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  1. all interesting, hopefully helps others - does me no good because years ago I mapped my middle scroll button to back space and delete -combined with all the hot keys mapped to my 2 multiple button mice which serves me well by staying out of dialog boxes
  2. I needed 1x6 battens on a project, and could not find anything to my satisfaction to even create such. This is a really good work around for what I needed. thanks Richard
  3. It has been 10 years (or longer) since I migrated my desktop settings to a laptop. I searched for a how to video thru chief but have had no success. Use it or lose it I guess, I was able to get it done back then but I'll be damned if I can't recall how I did it. Just curious if any user has done a tutorial on what is needed, or if anyone recalls such.
  4. Yes, I have experienced this. I am also seeing trusses renumber oddly when editing in section. In the past, trusses would renumber plus 1 or the first unused number e.g. TR10 to TR11 now it is TR10 to TR48 which is bizarre since I only have 30 total.
  5. It is also a good idea to include the north arrow on the floor plan to help out those folks that produce a manual J for heat/cool load calcs.
  6. Yes I would welcome this, instead of clunky work around's like precisely breaking foundation walls to change a footing size for a point load.
  7. And don't forget you can save details in layout folders too. This can be useful for creating templates to eliminate work that repetitious.
  8. It isn't you I see that stuff (spikes, etc.) all the time. The truss tails most always end up with a plumb cut. I have made a suggestion for more control on plumb & square many years ago. Perhaps it is time to try again.
  9. 'Tad' is being generous. I assume speed improvements will be forth coming so I am patiently/quietly awaiting. That said I'm very happy with the release, the marquee select similar tool is worth the price of admission on it's own. Like Perry I bring all my plans forward, why handicap yourself from the improvements each release provides. Stability hasn't been an issue for years.
  10. Back in the 70's when 2x decking floors were predominate we did install the mudsill and pour into that 2-1/2" slot, and it was a pain you couldn't be any drier than a 5" slump. Troweling the top of a foundation was not an issue - getting concrete spudded under the plate was another matter. I do not miss those days.
  11. Larry actually I did not, I have found perpendicular snapping required me to be zoomed in partly because I work with a high dpi setting on my mice so rather than fussing with getting a snap, I do just as I recommended. Also the way I do my plot plans I don't need a lot of perpendicular dim work. However, I will say you made it work pretty well coming off a corner a nice tip to remember definitely quicker than doing what I do now.
  12. Diane, What I do is draw in some short point to point dimension segments close to where you need them, use make parallel/perpendicular tool and then grab handle them into place.
  13. It is, and you are right it is called psychological pricing where odd prices slightly below whole numbers give the perception of a better deal. It appears there may be a cultural disconnect/bias that I am sure you didn't anticipate here.
  14. I believe version 8 or older will open the files - then re-save it forward.