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Everything posted by dshall

  1. And how do you find those layout boxes that are from a particular plan? Example: 4 different files are associated with a layout, and there are layout boxes from the 4 different files spread out over 100 different sheets of the layout file.... how do you quickly find those particular layout boxes that are associated with the particular file you no longer want a part of the layout. This was a very good question by Scott that I do not have an EASY answer for.
  2. Yea right, that's like saying Tiger Woods is going to get golf lessons from Charles Barkley.......... Well, come to think of it, the way Tiger is playing, lessons from Barkley could not hurt.
  3. Interesting, does it auto cut hole in roof? How does it deal with scissor trusses? Is it a problem that you no longer have access to a fixture schedule (not a problem for me). Can you change the size of the hole in the ceiling, i.e. flared skylight well).
  4. Not sure what the down side is, but can't you use dropbox as a way to network. Admittedly I am ignorant when it comes to networking, but I have had good success sharing files with clients by using dropbox.
  5. Thanks Jonathan, a few observations... do you agree with my observations ?.... 1- as you stated the door glass behave differently than window glass, are you talking about the difference being very evident in the TECHNICAL VIEW ? 2- by coloring the glass, you still do not get a shaded window. To get the shaded glass you must give the glass material a PATTERN in lieu of a COLOR or use blinds, Do you agree? 3- The attached pic is what my elevation would look like if the window glass had a PATTERN Finally, no you did not answer the question because I was probably not clear. I was wondering how you used blinds. Can you post a small plans utilizing the blinds? Finally, I really like your elevations, I think the shaded windows make it pop (I did this in hand drawing days), so I am trying to find out best way to get the shaded windows in elevation....... ..... should I use your method with blinds or ...... should I use my method of a PATTERN on the glass.... down side to my method is I think it slows the plan down. Thanks
  6. Can you explain this? How and what did you paint in the doors? Can you post a small plan with window and door? thx
  7. Nice set of plans. To resolve your issue, try turning on the layer ..... WALLS, MAIN LAYER ONLY.... this should give you only the main layer, no drywall etc., also play with turning the........ WALLS, LAYERS ........ on and off.
  8. Yes, I think Joe simplified what is going on, anything with a (D) gets the setting from the defaults. I am still confused about the new tool, the OBJECT PAINTER (Joe's name) or the OBJECT EYEDROPPER (CA's name). Are they one in the same? If they are one in the same, what does this tool do. Does it take ALL OF THE ATTRIBUTES from a window and copy those attributes to a second window? And if so, maybe I do not want all attributes from one window assigned to another window.
  9. Yes Mick, that works for all FUTURE instances, thx
  10. The wrench sets the defauts for any NEW WINDOWS that will be added. The object painter does what? The match properties works for rooms.... and ? But it does not work for windows. I will try to explai what I am looking to do. I have one window that has a sash inset of 1". I have 10 windows with an inset of 2". I want 5 of the 10 windows that have a 2" inset to have a 1" inset. Is there a way to choose that particular attribute (the 1" offset) and then "paint" 5 of the windows so they too have the 1" inset. I know Perry's solution works, thanks P., I guess I was thinking with the new tool I could do this. I suppose I do not understand the value of the OBJECT PAINTER tool and how I would use it.
  11. I am looking at two different plans that are using two different layer sets. The section cut layer for each layer set is using a different size font. Make sure that the layer for the section cut lines for each layer set is using the same font. I bet that sounds as unclear as mud.... but I do not know how else to explain it.
  12. I know X7 came out with a new tool for setting defaults. I do not know where it is. (I guess it has not been that important for me yet). Anyway, which tool is that......... I am looking to change a particular default for my window universally for all existing windows. i.e., I would like to ONLY CHANGE THE SASH depth for all existing windows.... which tool is that? thanks guys.
  13. See, even Scott Menard gets confused with what is your first name... is it Gavin Dennis or Dennis Gavin........ I think DG just might be the easiest way for us nitwits.
  14. I think the world shuld forgot about that silly metric sistum and goin on back to the imperal sistem. Further pruf that us Americuns is dang smart.
  15. Nice Michael.... I just hate trying to put something in place... i.e. Jonathan and Joe;'s methods, you method already puts the cabinet in the correct location, just a matter of resizing..... also, when I copied that extra cabinet.... I would put it on the the CABINET UPPER INSIDE FINISH LAYER....... I wonder if I could of made the layer name longer.....
  16. I think Jonathan solution works better if you want all interior finishes to be of one material.
  17. Great idea, works wells. What would be better is if we could control the material thickness of that inside cabinet.... i.e. make it out of 1/16" thick material..... it is essentially a melamine or paint finish that we are looking for on inside of cabinet. Nice idea using the double cabs.
  18. Dennis, you painted the door and not the cabinet. Seriously guys, if you have a solution, post a small plan so everybody can evaluate whether you were successful. I could of seen an additional 10 posts trying to figure out whether you had been successful or not. Please, post examples of solutions guys.
  19. Are you sure it is broken and not user error? We had a CLORED WORKSHOP last Saturday, and I do not believe anybody had problems with color in layout.
  20. I wonder what would happen if you turned the road layer on.
  21. dshall


    I am not sure about that. I have exported a dxf file in v14 and I had to redo to v12 (or whatever the version numbers are) because he was working with an older version of acad.
  22. Yeah, I remember that, I think a squirrel picked up the ball and carried it back there.