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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Yes, I think I did a vid on this. It might be the best solution to date. The key here is to use your own door, that has been made of two psolids, one on the front and one on the back, by doing this, you can have different materials on the front and the back. (just reviewed this and by some miracle I guess the default door had two sides to it.) This solution works well in render,but in vector view, you get a few extra lines. But again, probably the best simplest solution to date.
  2. ...... geez, am I a dunderhead, thanks to Bill Layman, I learned something today........ <<...>> Scott In case your interested, at the Anno conf call several weeks ago it was brought to my attention that “Rich Text” does not operate the same as Text and I lose the ability to make global changes. I used Rich Text because I could get the leader and text with one click. However, with the info from your confr I started looking and finally found how to change (see attached) from rich text to regular text. I’ll be using Text instead of Rich Text forward. Have a great day. Bill <Text Leader.png> Not sure if the JPEG shows, but if you go to PREFERENCES<APPEARANCE<TEXT and uncheck CREATE RICH TEXT, from now on your text with the auto leader lines will be plain text which means the text can now be controlled via the layers. Rich Text cannot be controlled by layers. If you were to ask me, I think the OOB should be defaulted to using PLAIN TEXT vs RICH TEXT. Nice job Bill Layman, thanks for the info.
  3. Back in the day we did a lot of NTS (not to scale), and I agree with you, this probably caused problems down the line.
  4. Here is a work around...... change DIMENSION TEXT to 0.000099" hi (becomes invisible), now add some ADDITIONAL TEXT that says "EQUAL". This might be as quick as anything you can come up with..... but maybe not...... just an option until you get what you want.
  5. Okay Larry, so you know how to do it.
  6. Ahhhhh, but Grasshoppa, you must change the studs MAATERIAL from 2x4 @ 16 to 6x6 @ 60" oc. Took me about 45 seconds to do this. However you will notice I do have an extra POST on each side of the corner post. Can be quickly edited but I do not like to do much editing if avoidable. My solution is not perfect. The wall you see is auto built. Excuse me while I get on my soap box. One of the shortcomings of the CA videos and manual is they do not point out the many different methods of doing a task and the shortcomings of each. Here I have done what the OP wants but with some shortcomings. Tommy Blair's method of using psolids is good, but it too has limitations. Anyway, I could do a vid on the different methods but......
  7. Not sure what the problem is, I could of changed the second "C" to a "G".
  8. JC, why no cad block? It seems it might work for plan view. I bet the back looks good in render view, but extra lines in vector view.
  9. That is good JC. did you make with solids, convert to window symbol and then change origin? Seems like I have guessed this before.
  10. I would build a wall defined as 4x4 at 5' oc, no finishes, turn on auto framing, build walls and the studs will go to roof. Change roof pitch and posts auto resize.
  11. That is a very good point, us ignorant folk that have never had access to the tool, probably do not know what we don't know.
  12. Mr. McCrump, of course you realize you could of selected that 4" wall, open dvx, change the 3-1/2" studs to 5-1/2" studs and suddenly you have a new wall type with a new name etc., fewer clicks...... but I ain't gunna say that the "Match Properties" tools is a bad thing, I think what I am saying is we can already do whatever everybody is asking for... I thunk that is the case. Hey, I am being a contrarian...... day winding down and I need to leave soon.
  13. I must not of been clear. Yes, I understand what the layer painter does, it auto change line attributes to match the layer as long as the line is defined as matching layer. We are on the same page P.
  14. I started to respond, but decided not to, yeah JC, I see it as you do. Does not get any better or flexible than the existing system of layer defines line characteristics.
  15. Let's think about this. There have been a lot of folks who would like to use the MATCH PROPERTIES OF option that is not available in CA What CA has to offer is the LAYER DICTATES LINE STYLE Two different options that may be confusing if both are available. ......... just thinking guys........ if you had to choose, which one would you want? I suppose you could have both working for you...... I suppose..... I have become accustom to the layer defines the line type...... think about it..... I think this is really the way to go because....... I use the same line for different layer sets, so I would like to be able to control the line type via the layer set...... if I used the match same line type, that line will have the same properties irrespective of the layer set that is using it. What I am saying is I think you may be wishing for something that will not be as flexible as if you were to get accustom to using the layer for the line attributes...... CA has got this one right if you were to ask me.
  16. Yeah Perry, we discussed this method. Of course there are other idiosyncrasies that we must understand, i.e. the view in render vs the view in vector.
  17. Yes, you need a TEXT BOX with an arrow pointing to the polyline...... however.... when you have multiple boxes on top of each other, this method is not reliable..... the arrow can very easily get confused as to which POLYLINE it is associated with. It is very important that we can trust the area of the polyline. As of now, I do not trust the area of the pollylines.
  18. Exactly, the point is you can not do what you want to do at this point easily. Hence, the request for a LABEL for a closed PLINE that will have a LABEL, the label should have an AREA associated with it, and this AREA should be flexible enough that whatever that LABEL/AREA says, can be used AS A MACRO that can then be used in different applications. I have spoken about this before, I have requested this but as of yet, no one at headquarters has said, "gee dip sh** hall, that is a great idea".
  19. No, no trick, best suggestion is to create a layer that the cad line goes on, and any cad line you put on that layer will take on the layer properties. Very powerful if you learn to use it correctly.
  20. So what is your point? I think the OP wants to be able to delineate specific areas and to take that FLOOR AREA and put it somewhere. If I am wrong, I apologize. We must learn to be more specific about the point we are trying to make.
  21. So what, what are you saying?
  22. ....... and feel confident about what you have..... NO. This has been discussed and it would be a great addition. To be specific..... in my mind..... I would like to be able to create closed plines which would have a LABEL associated with the pline, and the info of that pline, i.e. area..... be used in multiple locations, i.e. FLOOR AREA ANALYSIS TEXT BLOCKS.
  23. Lynn said this a lot 18 years ago, now, not so much. I will pass your kind words onto her.