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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I tried to do a vid to dispute Michael's claim that it is not important to predefine whether it is conventional frame or a truss system. I could not do a good vid, but I think it is important to predefine whether truss or conventional prior to building roof or ceiling plane. Michael and I should get together on a GTM to thrash this out. Great topic to discuss.
  2. I agree, ceiling drawn inside is correct. Eric just proved it with pic. If drawn on outside, the slope of ceiling starts higher than top plate.
  3. Yeah, you and I are in agreement, so why does CA say we should build on exterior face? Do they do things differently in God's Country?
  4. I added part 2 to post #13. Not a great vid, but there is some meat on the bone.
  5. I think it is important to either check or not check the truss(no birds mouth option), this is important in determining where the roof base line is located. I think I proved that in the vid. It does make a difference.
  6. The rebuttal vid....... how do people make there vids so short? PART 1 PART 2
  7. How would one go about using a CA model in Lumion?
  8. I am using the latest and greatest CA software, it is X-9. If this is your business, spend the money and get X9, if you are goofing around, build the wall out of PSOLIDS and then move on over to the HOMETALK forum for future questions, they understand the program you are using more than I.
  9. Draw wall, take a back clip crossection, select left side of wall and drag down 48", select right side of wall and drag down 24", you should have a sloped wall
  10. Thanks, I should of added that. I think you guys in CALIF. can probably relate to this... I find myself trying to guess what special pecadillo the next plan checker will have. I keep saying to myself... "send it in... send it in... send it in, let them tell me what they want this time". It is a slow painful death I go through with each project
  11. BTW, I think this is such a stupid note if the builder/plumber do to understand this, it is time for a new builder/plumber. This is how nutty the permit processing has got. Somehow for the last 150 years, the builder/plumber understood there was a slope required. I wish that Donald Trump had lost the election and would of become head of the plan check dept. in san diego. For every new regulation, get rid of two regulations. I am not picking on you Jere, it's just that this is common knowledge for anybody that puts in plumbing. In fact I just wasted 4 minutes of my day responding to this..... a sure sign of how much a dim wit I am. I was talking to P. this past weekend and I was telling him I am ready to retire from the day to day drudgery of this business. I spend more time noting that the stair railing needs to be blah blah blah instead of investing my time in the design of the home. Justs venting guys, please ignore this rant.
  12. I gave up using the Magic Mouse and now use a hard wired Logitech mouse. i am not sure if we are discussing the same issue.
  13. I do not think I agree with this. I do not think the wall should be invisible so you will need to put an opening in wall (in lieu of invisible wall), use a door or a window opening to create the pass thru in lieu of using Glenn's invisible wall. (BTW, I am not considering the auto roof build) Excuse me while I go out into the parking lot to fight this out with the Great Glenn Woodward....... ..... nuts, he took a cheap shot and gave me a black eye.......
  14. I am sure I deserve the comment. Thank you.
  15. The downside to my method is in THE PROPOSED PLAN I can see the demo'd wallls but I can not see the demo'ed toilets. i can see the demo'd toilets in the demo plan and the demo'd walls. Not or being able to see demo'd walls in proposed plan has not been a big downside for me. and if my client decides to leave toilet in, I put it on default layer and it shows correctly. think about it. A lot to it, But I think my demo method works pretty good and efficiently for me. BTW, I always hated those multiple lines on the exploded sinks and toilets.
  16. Try watching this mess.... https://youtu.be/ZNqVqkJOpnw if this vid turns out as well as it should, this might be the answer to what you want. I have found this method to work very well. If you have questions, let me know.
  17. Got it, thanks. I assume that applies to the cad line and not the camera. The parallel/perpendicular does not work for camera. It does work for the line that you may want to use to get the direction of the camera correct. Joey posted one of those cryptic posts that someone can spend 10 minutes figuring out, thanks Joey.
  18. It might be my friend but I am not sure what it does. Would you mind explaining what it does. We with our own hot keys do not understand control d
  19. Turn off angle snaps, draw a construction line perpendicular to the wanted view direction, now shoot a camera shot along that construction line that is perpendicular to the view.... the camera should snap to the construction line.
  20. Just post a plan with the walls you are having issues with and you will have more answers than you can use. Seriously, there are so many variables, give us the variable you are working with andI bet you get an answer.
  21. I concur, and the louver vents will be easier to create.
  22. He sends the entire plan to layout... it is live. He picks the layers he wants on and assigns a line style and line weight to the layer. The key is understanding which level you want to ref... I think P. sends his first floor to layout and ref's the second floor.
  23. So I am flipping my first house. It is not easy peasy. The text does not flip correctly, electrical does not flip correctly, and there are other minor issues. I would report this, but from what I have gathered, it has been reported by others. I suppose it is quicker than starting over, but it still takes work.