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Everything posted by Alaskan_Son

  1. That seems really weird because it suggests that the browser recognizes the formatting (as evidence by the fact it displays the text as ALL CAPS; however, instead of simply carrying the formatting information, it's actually losing that information and converting the text to capitalized letters. This behavior is something that typically requires an add-on or extension.
  2. What I was actually thinking was this...."And the question is?" Seriously, not sure what the question is. Where does Matt want to use Bates Numbering? What kind of information is he looking to include in the stamp? He could be looking for a way to timestamp cabinets or simply looking for a time and date macro for his layout files. Or maybe he's looking for a way to automatically name plan and layout files. I don't know. The question is just entirely unclear. All we know is that it involves automating Bates Numbering.
  3. How are you copying and pasting that Eric? It looks like you're actually bringing in truly capitalized text somehow whereas my posted text was simply Rich Text formatted to Uppercase. That being said, and reading back through our back and forth, I can see there some clarification is warranted... You are correct. True ALL CAPS does not work. The macros should be typed in using lower case letters. Uppercase formatting (what I posted above) should work just fine though. I'm still curious how you managed to copy and paste my text as actual uppercase letters though.
  4. One piece of advice I would offer is to click Okay a little more often to save your work. You have to re-open the dialog, but the benefits are worth the extra clicks.
  5. You can't. Not sure if I've sent in a suggestion or not, but it's something I personally think about and wish for almost every time I go into that dialog.
  6. Make the text smaller so it fits inside the room.
  7. Yes sir. And some of those "people" you speak of are us -- general contractors, designers, architects, engineers, tradesmen... We are paid to interpret code before it ever even gets to an inspector or plan reviewer, and then sometimes it falls on us to convince or even educate those guys. We are really the primary interpreters though if you ask me. Inspectors and plan reviewers are really just there to make sure we're doing our jobs.
  8. Your method is WAY over complicated. You should read my first post too.
  9. There’s nothing wrong with the ALL CAPS. I did that on purpose because that’s the format the OP was using. EDIT: I see based on some of the follow-up conversation below that this needs some clarification. The text I posted above is not truly capitalized letters. It's Rich text formatted to Uppercase. So I guess you are in fact correct. The macros need to be typed in lowercase. You should however still be able to simply copy and paste what I posted above because what you see is only formatting.
  10. Here’s a question for anyone who truly sees nothing wrong with the inset rail: How far back can it be inset? Perfectly flush? 3”? 12”? 24”? 17 feet?
  11. Hmmm...kinda sounds like you’re just pulling the ole switcheroo with that one. Are you saying the inset handrail does not meet code after-all? Cuz that’s what it sounds like.
  12. Just saw your picture. That's a different thing. For that, open your dimensions and use the Secondary Format. Check Include Second Format and select the desired formatting.
  13. Custom macros in a text box are one easy way. Cut and paste this into your room for an idea... Imperial Area = %room.standard_area.to_sq_ft.round% sq ft Metric Area = %room.standard_area.to_sq_m.round(2)% sq m
  14. Technically speaking, and with regard to the intent of the code, I tend to think the required handrail could (and possibly even should) be required to extend out over the walking surface and that handrails mounted to the top of an adjacent pony-wall (something most of us do all the time) may not actually be providing the intended benefit..especially if there's a decorative wood border that nobody even walks on. In fact, the code specifically states that handrails should be continuous from a point directly above the top riser to a point directly above the lowest riser. If the handrail is centered on a 12" wide pony wall or inset into a wall, its definitely not directly above the riser.
  15. You missed what I was getting at. I'm not saying you would need 80" above the handrail. I'm saying that the handrail is considered part of the stairs and should therefore be the outermost vertical plane and where the headroom height should (or at least could) be measured. Using your logic, it seems perhaps these would both be perfectly acceptable stair cases...
  16. That's what we've always called them around here too.
  17. Undo files don't work that way. Not only are they deleted as soon as the plan is closed, but they're also very small files. Not sure exactly how they work, but they definitely don't contain the entire plan file. I suspect they just store the operation along with instructions for Chief to reverse that operation.