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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Hey P. I sure hope you can help us out with your entry. And I will see you Saturday too.
  2. Oh Michael, this is so awesome. Give me a couple of days, believe it or not, I actually have work to do, and no cheap trophies, I get paid in Pesos out here in SoCal. Oh, one more final rule. All entries must be posted prior to Friday, August 29th at 12:00 pm midnight. This will give you Michael 6 hours to determine the winner of the $25.00 and the 10" cheap plastic trophy and you can announce the winner at our Saturday workshop at 6:00 am pst. Awesome stuff Michael, thanks for participating, I will have my entry in before the deadline.
  3. There you go Michael, you already have three Vermin chomping at the bit wanting to give you the best dang funeral home in the world. Oh, one final rule, your funeral home, you are the final arbiter when it comes to determining the winner of the $10.00 Prize money and the Cheap 10" tall trophy.
  4. Yep, I get this, not sure if everyone understands this.
  5. Hey Michael, lets's call it the MMCCRUMP; RENDERING CONTEST. Here are the rules: -we have to use your materials -we have to use your ugly cars -we have to use columns but.... -we can put in our own landscaping -we can choose any camera angle -we can choose any media, whether rendering, ray trace, water color etc. this could be fun, are you in? This could be very enlighting. You put up the $10.00, I will pay for the cheap plastic trophy (minimum 10" tall), let's do it!!!
  6. Michael, I agree, something is lacking. I have an idea. Strip your plan down, post the plan, and have a contest with all of your friends here to see who can produce the best RayTrace with your project. Offer a $10.00 prize for the best rendering. I bet you would get a lot of entries and we can all learn from it. Hey, just call me the "Idea King". See you Saturday at the workshop. Oh, at least throw in a trophy along with the $10.00...... I will pay for the trophy, (you have been more than generous with me).
  7. Lew, can you think of a reason not to do it? Do you think Alaska would be having the problems he is having it he had done it ?
  8. This is your answer. You need to have a second floor. You cannot have a second floor on an attic level. Let me be clearer, and I have said this on multiple occasions. To simplify building your model, always have one extra level than what is needed. I.E., if your house is one story, have two levels, if your house is a two story, have 3 levels. If your house if a 3 story, have 4 levels. I know, not required, but if you followed this dictum, you would not be having the problem you are now having.
  9. Michael, you should post some pix of your renderings to get some specific feedback.
  10. Perry turned me onto this and I am forever grateful. Pretty cool stuff. Thanks again P.
  11. Great question, select door. open DBX<OPTIONS<IN CURVED WALL, check the CURVED DOOR option, done.
  12. Yep, that is what I would suggest.
  13. Appreciate the confirmation, I was beginning to think it was a MAC shortcoming. Apparently it is a shortcoming for both the MAC and the PC.
  14. I do not think so. Try it again. If you can please let me know, because as of now, I can only have one layer/anno set for each plan.
  15. I have mentioned this many times. Printing a PDF on a PC generates a 8 meg file while the same PDF on a MAC generates an 80 meg file. Very difficult to email an 80 meg file.
  16. This is very true, however you can utilize ONLY one layer/anno set at a time. A big plus would be if I could have the first floor plan open in two different windows with one view utilizing the FLOOR PLAN LAYER SET whilst the other view was using the FRAMING PLAN LAYER SET. The way it is set up now, and the only way it is really useful is if I have a SECOND FLOOR VIEW open and a FIRST FLOOR VIEW open side by side. I suppose this can be useful, but I never use it. But I do find myself wanting the option of having two floor plan views open side by side, one utilizing the FLOOR PLAN LAYER SET and the other view utilizing the FRAMING LAYER SET, along with the appropriate ANNO SETS for each view.
  17. Thanks, it only took me 30 minutes to go through this frickin process of printing something on the PC, plain flat out stupid that I have to go through this exercise every time I want to print something.
  18. I forgot how to do this. Too much time on a mac. If the program freezes, how do I abort program? Is it CNTR/OPT/?....... I hate switches back and forth between the mac and pc to do printing...... wastes more of my time
  19. I still do not understand the issue.
  20. Video here. Worked good to me. No bug per KBird. Good vid but nothing new. http://youtu.be/PJOayjkjgps
  21. Video here, Glenn solution of course is the best..... if you have X6, otherwise there is another method for those using older versions of CA. http://youtu.be/SObDUevFctI Not a bad vid.
  22. I think TB understands this as do I, totally separate issue.
  23. I love these kinds of things, if nobody else looks at it and if I have time in the am, I will take a look. These darn garages and there sills ain't too cool...... but I will take a look if time permits.