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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Fix the studs by rebuilding the wall framing. I usually have this on all the time. AUTO REBUILD WALL FRAMING, that was your problem with studs going thru the window.
  2. That worked for me on the mac.
  3. The answer is..... select text, hold down shift key, select text again, BLOCK IT, now grab by a corner and resize.....is there an easier way? I don't know.
  4. I think layer over anno was the consensus
  5. I know Doug, we are being anal, bottom line, I think Perry hit on it. It was my mistake to use the rounding to THE GRID, once I changed to rounding to the dimensions, it was close enough for government work. I hope this info helps out Steve N.
  6. Problem with a post like this is it does not answer the OP's question. I think several of us offered explanations or solutions the best we could based on our knowledge, but Doug, if you knew there is a minor bug or Perry provided the solution, it would of been appreciated if you had acknowledge the answer. After your response I still do not know the answer.
  7. You may have it on it P. Not grid rounding but distance rounding.
  8. It was announced today at 6:05 that dip sh** Hall won the first annual McCrump Rendering Contest. He has won a $25.00 Bounty and a Cheap 10" plastic trophy. Congrats to Dip Sh** Hall. Thanks to Barton and Jintu for participating, we all appreciate your efforts.
  9. Just tried it, could not repeat your issue, it worked for me....... using 1/8"..... but I did notice anything less than 20/32" rounded down, and we all know 19/32" should be rounded up. Anything 1/2" or more should round up. I think you found a bit of a bug, I think you should report it.
  10. Okay, my dad says he got CA IN 1958, mmmmmmm........ That was 56 years ago, before I was born, but all I have to say is he taught me 95% of what I know, thanks Pops.
  11. That would be great, I think we would all appreciate that, especially BB, since he is having a difficult time exceeding expections, but I have to say, BB did do a great job, just don't tell the judge. Thanks JC, see you next Thursday at the RBI for a round of golf.
  12. Hi Michael, I think the winner should be announced at our workshop tomorrow morning....... it is very kind of you to let BB know that my rendering is much better than his, but when we meet tomorrow morning, please let him know that your decision was a very difficult decision, but after much contemplation, it was obvious that my rendering exceeded all expectations, see you in the am.
  13. Okay guys, I have to get to work, so this is my submittal, better than Jintu in my not so humble opinion, but BB might have me beat. This is my classic CRAPPY 2 MINUTE RAYTRACE. If only McCrump had offered a $50.00 payout, I may have spent more time. Hey McCrump, please pick me, it will save me the cost of a cheap 10"plastic trophy.
  14. BTW, if Jintu wins, what will it cost me to send a cheap 10" plastic trophy to Manila? Is it a lot of money? Jintu, would you mind picking it up yourself to save me postage? Nuts, I better try to win this contest myself to save money.
  15. No problem, I will send to home address.
  16. I have to say Jintu, if you want that $25.00 prize money and the cheap 10" trophy, you have to do better, I think BB has you beat. It's nice, but BB did a really nice job.
  17. I wonder if a ceiling hole would work.
  18. Never considered kbirds method, I might try it. I do not like Tommy's method. I think the best method is to put a wall in and designate it as retaining. Now here is the key.......... Adjust the height of the top and bottom of wall. Now put the height back to original elevation if you want. The key is once you have changed the elevation, it will STAY as you put it.
  19. How much room is between the flatten roof and stairs?
  20. Barton, you are setting the bar pretty high, nice job.
  21. Yeah, I think Perry has been practicing the Models look. Kind of a good looking guy, I wonder if a Penny appreciates him.......... Hey P., if you get time would you mind saying something nice about me so I can pass it on to my wife?
  22. I got to tell you, I think I am moving to Norway. If I want to add a doorbell outside my front door, I need 38 sheets of plans, an engineers signature, the blessing of President Obama and my wife's approval. Oh wait, I also need coastal approval, fire department approval, city approval and the blessing of the Zoo Curators at the San Diego Zoo...... did I mention I need FAA approval? Anyway, that is why I make the big Pesos..... I have to jump through a lot of hoopolas.
  23. Yeah, I will get to that, plus landscaping improvements.
  24. My second stab at it. Another CRAPPY RAYTRACE, 2 minutes max. What I am finding interesting is my own CRAPPY RAYTRACES are much better, so what am I missing? Anyway, I am enjoying the challenge. I have to get to work now and earn some pesos. It will be much better before the deadline...... I hope.
  25. Okay, here is my first stab at it, my CRAPPY RAYTRACE, 2 minutes max. I can do better. What is great about this is the process of taking somebody else's plan, and trying to make it work with our own standards. My standards are very low, as I said, max. 2 minute ray trace, I might stretch it to 3 minutes. Anyway, thanks Michael for the challenge, I will do better before the deadline.