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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Yeah, I went back to original vid and if I zoomed out in my browser I can see it all..... weird that both P. and I were having issues and it may of been our problem.
  2. P., try zooming out on your browser.
  3. Yes, better, but I had to ZOOM OUT, seems like bad on me. Probably my problem and I can fix at my end.
  4. Agree, Vista Larry needs to work on the sizing.
  5. EDIT OBJECT PARTS is turned off
  6. Love the vid Vista Larry. Nice job. Like to see your usage of hotkeys..... I noticed you set up some custom hot keys that work for you. Hope to see more vids.
  7. I do not think anybody is addressing what Mr. McCrump is referring to. He is asking whether he should select text via LAYER, CUSTOM or the other option. To answer Mr. McCrump's question, I say use LAYER as the default choice..... and then go from there depending on the situation.
  8. Square fixed glass window. Then arch it . Then reflect.......all input in dbx,
  9. Perry, great demonstration. I think that is what many people are asking for. I almost posted a response responding to something like this yesterday but changed my mind. Since you brought it up, I will now put in my 2 cents. I agree this is a nice feature, select n object and ONE dvx opens up with all the attributes quickly editable....... But, But, But, I do not want to always want to edit what I just selected, I might want to move it, so I don't want to give up screen space for a dvx I will not use..... so my solution is select object, AND THEN hit quick key to open said dbx or I can move item selected. Point is, a quick key to open the FULL ON DBX, not much time lost with using that quick key, and I agree with you and others..... that full on dbx is kind of neato.
  10. Alan did a very good job of detailing the method. The problem with this is the elevation is not live. So the elevation needs to be resent to layout after any editing... a PITA. That is why many of us are advocating for auto u updatable elevations.... and it would be great if shadows were an option too. REVIT does it, why can't CA? I know there is a reason, but let's get past that and just do it.
  11. Oh boy, not sure if I agree with this, I do want every layer in every layer set and I think CA is suppose to add every new layer to every layer set.
  12. That is a great idea. I think JPC would be a wonderful asset to the team. No ego with JPC, he calls it like he sees it.
  13. Oh yeah, I know who, he looks like Jim from Taxi.
  14. Last week playing golf, they through a single in with us, his name is Yngva Opaker, in fact he is joining us again tomorrow, Vendel, care to guess which country he is from?
  15. Make the roads overlap and then hit the MERGE POLYLINES. ......bottom left corner. Do we really allow The Dutch on this web site? There was an earlier post where I was trying to figure out the difference between Holland and The Netherlands. A reminder..... Script Welcome to the Great nation of Holland: where the tulips grow, the windmills turn, the breakfast is chocolatey, the people industrious, and the sea tries to drown it all. Except, this country isn't Holland. It's time for: The Difference Between Holland, the Netherlands (and a whole lot more) The correct name for this tulip growing, windmill building, hagelslag eating, container ship moving, ocean conquering nation is the Netherlands. But confusion is understandable -- the general region been renamed a lot over a thousand including as: The Dutch Republic The United States of Belgium and The Kingdom of Holland But it's not just history that makes this country's name confusing because the Netherlands is divided into twelve provinces: Groningen Drenthe Overijssel Gelderland Limburg Brabant Zeeland (Which, by the way, is the Zeeland that makes this Zeeland, new) Friesland (With adorable little hearts on its flag) Flevoland Utrecht, and here's the confusion: Noord (North) Holland and Zuid (South) Holland These provinces make calling the Netherlands 'Holland' like calling the United States 'Dakota'. Though unlike the Dakotas, which are mostly empty, save for the occasional Jackalope, the two Hollands are the most populated provinces and have some of the biggest attractions like, Amsterdam and Keukenhof. Even the government's travel website for the country is Holland.com -- officially because it sounds friendlier, but unofficially it's probably what people are actually searching for.
  16. It just seems if you put CAD on appropriate layer, that layer now auto assigns the FOUR attributes. Method two requires the user to assign the FOUR attributes separately. More clicks. Not a big deal to me, if you guys want method two, hopefully CA will give it to you.
  17. Glenn, I really don't understand why this is important. Would you mind explaining how and why this would be beneficial...... I don't get it and maybe the CA folks don't get it...... but I am always intertested in learning, thx.
  18. Yep, that is the best thing to do, export the drawing to ACAD. There are no problems with ACAD. I remember back in the day when I first started with CA, I did the architectural plans in CA and then I did the structural plans by hand. I have been drawing plans by hand since 1973, so I was very comfortable with drawing by hand. What a logistical nightmare that was. One day I said to my said to myself ..... "you nit wit, bite the bullet and suffer with CA's method" It was not easy in the beginning, but I struggled through it and now it is not so bad. CA ain't perfect, don't get me wrong..... I have used some very colorful words to describe the knuckleheads at CA, but I do recognize that what they are doing is very difficult... very difficult. And they do a pretty good job of eventually improving the program. For me it boils down to this...... is there a better program out there for what I do? I don't think so. I never used ACAD, but my son became quite efficient with it, he now uses REVIT, just the other day he told me he would NEVER go back to ACAD. So here is a guy who uses REVIT which is not as usable as CA for what I do, and he would never go back to ACAD. So you guys who kvetch and moan, go ahead and use what you are most comfortable with, but I bet in a couple of years ACAD will be long gone and then where will you be? Here is a scenario that cracks me up. There is a rather large remodeling company I am familiar with.... they sell the remodel to their client with CA and then have the working drawings drawn in ACAD. Smart move guys..... when was the last time you did a project that after the job was sold there were no more changes either precipitated by the client or by the engineer or by the energy calcs or by the direction the wind was blowing? Can you imagine that you are halfway through the ACAD plans, there is a change to the plans, and now you have to update the CA plans for an accurate rendering and then you have to update the ACAD plans? Does this make sense? For you guys who kvetch and moan, ask yourself if the power users are getting by with CA's stupid, idiotic, arcane, short sighted ways. I bet you would find that 90% of the power users make do....... because the alternative method is even worse. Nuts, I wonder if the Chargers will make it to the playoffs. They must win out against SF and KC, if they can't do that, they do not belong in the playoffs. At least my Cowboys will get in after they throttled the Eagles...... how did you like that game DG? Cowboys over Eagles, yeah Buddy.
  19. Check out the Eric the solvers room divider videos.
  20. Ask and you will receive The Lanai Vid http://youtu.be/IS8RIO2WfHs not bad.....
  21. Right click on the view in layout, LAYOUT BOX LAYERS, and then select the layer you want to use.