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Everything posted by dshall

  1. I will forever capitalize your name Michael, and I will send you some San Diego sand.
  2. My mistake, thus is what I was reading...... My mistake, I know Tommy knows the correct method.
  3. my apologies for not looking at your pic. I think GW was wrong once, it was when I was having dinner with him in Sydney and he chose the salad instead of the soup. The soup was awesome.
  4. I assume you have tried GW's method, why do you think TB's method is better? GW method is auto and auto corrects for any editing. The question is why isn't the GW method the best?
  5. Never heard of it. I looked it up, I will cook some up, I will cook enough that if it is worthy, I will send some to you..... win or lose.
  6. Incorrect Michael, GW has the correct answer.... I'll put up some good Mexican food against some of your salmon. The loser must send the winner the spoils via fed ex.
  7. Ron, the only thing I hope for is for your pocket door to fame properly.
  8. I have the plan, show me a pic of the area you are questioning.
  9. Here is a link to the BIRDS MOUTH VIDEOS. Some interesting stuff here..... but maybe more info than you want..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/2646-the-birds-mouth-videos-by-dsh/
  10. But what am I missing. The roof planes are already built. If they are already built, you can't adjust birds mouth for those roofs already built. And yes Jim, other option is to adjust rafter depth, don't want to do that. I will do vid in am so I better understand.
  11. If someone asked Bryce what he charges per hour, 110.00/hr, that might scare the perspective client away. But believe me, I would rather pay Bryce 110.00/ hr than somebody 35/hr and he is no good. You really get what you pay for. So what should you charge? How good are you? Are you as good and as quick as Bryce, if so, charge 110.00/hr. I ain't in Bryce's league, somewhere along the road he raised his rates higher than mine..... nice job Bryce..... but I bet Bryce is worth the money. I quote a fairly high fee, and if someone goes somewhere else, I am in a pretty good position now that I do not care. I do not want to be the cheapest guy on the block. So funny, I used to be proud of the fact that I was the cheapest guy on the block..... and it worked okay for me...... I mean how much does it cost to furnish the underside of a freeway overpass. After we pay our dues, it's time to reap the rewards. Some of us have been paying our dues since the Magna Carta was written.... is that you JC? I have been around since the Declaration of Independence was signed......
  12. You would think so, but I think this problem is too hard for him..... is that you JPC? Dog gone you, I still don't know why we did not get together when I was in Washington.... probably because you are too important to meet with me.
  13. I swear, it seems eveytime I turn around my computer or my iPad or my iPhone or my libido is acting different. About to do a go to meeting. I do about 5 of these a week, about to do one now, and the GTM CONTROL PANEL is actually separated from the CONTROL PANEL WITH THE ARROW TO MINIMIZE. I'll get over this, but there is always something going on.
  14. great question Ron, the plates go down. I want top plates to stay at same location. I have 4x6 rafters on a 2X12 WALL, 2X12 WALL, I want to raise roof 2" but I want the top plates to stay at same elevation... by changing the birds mouth or cut, I should be able to do that. I think what I am realizing is we must define the birds mouth cut prior to building roof, not after.... I assume this makes sense..... RAISE ROOF 4%22 KEEP TOP PLATES AT SAME ELEV 1.plan.zip
  15. Can I not change the birds mouth cut on the fly? Roof built, I want to change the birds mouth cut...... I can't do it, is this so?
  16. Nice suggestion about the angle, but wouldn't this only apply to 3d trees and not 2d trees?
  17. Show me a pic of the view that you want shadows on. Is it a vector view or a normal/render view? I bet it is a vector view. In X6 you should be able to get QUICK SHADOWS which means you should never have to use FINAL VIEW WITH SHADOWS. I never use that anymore, I always get shadows with any render/normal view I take. If quick shadows is turned on, you will always get shadows.
  18. Take the camera view and then change it or change the default camera type in the default settings.
  19. Jeez, a track pad, my gosh, I give you credit for working with that...... I have tried the track pad and I think I am too uncoordinated to use it.
  20. I am not sure which mouse you are using, I have an IMAC and in the beginning I was using the APPLE MOUSE, I hated it when working with the MAC. I have since bought a LOGITECK USB mouse with a scroll wheel and I love it. But I do not know how to alter the PREFERENCES for the mouse but that is okay, I like it as is. I have a mouse on the home MAC and I hate that mouse, ain't that funny, I use it but I suppose I would rather have another logitech mouse for the home mac but I am too lazy to deal with it. Again I will say, you may want to consider getting another mouse for the mac, I found the mac mouse was tough to work with.
  21. I do not have an idea. It may be mouse related. I do not understand the "pinching process". I would rather my scroll wheel zooms instead of scrolls. With the scroll wheel I can QUICKLY zoom out and then QUICKLY zoom in to the area I would like to see. Bottom line, I think the scroll wheel is controlled by the mouse preferences. I will say it again, I would rather the scroll wheel zoom in and zoom out vs scroll to another part of plan. Give that a try and see if you like it, if not, check your mouse preferences for what the scroll wheel controls, whether it is a zoom control or a scroll control.
  22. Oh, so that is what that was all about...... I never made the connection..... believe me, no pun intended,,,,