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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. I've been working on cleaning up my Layout - getting rid of unused Layers, etc. Unfortunately, I've run into a couple of problems that I don't seem to be able to solve: I have a Text Layer "Text, Structural" that is indicated as "Used" but I can't find it in any page - even when all layers are displayed. I have another Text Layer that is indicated as specified in a "Default" but I've checked all my Default Sets and can't find it an any Default. Is there any way to search the Layout file to find where these things are located? Note: My procedure (tedious at best) was to turn on all layers (unlocked) and marquee select the everything on every page. Most things I was able to find and edit or delete as necessary. These two have eluded all my efforts.
  2. No, you will need to set the wall thickness yourself. Chief doesn't know anything about the required thickness for the pocket door to fit in the wall. Normally you would need to define a "Wall Type" with sufficient internal thickness to accommodate the door.
  3. I'm in San Marcos. PM me if you need help on a part time basis.
  4. Katherine, What render mode are you using for the views that don't show what you want? What views are you having trouble with? Perspectives or Elevations? This is why posting a picture and even better the plan will get you better answers.
  5. My Warehouse Detail Plans are all at a scale of 3/4"=1'-0" It's all automatic.
  6. I have a series of Detail Plans: Foundation Doors Windows Railings Floor Framing Roof Framing etc. Within each of those I have from 5-20 details stored in CAD Detail Windows which are named and show up in the Project Browser. I simply select the ones I need from those plans and send them to my Layout. This scheme provides a pretty simple "Look-Up" and keeps my project plan and layout pretty clean. In some cases the Details are imported Images (pdf, jpg, bitmap, png, etc) but mostly they are details I've created in Chief.
  7. I went thru this exercise several years ago with a complete set of "Andersen Bay Window" symbols. Unfortunately Chief doesn't handle "Custom Windows" very well. I was only able to set them up as "Exterior Fixtures" and place them in a "Pass Thru Window" in order to get the Window Frame, Casings, Sill, etc correct. At that time the "Exterior Fixtures" wouldn't show in a Window Schedule. X12 may make it possible to put them in the Window Schedule.
  8. Check the displayed layers. They might be on a layer you don't have displayed.
  9. It's a good idea to immediately save elevation & section views. That way they will automatically be saved in the future.
  10. Sorry, their gone unless you have an autosave in the archives folder that just happened at the right time.
  11. It's strange that they put that in the "Accessories" tab. It would make more sense if it was in the "Front/Sides/Back" tab.
  12. Rob, It would be best if you would post the plan.
  13. In my Layouts I only use a couple of Text Styles and they are different than what I use in Plans. However, I am showing many of the Plan Text Styles available in my Layout. Can I delete those without effecting what's available in the Plans?
  14. That can all be done by adjusting settings in the Window dbx. Also note that if you mull the Windows you can still specify that they show as individual units in the Schedule.
  15. Make sure you save your "Saved Plan Views" and "Camera Views" after making changes.
  16. I would suggest having a different Layer Set for Elevations than for Plans. That way, you can have different Font Styles for the Cabinets, Label layer.
  17. What Layer Set are you using for your elevation views? The text sizes should be set in that Layer Set.
  18. Since the ceiling height of your "Basement" is too low to qualify as a "Habitable Room" you could consider either a "Spiral Stair" or a "Ships Ladder" for access. Either of these might prove sufficient. Note that the "Basement" could only be used as storage or utility space. Consequently it doesn't have to have a code legal stairway for egress.
  19. For me, using "Layer Sets", "Default Sets" (aka Annosets) & "Reference Layer Sets" is a good place to start. Then once you've saved a "Saved Plan View" it's pretty easy to make any other needed changes or settings. Additional items like: Floor Zoom CAD layer etc make up the "Saved Plan View" definition. There are quite a few ways to customize, but using existing "Layer Sets" and "Defaults" provides a very nice way to maintain consistency between views. Once you have a set of standards, it's easy to change floors and do a "Save As" to create a new SPV with everything else being the same. You might need to modify the "Reference Layer Sets" but everything else will generally be the same. If you subsequently change something in the Layer Set it will change all SPVs using that Layer Set. OTOH, simply by making a copy of the SPV you can change to a different Layer Set and different Defaults for a different Drawing type (framing for example) and "Save As". It's really makes coordination and consistency very easy.
  20. Justin, In your 1st post you mentioned that you had been saving as a "New Plan" each day. It could be that you are getting a lot of disk memory being use by multiple copies, backups auto-saved copies. Not knowing what your disk size is or what is available for swap space you may have inadvertently caused the problem completely external to Chief. Otherwise, you could contact customer support and see if they can solve the problem.
  21. David, I love this idea. It could be a part of the "Defaults". Since SPV's use the "Defaults" (formerly "Annosets" or "Active Defaults") this would be a great addition to the "Defaults" and therefore automatically SPVs. Please make this request via a support request or use the Beta reporting tool. I will do likewise.
  22. Instead of a curved Polyline use a Molding Polyline along the wall. Use a rectangular Molding Profile for the Shelf itself. Use a 3D Molding Symbol (must be created with a gap area on either side for the spacing) for the brackets.
  23. I don't think the extend tool will ever be available for walls - but why would you need it anyway. IAE, those 2 tools only show up on the "Edit Toolbar" when a line or arc has been selected. Only other CAD objects can be trimmed or extended. That includes framing because those are in fact CAD when shown in plan or wall elevation views.