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Everything posted by dshall

  1. 20 years ago I rarely did cabinet elevations, 10 years ago I did not do 3D renderings... To answer your question, no I do not have to have them, do I want them? Yes, why wouldn't I. has it been an issue to date? No. But if we want to be able to communicate to the homeowner and the cabinet guy and the electrician... somewhere down the line we need to have a dialog in regards to how the electrical outlets get laid out. Are they vertical or horizontal etc. I am sure Mark The Cabinet Guy has to deal with this. I am assuming he would like this. Larry, for the last 250 years we have not had them, I suppose we can go another 40 years without locating outlets in islands in 3D.
  2. Yes, I understand that, I suppose my question is why don't they behave correctly. What the heck is a cabinet outlet if they do not automagically align correctly and look good in 3D. Mick, I have been using these crappy cabinet outlets for 10 years, and by heck and by golly they work for me if I fuss with them.... I don't want to fuss with them anymore and I bet CA does not want us to fuss with them anymore. Please CA, just fix them already. We have all noticed the power users who have piped in and commented that they have sent this in to be fixed innumerable times... let's just fix this for us lazy golfers who no longer want to fuss with them. Thank you. I have retired from participating in this thread. I hope you guys all feel bad, I was really planning on a nice lunch for the winner.
  3. The problem with Joey's solution is the step is now about 12" inside closet. However this might be good because the way you have it set up, the closet slab is 6" lower than foyer slab/.... is that what you wanted? My solution in this video does not have joeys problem, however I minimize the footing between closet and bath from 26" to 12" AND I ALIGNED THE FOOTING WITH EDGE. The two things I did to make it work was to align the edge of slab with footing..... I think this i acceptable, you decide, and I also move a wall forward and then back and did a rain dance around my computer and it was fixed. One of those situation where you have to kick the tires, say a couple of curse words and pray to the CA gods and all will be well. http://youtu.be/5c-L3daok0A
  4. Thanks Tommy, I have been doing the workaround for 10 years. I am simply trying to get CA to fix something that should of been fixed 10 years ago. I believe this issue has been reported multiple times by multiple users, and for it not to be fixed is not good. I would like to think this is a very very easy fix for the folks at headquarters. I believe there has been a lot of wasted man hours by not only me, you, DJP, Perry, New York Greg, Mick...... and countless others looking for a good solution, and we have all failed. Please CA, let's fix this. In fact if one of the Gurus at headquarters fixes this before the UGM, I will take him or her out to a lunch of their choice when I visit in Aug-Sept. It is that important to me that this gets fixed that I would be willing to fork out countless dollars (as long as it does not exceed the cost of a Happy Meal), to get this fixed.
  5. Tommy, I have not seen a plan of yours that solves the problem. I know you plan on explaining how to do it in your workshop tonight, but for those of us unable to attend, would it be possible for you to post a plan tomorrow with outlets that work. I don't even care if I know how to do it, if I can copy your outlets and put in my plan I will be one happy camper and I will take you out to a wonderful lunch of your choice.
  6. The lunch has not been awarded yet. I have a feeling there will be no winners. The task is to be able to copy an outlet and paste it on all four sides of an island, and for it to look good in 2D and 3D. Isn't that what happens when we put an outlet on all 4 walls of a room? It looks good in 2D and 3D? I do not understand why the folks at headquarters can not give us (2) outlets, one horizontal and one vertical, that we can paste on the side of an island. I have not done a kitchen in the last 20 years that does not have an island. This is not a rare circumstance. Every one of my jobs has an island that needs electrical outlets.
  7. Please check it, no lunch for New York Greg.
  8. Mark, no lunch for you. As you can see by the pic, if I copied and outlet to other sides of the island, it did n to work in 2d or 3d.
  9. DJP, I was counting on you. When I opened the plan, the picture will show you what I saw. No lunch for you.
  10. I'm not in office, can not verify last 3 posts, but watching DJP's solution was just too easy. Do I really have to take DJP to lunch? Thanks David, I will check it out in the AM.
  11. Talk is cheap, post the plan please. Is there a problem sharing your solution with the rest of us?
  12. Now that I think of it, I think we should extend this contest to the gurus at CA. I am sure they can solve this issue in about 5.68 minutes. I wish someone had asked them to do this about 10 years ago.
  13. Now, one of the reasons the judges required a plan to determine a winner is for this very reason. If you look at New York Greg's solution, I think you will agree with our judges that New York Greg does not win the No Expense Paid Vacation to San Diego. Whilst the 3D view looks great, I think many of us will not approve of the plan view. P.S...... I just saw the Kayak reference..... lol...... a private joke amongst the workshop attendees.
  14. Jerry, if you want to win the No Expense Paid Prize, a plan must be posted with the fix. In fact, if you reply without a plan proving your point, ..... well let's just say someone may send you to the dog house.
  15. That is what I would think. I don't care what the builder does, I just notice they put ply on all wall for the reason Mumbles states above. Yes Perry, ply on all walls for the reason Mumbles states, but I do not care, as long as they give me the required ply length.
  16. Okay guys, I have included the plan. You do to have to do anything except to open the plan and manipulate the electrical outlet on the base cabinet so it looks good in plan and elevation and 3D. As you can see in the picture, the electrical outlets are several inches away from the face of the base cabinet. For you folks down under, that would be 1 cm from face of cabinet. The first person who can post a plan with the corrected electrical symbol that I can then save and put in my library wins a No Expense Paid trip to wonderful San Diego. You will be eligible to spend all of your money to get to this wonderful city, you will be eligible to spend your own money on your accommodations, the penalty you will incur will be a Lunch Paid by Yours Truly. Good Luck to all contestants. BBB SCOTTS CABINET ELEC OUTLET CHALLENGE 1.plan.zip
  17. Out here we sheathe the entire house with ply. Gives a smoother surface to apply the exterior finish.
  18. Thanks, this seems like such an easy fix, I do not understand why it has not been done. If someone does not understand what we are talking about, see pic, the outlets in plan view are on cabinet, in 3d they are away from cabinet and even cast a shadow on cabinet. Does this make sense?
  19. Yep, I agree with Richard. I wish each city would give us a list of their "boiler plate" requirements so we can slap those on the plans and everybody from plan checker, the contractor, sub contractors etc. can find them. I have resorted to leaving all boiler plate notes off plans and letting the different cities plan check a list of notes and then I am labeling the requirements of such and such city to keep things straight. I have had the same boiler plate notes on my plans for 15 years I don't even know what they are anymore, so I am starting over.
  20. Why is it that it is you and I who gripe about this and nobody else? Don't they see the problem?
  21. Interesting Larry, I believe you were creating board and batts with 1x1 stud framing layer. Clever.
  22. Let's not stop there, after all, 2x12 joists burn too,. Let's require concrete walls, floors and roofs, they will never burn.
  23. We have a whole house fan to export the hot interior air to the outside...... and I guarantee you my whole house fan is louder than your silent fan. Our whole house fan sounds like I am inside one of those turbine engines on a 747 that is moments away from taking off. We usually place unwanted guests under the whole house fan and turn it on for a few moments ..... the problem clears up quickly.