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About dshall

  • Birthday 01/24/1960

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    San Diego, Ca.
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    My Wife

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  1. Thanks Jim & Alan (appreciate the link to the catalogs.) Hey and they won't put what are you doing it's like us interfere go to system living assisted living in a house in the house in the house in my house yeah you yeah you don't have to go to the assistant he said he'll come in do the service 48 eight your house gotcha thanks very much I have to get well hello These are the assemblies that come close.... the big hang up is we are putting a JADU under an EXISTING FLOOR ASSEMBLY and we we trying to avoid adding an extra layer of the existing 3/4" ply sub floor. I think my client will need to put an extra layer of something on the existing floor assembly above the new JADU. Thank again.,
  2. Yes, I mean floor assembly, thank you
  3. Yeah, I still do not have an answer for this. I am looking for a 1-hour Wall Assembly with an STC50 and IMPACT class of IIC using 2x10's @ 16" oc. Does anybody have this detail handy? If you do, thank you....... (I already have the existing condition of 3/4" ply on the 2x10 @ 16, I would rather not add anything on top of plywood since it is an existing condition. I can do anything at bottom of floor).
  4. Hi Rene, I thought about that...... but I was not sure it was going to come out this year........ hmmm.... maybe I should cancel it....
  5. A timely thread for me. I have the MacBook Pro on order. I should have it in a week. I will be interested in the speed issues... But I do need an external monitor..... - 27" min........ -4k or 54k? Does anybody have a suggestion for an external monitor????
  6. Robert is correct... not perhaps but absolutely use the ref layer set method.
  7. I give away the DXF files of the plan all the time. Not a big deal to me. Just a courtesy. I do not guarantee the accuracy.
  8. I did some great curved cabinet videos back in the day but I cannot find them now. I would create the shape of cabinet in plan view via cad lines and arcs, using the info from the curved lines , I could then shape the cabinet. The real key is being able to define the BOW DEPTH via the CAD layout. If I remember correctly, I could do just about anything I wanted.
  9. Hi Don, Thanks for this. I will pass it on.
  10. They have CA, but they do cabinets in 20/20. I draw the plans in CA and then they need to draw in 20/20 to do their cabinets. so stupid that 20/20 cannot import DXF.
  11. I sent them in yet DXF file. I just want to know if a 2020 user can import a DXF file. I am not sure my clients are savvy enough to understand it. I can’t believe it’s not possible to import a DXF file in 2020. I did look on the Internet and it wasn’t very clear on whether you could import a DXF file in 2020. just trying to get clarification from somebody that knows.
  12. I did send them a file. I don’t think I know how to do it. I just wanted to make sure it was possible.
  13. Hi All, Can a client using 20/20 import a CA DXF file? thank you!
  14. Turn off auto build foundation. Build the foundations manually.