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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Interesting, if his vids stand for you, would you mind sharing the 3 best tips you got from Scott Harris..... BTW, he is one of my golfing buddies when we get together, and no, I can't beat him either.
  2. I have been doing remodels since 1979 here in CA. Like Perry, I have done thousands of remodels. I usually rip off the ceiling and then build the floor. I have done Perry's method maybe 4 times at the most. How to do it is typically up to my contractor and most of the time they say rip off the ceiling. I think Perry's method makes a lot of sense if you want to save the electrical runs etc. Both methods have their pluses and minuses and both methods are good. I find it interesting that Perry and I, both of us very experienced, do it differently due to...... what...... where we live? The contractors we associate with? Who knows.
  3. Oh, I forgot to mention, I think The Great Glenn Woodward is going. If you need any tips on surfing in the Indian Ocean, he is the guy to talk to.
  4. i skipped the last UGM, I went to the previous two. I enjoyed meeting the folks at headquarters and I got a better sense of their operation. The first time I went it was definitely worth it because I was able to talk with the Muckity Mucks about a feature that I thought was very important... and you know what..... they gave it to me, that trip was very worth it. I consider myself a power user, so the 2 day workshops they offered, were not as beneficial to me as I was hoping. I believe this year they are putting together an Advanced-Advanced workshop that might be more to my liking. But here is the real kicker that might get your Muckity Mucks to send you to the UGM. I think there will be more hard core power users at this UGM than ever before. Having the opportunity to talk to some of these guys along with CA's Muckity Mucks will make the trip well worth it. I remember always thinking that if I got just one new nugget out of the seminar, it was worth it. I bet you will pick up a lot of nuggets this year. Finally, if you need a small vacation, Coeur D elaine is a beautiful city to visit and there are some real nice folks you will meet.
  5. ...... Do you mean...pop in a roof plane where the old ceiling is to generate joist ends for the cross section after I generate 3Ds....... n Yes, that wouldbe purpose
  6. Dennis's method is doable, I have done it..... problem, think about how your stairs will display on first and third floor... will they show on third floor, yes you if you use ref set or cad lines or blah blah blah,..... My method (or second method) take a look at pic, why now design the floor structure with the ceiling built in..... you will need to add the 2x4 pad on the ceiling joists to support new floor joists. Not sure what the down side to this second method is. One downside to my method would be lack of control of joist direction. Suppose you want joists going one direction and new floor joist going second direction. If that were the case, I would not use joists for existing ceiling joist bay, I would leave empty and then come back later and add a ceiling or roof plane to create joists for sections cuts. Maybe Perry will pipe in, he has probably had more experience with this situation.
  7. I agree with Alan, you are a good sport to put up with our nonsense. Good luck.... I understand what you are doing.
  8. Hey Joe, speaking of golf, I have a 1:52 tee time this Thursday at RBI. Are you interested? Bruce, Yngva and myself.
  9. Joe, it is happening with all apps... the stickiness comes and goes.
  10. Thanks, I was not clear, I am presently using a hard wired mouse. No batteries are being used now.
  11. Interesting that ONLY THE SH OR DH WINDOWS work, casements, hoppers, sliders etc. does not work using Yusuf's approach.
  12. Well, that is clever..... another pick your poison choice. With your solution the auto label will give you the wrong label (double hung window) so that needs to be fixed, and then if you look closely, you can see there is an imperfection in a 3D view, minor, but it is there. Thanks Yusuf.
  13. Yusuf, I approve. I just wish I knew what I was approving. You are showing me a picture like Joe's picture. I am assuming you used custom mutins. If you did not use custom muntins, I have no idea how you did it.
  14. One of the reasons I use hot keys is because I am not very coordinated with the mouse. I was watching Alan Lehman the other day at our workshop, and that guy was so smooth and quick with his mouse, similar to the Moakster's technique. Anyway, my present cheapo logitech mouse is "sticking", you know, not super responsive. Does anybody have any tips on how to make this cheapo mouse perform better (it's a couple of years old, or do I need to buy another? If I need to buy another, is there a mouse you would recommend...... I do not need all the fancy buttons, I use the hot keys. I think I need the USB cable (not wireless).
  15. Custom mutins it is..... I could of sworn I could do it via dvx, this is what Brian says... Wrong again Mr. Hall.
  16. Thanks so much for checking, I could of sworn it was possible at one time.
  17. hmmmm... do you think I tried it already?
  18. Take a look at the picture of window. Do you think you can turn this into a round window with a vertical and horizontal mullion? I don't think so (unless you use custom mullions). Why can't we have a round fixed glass window with a vertical and horizontal mullion. I thought at one time we could..... I check with X6 and not possible.... maybe I could with X3......
  19. Yep, I had to wait until I got into office to watch on computer. I do not think Steve Jobs wanted Adobe Flash Player on his IPADS.
  20. Glenn, was this another one of your tricky vids where you manipulated the process off screen. I did see how you created the bearer or how you manipulated shape, size and spacing of the footings. Did you watch vid?
  21. Dennis, would it be possible to get a wall mounted tv with a toilet paper holder?
  22. You said something that is very important to understand. The conc footings are actually walls. They behave as most walls behave.
  23. Thanks Joe for responding. You confirmed the issue. An issue that has been an issue since I was a babe in diapers. I have a feeling headquarters will fix this soon.