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Everything posted by Joe_Carrick

  1. Attached is a Linear Fireplace Symbol that automatically inserts into a wall (requires Chief version X10). I used the Napoleon LDH62 model and set the bottom to +32". Once inserted, it can be repositioned and/or resized as needed. If you want to change the manufacturer or model number you can do that in the OIP (Object Information Panel) This particular fireplace is 62" wide x 18" tall x 22" deep. If resized, the frame will not stretch, only the overall size. Linear Fireplace - Napoleon LHD62.calibz
  2. Whenever Chief suggests "fixing" the name - Don't do it !!! - just select "IGNORE"
  3. BEST The Insert Macro dialog for user macros is now scrollable and will jump to any A/N character. This is a big improvement. It's not the ideal (browser with folders) but it's a step in the right direction. WORST The Attempt to force the naming of user macros to begin with a lower case letter. This is a really bad decision by CA.
  4. Thanks Michael. It's been a long time since I needed that.
  5. I've noticed that I'm getting duplicates of materials in the Plan in X10. I didn't notice this in previous versions - but it may have been there. Is there any way to "merge" those duplicates into a single material? I really don't like having more than one "Drywall", etc. The list just gets too long.
  6. Add a thin layer of paint to your wall definitions. Then all you have to do is edit that "paint" material to the color you want.
  7. I don't think it works with "Automatic Dimensions". That for me is a PITA and I've submitted a request to have that fixed. When that might happen is anyone's guess.
  8. I'll have to check when I get home.
  9. Scott, Is this an existing condition or "what the owner wants to do" ? You may have to extend the fire protection horizontally on both sides of the 1-hr. wall. I think the city would agree to it if the roof of the existing house and the deck of the new house could both be made to have a 1-hr. fire rating for a minimum of 3 feet from the "property line". ps: That's more than just a layer of 5/8" drywall.
  10. My solution was to copy the first floor dims to the foundation plan and eliminate the dims I didn't need. I also put them on a Dimensions, Foundation layer and locked it so there wasn't any chance of inadvertently editing them later.
  11. I have the Dimension Defaults set to dimension to the Main Layer. But Auto Exterior Dimensions are being created to the outside edge of the Brick Ledge. I tried moving the Extension Line to the inside of the Brick Ledge but can't snap to that line. This is not what I want. I like my Foundation dimensions to match the Floor Plan dimensions. If I wanted the outside of the Brick Ledge I would have specified the dimensions to be the "Surfaces" instead of the "Wall Dimension Layer"
  12. IMO Chief has it right in X10. Any special conditions beyond that should be up to you to detail with CAD.
  13. Chief uses json files to store "Ruby Script Files". Not knowing what that particular file is or where it came from I would be reluctant to download or save it. I definitely would not be inclined to import it using Text Macro Management as it could contain a malicious script. OTOH, you could call Tech Support and ask them if they know what that file is?
  14. Basically, the rules are: Floor Structure is everything above the Rough Ceiling Height Floor Finish is everything above the Floor Structure Ceiling Structure is everything below the Floor Structure (or Roof Structure if there's no floor above) Ceiling Finish is everything below the Ceiling Structure These things can be set in Defaults -> Floor/Ceiling Platform before creating rooms and can also be changed on an Individual Room Basis. For the 1st Floor, it will depend on the type of foundation and if you have a slab or framed floor. Upper Floors will need to be specified with framing depths as needed. In some cases Chief may ignore the Ceiling Structure if there's a Floor or Roof above, so in those cases you need to put anything extra in the Ceiling Finish. Note that Ceilings will frame so this is a better way of creating a "Furred Down Ceiling" than using Soffits.
  15. There can only be one Window Schedule in the Plan File. You may have one in a CAD Detail - which is my preference because I can then send it to any desired Layout page. If there is more than one Window Schedule in the Plan then you will get an extra label. It is possible to use a second Schedule but you have to uncheck the box "Use Callout for Label" in one of them. I do this in order to create a "Window Type Legend".
  16. Paul, All of those things are up to you to specify as you build the ramps. Chief doesn't automatically create ADA ramps.
  17. You have 2 choices Display the cabinet in 3D and "Convert to Symbol" - Cabinet Block it and then specify that the Architectural Block should be treated as a Cabinet in the Cabinet Schedule.
  18. I'm thinking it will probably just require an energy heel truss with a short 2x12 flat nailed to the side of the tails at the eaves. I'll need to determine the exact height of the energy tail since the 2x12 rafters will have a birds-mouth cut bearing on 2x6 top plates. (4: 12 pitch). The rake detail will have to be 2x12 framing anyway.
  19. The Sub Fascia will be 2x12 and the soffit will be stucco. I'm not sure what I'm going to use for the finish Fascia but it will probably be built up of 2-3 pieces.
  20. I have a project where most of the roof will be 2x12 framing but there are some parts that I want to frame with trusses. Ideally, all walls will be 9' plate height and the fascia's will match. It's basically a Gable roof design with 2x12 rafters and fascias. But where trusses are used they will have 2x6 top chords. What method would you use to get the 2x12 tails for the trusses? If anyone has a detail covering this condition it would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Try setting the Block's linestyle to: The Blank Line The Dash Line I'm not positive that this will solve your problem but one of them might. I think the Block's linestyle is simply overwriting the dashed line.
  22. Happy Birthday Scott. Only 2 more years to the big 60 but I'll still be 18 years older.
  23. X10 Professional has that capability.
  24. Richard, PM me. I have such a set of symbols that can be used with Distribution Regions and Molding PLines.