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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. What version of Chief are you using?
  2. I just tried saving a wall with a pony wall to the Library. Everything worked fine except - the Pony Wall height which I had set at 24" was stored in the Library at 48". IIOW, the Pony Wall height simply gets stored in the Library as 48" no matter what it's height is supposed to be. CA, Please fix this.
  3. Timmy, Do exactly as Glenn indicates. The second floor wall should be out at the front - that will take care of the area above the door. Or if necessary you can put soffits at those locations.
  4. But to do that the Stucco Layer would have to be that thick.
  5. Yes, I think almost everyone here knows how. It's just a matter of making the walls return back to where the doors are.
  6. I just downloaded and installed version What issues does this update address?
  7. Check the materials. It looks like the glass material of the one you imported may have over ridden an existing material in your plan.
  8. It doesn't appear to me that the OPs pic is a 3D View at all - as some posts have surmised. It appears that way because the wall corners have a miter line. What seems to then be upper cabinets are in fact cabinets on the other side of the walls. As Mark said, this kind of dimensioned view can be pretty easily accomplished with judicious use of Layers. You don't get the double lines delineating the cabinet construction but those aren't really accurate depictions in the OPs pic anyway.
  9. No, there isn't any way to do that currently. The easiest way would be if Chief would provide alternate columns formatted for us. It might be possible by adding columns that could be filled in with macros - I would have to study that. My Schedules are set up with 3 additional columns (Head, Jamb & Sill Detail Reference) so I know we can add components and get extra columns but the component fields would need to be able to utilize a macro to display the values.
  10. I had the same experience as Glenn. This seems to be a problem with something in the terrain, not the labels. Interestingly, displaying a 3D perspective view seems to fix the problem - weird.
  11. My apologies, That doesn't work with railings because they are actually walls. The easiest way that I know of is to simply select one of the railings that is what you want and grab drag the "continue wall edit handle" over the other railings - basically just "draw over" the one's you want to change. BTW, you can save a wall (including a railing wall) to the Library and then just pick it from the Library to draw it wherever you need to.
  12. Select Same - Load Same should do it.
  13. X6 puts individual windows in as "Tabs" which can be pulled off and dragged onto other screens. Those become individual windows with their own toolbars. Those can be resized as desired - but their position is not saved when the plan is closed. There is a setting which allows the positions of pop-up windows (dbx as we know them) to remember their prior locations. and even the prior tab panel within the dbx.
  14. Turn off Auto Framing and delete or modify what Chief provided.
  15. Since Defaults are unique to each Plan or Template, if you Delete any unneeded Default Set it will allow the layer that Default specified to be deleted. Not all of the layers are specified in Active Defaults. Some are specified in the File>Defaults dbx for individual objects, etc. In addition, some Library objects carry their own set of layers and will add those to the Plan as they are placed.
  16. Mark asked why we can't delete the Layers that Chief provides with Premier OOB. The answer is really rather simple - but not obvious. Each of the Templates uses Defaults and within the Defaults for everything is a Layer. Any Layer that is specified in any of the Defaults is considered as Not Deletable and so is "greyed-out" in the Layerset dbx. So all we need to do to change that is eliminate that Layer from the Defaults. example: CAD,Electrical - This layer is specified as the CAD Layer in the Electrical Defaults so by simply editing the Electrical Defaults so that it uses CAD,Default -now the CAD,Electrical layer can be deleted. The fact that a Default in the Plan requires a Layer means that the Layer may be needed - almost like it's already used in the Plan. Going about editing and deleting layers this way could be very tedious. But there's an alternative to Mark's problem: Copy each Layer that you want to use and rename it with *Mark* at the end. Now simply type *Mark* in the Name Filter field in the Layerset dbx. Only the Layers with those characters in their names will be displayed. But you will still need to go into defaults and select those layers for the objects you create.
  17. X4 didn't have multiple monitor support. X6 is much more capable in that regard, but it doesn't remember what was open on secondary monitors. This would be a nice feature but I could see where it might present a problem if you then tried to open the plan with fewer monitors.
  18. Not before next February - but probably closer to 14 more months if history is any guide.
  19. Ron, Check this thread:
  20. Ahh..... See, I detail those because that's how I want it to be built. But I don't do much work for Contractors - usually they either work for my clients or directly for me if I'm my own client. I don't get specific on the manufactured door or window in the detail, but how the casings and trim are done is another thing entirely.