scheduled system back ups to an external HD 3. On macOS I use TimeMachine (default) as well as CarbonCopy Cloner. 4. On both systems I also use Good Sync to create specific folder backups to additional external HDs and a high capacity USB thumb drive. All these backups can be scheduled so it stays current and provides redundancy. I look forward to hearing what you come up with. -Mike
  15. Thank you! I’ll work that out as soon as I get in front of my computer.
  16. 1. Completely removed CA X11 to do a clean install. 2. Changed the default libraries from C:\ (Samsung 960 NVMe M.2) to my dedicated scratch disc D:\ (Samsung 850 Pro). 3. All my old files open and work but when I save and exit, I'm shown an error message (see attached). So, what have I done and can anyone direct me to a fix. The Check Knowledge base had nothing, so here I am. Thanks much. Mike
  17. Done. Deleting always works. Kind of a pain that I can't just uncheck the displaying of text. Thanks to all those who provided input.
  18. Unchecking roofs, labels did not work. I guess I will delete the roof and start over.
  19. Thanks much for the help. Never seen it before. Don’t see a use for it.
  20. So, I have a 12:12 roof in X11 that now displays the text "12 IN 12" along each exterior wall and "(VERT-G)" or "(VERT-V)" on gables or interior. Can't seem to locate what setting is selected to generate this. Super frustrating since this is something that has never appeared before (X10 or earlier). Any help in turning this off is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  21. I started using ScreenFlow way back in v4 time frame. It's just really easy to do everything I need. I haven't tried Camtasia. With Screenflow I get maybe 70% of what I have with Adobe Premiere (I am NO power Premiere user) with a very easy learning curve. YouTube has all kinds of good videos.
  22. Screenflow is the best on a mac, imo. Same ability to edit in the same app. Can record from iPhone screen as well.