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Everything posted by GeneDavis

  1. Nice, Eric. Now hire the Einstein of roof cutters to frame it.
  2. HD Pro has its own discussion forum. This is the one for Chief Premier users, most of whom do not know how HD Pro works.
  3. I do that DVW workout for a client who saves $$ having his own guys, primarily carpenters, run all the plumbing. I get paid to do it, and the few hundred bucks is nothing compared to the fooling around, mistakes, and repeat trips to the plumbing supply house for more fittings. All those DWV fittings I got from the 3D Warehouse have line center indexing points and turn intersect points modeled into them, so it is real easy to pop a fitting onto a turn in 3D. I find the fittings exercise a fun and fascinating thing to do in 3D. The turns at 90, 60, 45, and 22.5 degrees make it possible to meet any routing challenge. The coolest thing is to find out why there exists a "1/6 bend," a.k.a. 60 degrees.
  4. Who pays for those exquisite interior renders with all the lighting adjustments, bump mapping, placement of Cuisinarts on counters, the precise fixtures all per the catalogs?
  5. Here is the V scheme for the project. Not the DW, just the V. Two story house lower level walkout on slab, the venting all tied together to do one pop out the roof. And a zoom in to show the fittings, exactly to spec per the Charlotte pipe catalog, to use at each bend or transition. Those fittings are from the 3D Warehouse.
  6. You can go crazy and model it in exquisite 3D beauty in Chief, or outside Chief in something else. Here is Sketchup and some DW, but not V. Include a matching point in your model, import it into Chief, and stick it on your DWV layer.
  7. Distribution path control is pretty cool if you want to go random spacing, and random sizing. Watch the Chief video to see it used in landscaping, and you get the idea. Clothes hanger groups could be randomly spaced.
  8. When they are spread one facing each side of wall, no bottom plate header needed. Less lumber for sure. For 2x6 wall construction, which is in play just about anywhere it gets cold, the problem is insulation. No one makes readily available 2.5" thickness rigid foam board, which is what one would want between the headers. Fooling around with 2" and 1/2" is something no framing contractor will do. Insulated headers are available in some markets, but the problem with them is the lack of size availability. Typically they are sold only in the tall 2x12 height. You end up over-headered in many places. But yes, Chief should have a setting whereby exterior headers (and there needs to be a distinction between exterior and interior) may opt for paired 2x lumber, tight, faced to outside, with a plate under.
  9. The followup question is where do you source the tile? All I could find is this, in four colors. Black, white, something called "nude", and another called "pearl." And this, in black, white, blue, and green.
  10. As I said earlier, I use the scale in use by builders and framing carpenters and plans examiners and inspectors just about everywhere inch-foot measuring is in play. 1/4" = 1'-0" And I've yet to do a project I couldn't do with one of the industry-standard page sizes, ARCH-B through E. You must work in some alternative universe. Every printer I know works in those paper sizes. But I think I understand your issue. If you are fixed to a paper size due to your own printer's limitation, or that of your print shop, and your plan won't fit at 1/4" scale, but WILL at 3/16" scale, you have two choices. ACCEPT that your text and dimension heights will be 75% as tall as when printed at 1/4" scale, or . . . . . . EDIT all your anno to your smaller preferred size. I find that editing anno height often requires editing placement as well as arrows. Chief won't do it automatically.
  11. I don't think you have the concept yet, Wilson. There is no "scale factor" for text and dimensions. There is a scale one sets when sending a plan view (or an elevation, or CAD detail) to layout. The most common is 1/4" = 1'-0". Another way to look at this scale is that it is 1/48th full scale. Text and dimensions have a height setting. That height is FULL SCALE, i.e. 1:1. The setting in imperial units is done in inches. If your height setting for text is 48 inches, your text will all be 1" high on your layout for any views sent at 1/4" scale. Out of the box, Chief comes with the text and dimensions set at 6" height for 1/4" scale. 6/48 = 1/8. Text will all be 1/8" high for views sent at 1/4" scale, and with text height = 6 inches. I set mine at 4-1/2", so my text is 3/32" (0.093") high at 1/4-scale. Joey sets his at 4, a little smaller. His comes in at 0.083", about 10 percent less than mine. In my opinion, Joey's height of 4 inches for 1/4 scale is about as small as one might want to go.
  12. How many different scales are you using in your construction docs? Most of us use 1/4"=1' for every kind of plan view except for plots, site, landscape, and kitchen & bath. And for me that means there's a need for 1"= 20' for the bigs and 1/2" for k&b. Large-footprint jobs, for me, mean we're gonna go from C to D or even E size paper, because we're always gonna scale at those figures above. So what's the issue here? Plan views are for PLAN views only. They don't apply at all to sections, elevations, CAD details.
  13. Show us a screencap of the situation when you select both windows. The "block" symbol is what you use to mull, and it is there whether or not you can mull the windows. Here is what I get.
  14. Do you want them mulled with that large space between? I know they will mull if stacked close, but you are beyond the mull join distance.
  15. Does the material list area work for you?
  16. If commercial work that is not wood-framed is your principal focus, then Chief Architect, which has strong wood-framed structural tools and which best addresses single-family residential work, is not for you.
  17. And so my client, the builder, can share it with his client. I sent it to the builder via Google Drive, but are there alternatives? These walkarounds are huge files.
  18. I don't see sloping walls. I see a perspective view.
  19. Yep, that's it DzE. Thanks! And Eric, thanks for the nice example.
  20. A successful guy in my locale always does this, using hand-drawns for all conceptual work. I know he doesn't do CAD. He has always employed a "draftsman," and I am pretty sure the work gets done using ACAD. My guess is that this one, shown below, got done by doing the asbuilt measure, likely by the draftsman with maybe his boss the archy taking photos and writing notes, then the draftsman produces an ACAD layout, and the boss traces it by hand on a light table.
  21. So what is the technique, Eric? I believe that is precisely what Jen needs. That, plus a good hand-drawn font for some skimpy notations. We want to be able to .pdf it. I am hoping it is something quick and easy.
  22. The plant is "half" 3d. The leaves are 3d, but the flowers are images, and the images are rectangular, specified as always facing the camera. The rectangles are treated as opaque surfaces when Chief renders the shadows. Dig into the SU model, going component withing group within group, until you get to where you can select the flower images. When you do the select, you can clearly see the rectangle. I attached a screencap. Think about the effort it would take in SU to model the flowers in 3D, and you'll understand why the modeler chose to use images. The SU model is very cool, but won't work in Chief for rendering. Show us how it looks in standard render view, and in vector, and in PBR. Edit: I attached a render of an image no Hill Country interior should be without.